Chiara Monterumisi
Chiara Monterumisi (PhD) is architect and now visiting researcher at the EPFL-École Polytecnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland). She joined the Laboratory of Construction and Conservation (LCC) head by Luca Ortelli in March 2016 as Post-Doc Fellow, where she stayed for three years. There, she conducted two research projects about social housing interventions in the interwar-period, with a particular regard to Sweden and Denmark. The methodology applied here comprises of a historical examination based on archival items and dedicated literature with a typological and morphological analysis of the selected case-studies.
The first research project, Stockholm: Housing in the Interwar Period, was entirely granted from the SNSF-Swiss National Science Foundation. The goal was to examine the transformations in the urban policies of the Swedish capital city and, then, comparing the multiple experimentations in architectural models and dwelling layout for the design of the housing districts.
After completing the SNSF research grant, she aims to widen the perspective on the Nordic housing production. The focus goes to the nearby Denmark, specifically she investigates the work of Kay Fisker in Copenhagen.
Her pieces of writing have been published as papers and books’ chapters in international publications, mainly in Italian, English and French.
As a member of the LCC, she is one of the scientific curators of the exhibition “HOUSING” (18th September - 2nd November 2018) held at the EPFL aims to display the morphological and typological variety through a selection of remarkable examples of Frankfurt, Wien and Stockholm 1920s-1930s housing complexes.
Together with professor Luca Ortelli (head of the Lab LCC) and Dr. Alessandro Porotto, she is guest curator for the forthcoming issue (vol. 4, issue 3, September 2019) entitled «Housing Builds Cities» for the open access double blind reviewed journal “Urban Planning”.
She is also one of the session coordinators, namely “News from the Nordic countries or an epoch of action”, for the forthcoming 9th AISU International Conference which will take place at the Alma Mater Studiorium – Università di Bologna in September 2019.
She has recently published a book, entitled «Ragnar Östberg. Villa Geber: a house in the archipelago» (Vicenza: Edibus, July 2017), which was entirely supported by the C.M. Lerici Stiftelsen. The book recasts the twofold focus of the Ph. D. dissertation by addressing here, with much more details, the domestic project of villa Geber.
In 2011, she completed the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architecture at the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy). There, she also obtained the Ph.D. degree in “Architecture and Design Cultures” in 2015 with the thesis «Ragnar Östberg. Genius loci and urban memories. Stockholms Stadshus-Nämndhus and villa Geber». During the doctoral school, she was also teaching assistant at the I B.Sc.’s design studio. Thanks to the 6-month research scholarship provided by the C.M. Lerici Stiftelsen, she