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Direct ink writing technique, an extrusion based additive manufacturing process, has been used to fabricate kaolinite clay based-ceramics with several inexpensive ceramic powders: lime, fly ash and talc. All the above materials are... more
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    • Materials Science
The calcium ion has long been known to play an important role in cell death regulation. Hence, necrotic cell death was early associated with intracellular Ca 2þ overload, leading to mitochondrial permeability transition and functional... more
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The electrophysiological correlates of the Stroop color-word interference eect were studied in eight healthy subjects using high-density Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). Three response modalities were compared: Overt Verbal, Covert... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingElectroencephalography
Brain electrical activity associated with inhibitory control was recorded in ten ADHD and ten healthy children using high density event related potentials (ERPs) during the Stop Signal Task (SST). SST is a two-choice reaction time (RT)... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitive ControlAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance Imaging
El 13 de junio de 1954 sin mucha compresión por un individuo que desde su hogar movía una perilla en una caja de madera y veía imágenes de personas en movimientos, se inauguró la televisión (TV) en Colombia. La TV ha tenido una evolución... more
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    • Gestión Ambiental
Camaleón, la piel árida, reseca de tragarse ojos incendiados, escucha silencioso gestos para hacerse de ellos, para fabricar una pantalla, y suplantarlos. Camaleón anda alegre, se ríe y solloza con sus miles de apariencias, engaña y se... more
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Imaging spectroscopy, also known as hyperspectral imaging, has been transformed in less than thirty years from being a sparse research tool into a commodity product available to a broad user community. Currently, there is a need for... more
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      Machine LearningSupport Vector MachinesParallel ProcessingMathematical Morphology
Hyperspectral imaging offers the possibility of characterizing materials and objects in the air, land and water on the basis of the unique reflectance patterns that result from the interaction of solar energy with the molecular structure... more
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      Remote SensingMachine Learning
The FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission proposes to launch a satellite for the global monitoring of steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence in terrestrial vegetation. Fluorescence is a sensitive probe of photosynthetic function in both... more
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      Remote SensingNeurochemistry
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      EngineeringColombiaHealth CareBirth Weight
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      EpidemiologyAlcoholIncidenceRisk factors
Two research stories provide a means of looking backward at our discipline over the twentieth century and of thinking about moving forward in the twenty-first. These stories recount individuals' quest for control when their moral status... more
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    • Sociology