Papers by Hamest Tamrazyan

The main goal of our study is to analyse the descriptive terminology used in academic discourse d... more The main goal of our study is to analyse the descriptive terminology used in academic discourse dedicated to Ukrainian epigraphy employing a corpus-based approach. Using the BootCat tool and custom tuples such as "епіграфіка графіті напис" and "корпус Україна графіті" we scraped the Web and generated a sample corpus containing Ukrainian texts related to Epigraphy. Our goal was to analyse the variety of epigraphic terms circulating the digital domain and the peculiarities of their usage. Our findings reveal variations in term usage in Ukrainian epigraphic texts, offering insights into their academic application. The case study showcased how synonyms can not only enrich a language, but also impose challenges in standardising terminology due to linguistic variations and the influence of individual scholars. The findings emphasise the need for a nuanced approach to developing standardised vocabularies, considering the linguistic, historical and cultural contexts. This study serves as a valuable example of how digital tools can aid in understanding and addressing the complexities inherent in preserving and studying cultural heritage in the digital age.

The digital era has revolutionized cultural heritage preservation and research, offering unpreced... more The digital era has revolutionized cultural heritage preservation and research, offering unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Digital technologies have transformed how we access, analyze, and represent cultural resources, particularly inscriptions rich in historical and cultural significance. This transformation not only protects these artefacts from physical degradation but also makes them globally accessible, fostering a broader appreciation of our shared heritage. Digitization is the first critical step in preserving inscriptions, converting physical artefacts into digital data for easier sharing, analysis, and long-term preservation. Ensuring that these digital collections adhere to Linked Open Data (LOD) principles is essential for integrating data across various platforms and enhancing global academic collaboration. The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) framework plays a pivotal role in organizing this knowledge in a machine-readable and human-understandable format. Our research focuses on compiling a structured vocabulary of terms related to Ukrainian and Armenian epigraphic inscriptions, forming the basis for a comprehensive SKOS framework. Precision and uniformity in terminology are vital in academic disciplines, particularly in epigraphy, where the study of ancient inscriptions intersects with history, archaeology, and philology. Clear and consistent terminology ensures effective scholarly communication and accurate knowledge transmission across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Terminological discrepancies can lead to misunderstandings and hinder collaborative research. This challenge is amplified by the linguistic diversity in global academia, where English often serves as the lingua franca. Translating and harmonizing specialized terms across languages is complex, especially for terms with nuanced meanings or historical evolution. The field of epigraphy exemplifies these challenges, requiring a specialized vocabulary that accurately reflects the artefacts' characteristics and broader contexts. Standardizing this terminology while respecting linguistic diversity is crucial for clarity and consistency in academic discourse, ultimately facilitating a more integrated understanding of our cultural heritage.

This study aims to identify and classify top-level terms in Ukrainian epigraphy to develop a SKOS... more This study aims to identify and classify top-level terms in Ukrainian epigraphy to develop a SKOS vocabulary and facilitate the categorization, organization, and retrieval of epigraphic inscriptions. This research fills a significant gap in the digital humanities, where Ukrainian epigraphic heritage has been underrepresented. The foundation for describing epigraphic artifacts in Ukrainian academia is the «Corpus of Inscriptions of Saint Sophia Cathedral Kyiv» by V. Korniyenko, which represents a structured format of Ukrainian epigraphic heritage. The study is based on comparative methods and detailed corpus-based linguistic analysis of the contextual application of terms in academic discourse. The use of the "Corpus of Inscriptions of Saint Sophia Cathedral Kyiv" is a justified choice due to its structured format and systematic approach to the description of epigraphic artefacts. An important element of the study is the analysis of the structure and content of Korniyenko's works for developing a standardized SKOS vocabulary for Ukrainian epigraphic inscriptions. The research proposes a systematic approach to developing a SKOS vocabulary for Ukrainian epigraphy, integrated with existing frameworks such as the EAGLE vocabulary for Greco-Roman artifacts. This is not only a technical step but also a strategic one, ensuring broader applicability and interoperability, allowing Ukrainian inscriptions to be studied alongside those of other cultures. The findings contribute to a more integrated and accessible digital representation of epigraphic heritage, enriching the global digital humanities landscape and ensuring proper attention and scholarly recognition of the rich epigraphic heritage of Ukraine. The importance of digital tools and corpus analysis for the development of digital humanities, particularly digital epigraphy, is emphasized in this study. Developing a comprehensive SKOS vocabulary for Ukrainian epigraphy will enable the integration of these vocabularies with existing frameworks such as the EAGLE vocabulary for Greco-Roman artifacts, ensuring broader applicability and interoperability, allowing Ukrainian inscriptions to be studied alongside those of other cultures and enhancing cross-cultural and cross-linguistic research.

In the face of escalating threats to Armenian cultural heritage in Artsakh due to armed conflicts... more In the face of escalating threats to Armenian cultural heritage in Artsakh due to armed conflicts and destruction, urgent measures are imperative to safeguard this invaluable legacy. The Digital Humanities Institute at the EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) is leading an effort to digitize the Armenian epigraphic heritage in Artsakh, where inscriptions and toponyms serve as cultural identifiers. Documenting endangered inscriptions and using the <origin>, <origPlace> and <provenance> tags safeguard historical integrity. Integrating GeoNames and Pleiades enhances accessibility and accuracy, bridging perspectives and preserving heritage. The project's bilingual nature amplifies complexity, as English and Armenian representations are layered with intricate grammar nuances. Lemmatization and regularization ensure consistent proper names, particularly across diverse grammatical cases. In a landscape where cultural heritage preservation is needed, the marriage of external resources, Armenian toponyms, lemmatization and regularization ensures historical accuracy and accessibility. This academic setup clarifies the methodologies and standards used, emphasizing the preservation of Armenian cultural heritage through digital epigraphy. The setup of the corpus allows for future enrichment by incorporating additional inscriptions, more detailed historical background information and etymological clarifications about the toponyms.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 30, 2023
Conference Proceedings of the ІII International Conference “Current Problems Of The Romance And Germanic Philology In Anthropological Perspective”, Kyiv , 2020
Матеріали IVМіжнародноїнаукової конференції “Актуальні проблеми романо-германської філології”, м. Київ – 2023 , 2023

AICSSH2019(Cambridge)ConferenceProceedings(ISBN Number 978-1-911185-95-6 (Online)), 2019
The goal of this research paper is the psycholinguistic study of imitation as the initial stage o... more The goal of this research paper is the psycholinguistic study of imitation as the initial stage of cognition. The research hypothesis is that imitative processes lie in the basis of human cognition and language origin. We have observed the process of imitation in three different aspects of social development as ontogenetic, phylogenetic and cultural forms of selection. We have given the formalphonemic classification of imitative language phenomena in Armenian, English, Russian, and the diachronicetymological ascendance to the phonosemantic origins considering the background data of other languages. The results of the study of the onomatopoeic words and the effects of the historical development of sound imitation of natural phenomena allow us to assume that the initial stage of language emergence is conditioned by sound imitations given by the prehistoric man as a way of physiological and psychological reactions to the natural impulses.

Nowadays the demands and the challenges young people face in order to be competitive participants... more Nowadays the demands and the challenges young people face in order to be competitive participants of the globalized labour market have demonstrated the need for professionals with sound knowledge in their field and good mastery of English as a lingua franca, an international means of communication for non-native speakers of English. For an individual passing through the levels of tertiary higher education in languages, linguistics, and communication, doing a research is one of the most important components of their studies. It is widely spread to evaluate the final results of the research work done by students. But a little research has been done to assess the impact it can have on them as an individual, as a future scientist, as professionals with high research qualities on one hand and as a learner of a second language on the other. In this paper, we have tried to demonstrate the gradual development of research culture, language competences, the topic, learning and cognitive capacities, and personal qualities from an undergraduate study till the doctoral research of language and culture acquisition. "Every language is a vast pattern system, different from others, in which our culturally ordained forms and categories by which the personality not only communicates but also analyses nature, notices or neglects types of relationship and phenomena, channels his reasoning and builds the house of his consciousness" (Benjamin Lee Whorf). The matter of identity is one of the central topics for most of the developing countries. On the one hand, globalization gives huge opportunities for young people to receive education abroad, to work in international companies and organizations etc. On the other hand, the demands and the challenges young people face in order to be competitive participants of the globalized labour market have demonstrated the need for professionals with sound knowledge in their field and good mastery of English. For an individual passing through the levels of tertiary higher education in languages, linguistics, and communication, research works are compulsory. It is widely spread to evaluate the final results of the research work done by students-course papers, presentations, and "diplomas". But a little research has been done to assess the impact it can have on them as an individual, as a future scientist, as professionals with high research qualities on the one hand and as a learner of English as a second language. Developing research culture and language competences takes time. In the context of research work these two groups of important skills develop simultaneously. Research competencies or indicators of high-quality research culture fall into the following 3 For the students the research culture starts from learning the source: from the culture research. These sources are mainly presented in English. It means that students get acquainted with scientific discourse. Scientific discourse contains several elements such as academic skills, language skills, intercultural sensitivity and understanding, interpersonal skills and audience. All these skills necessary

Language is the principal medium for establishing religions, laws, moral conventions, «creating» ... more Language is the principal medium for establishing religions, laws, moral conventions, «creating» culture etc. Besides, it is the only medium for the enhancement of cultural experience and cross-cultural communication.
At this stage of our study motivation and emotional memory required for SLA are under study.
The theoretical bases: the topic includes disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to SLA, motivations, emotional memory. During our research, we have turned to the theories developed by, Fadiga L., Brown D.H, S. Krashen, L. Vygotsky, J. Schumman, Edelman etc.
We are inclined to creatively combine main concepts of the up mentioned theories in order to secure multisided, holistic approach to the object under study.
Linguistic data: the examples are ranging from preschool to university levels.
The results of the analytic research allow us to assume that the learner appraises the teacher, the method, and the syl- labus, as well as the target language, its speakers and the culture in which it is used based on his/her past experience and cultural background. Besides these personal preferences there exist common basis for all the second language learners. The best methods for second language teaching are those which are based on these common features and are flexible enough to undergo certain changes depending on the learner’s characteristic features, needs, motivation, cultural background etc.

The goal of this research paper is the psycholinguistic study of imitation as the initial stage o... more The goal of this research paper is the psycholinguistic study of imitation as the initial stage of human cognition and language acquisition in infants from the ontogenetic aspect of study. The article comprises an analysis of all significant theories of language origin, language acquisition and imitation. The discussion of imitation in its two representations is followed by a study of imitative language in the early verbal behavior of monolingual and bilingual infants. Linguistic data analysis leading to inferences supporting the proposed hypothesis is presented in the paper. Imitation is also proved to be an essential factor on all levels of linguistic categorization.
The conclusions drawn in the final part summarize the exploration of imitation in its twofold representation: as a basic cognitive operation with the world of objects and as a basis for semiotic abstraction of the sounds of the world into objects of linguistic signs.
Papers by Hamest Tamrazyan
At this stage of our study motivation and emotional memory required for SLA are under study.
The theoretical bases: the topic includes disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to SLA, motivations, emotional memory. During our research, we have turned to the theories developed by, Fadiga L., Brown D.H, S. Krashen, L. Vygotsky, J. Schumman, Edelman etc.
We are inclined to creatively combine main concepts of the up mentioned theories in order to secure multisided, holistic approach to the object under study.
Linguistic data: the examples are ranging from preschool to university levels.
The results of the analytic research allow us to assume that the learner appraises the teacher, the method, and the syl- labus, as well as the target language, its speakers and the culture in which it is used based on his/her past experience and cultural background. Besides these personal preferences there exist common basis for all the second language learners. The best methods for second language teaching are those which are based on these common features and are flexible enough to undergo certain changes depending on the learner’s characteristic features, needs, motivation, cultural background etc.
The conclusions drawn in the final part summarize the exploration of imitation in its twofold representation: as a basic cognitive operation with the world of objects and as a basis for semiotic abstraction of the sounds of the world into objects of linguistic signs.
At this stage of our study motivation and emotional memory required for SLA are under study.
The theoretical bases: the topic includes disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to SLA, motivations, emotional memory. During our research, we have turned to the theories developed by, Fadiga L., Brown D.H, S. Krashen, L. Vygotsky, J. Schumman, Edelman etc.
We are inclined to creatively combine main concepts of the up mentioned theories in order to secure multisided, holistic approach to the object under study.
Linguistic data: the examples are ranging from preschool to university levels.
The results of the analytic research allow us to assume that the learner appraises the teacher, the method, and the syl- labus, as well as the target language, its speakers and the culture in which it is used based on his/her past experience and cultural background. Besides these personal preferences there exist common basis for all the second language learners. The best methods for second language teaching are those which are based on these common features and are flexible enough to undergo certain changes depending on the learner’s characteristic features, needs, motivation, cultural background etc.
The conclusions drawn in the final part summarize the exploration of imitation in its twofold representation: as a basic cognitive operation with the world of objects and as a basis for semiotic abstraction of the sounds of the world into objects of linguistic signs.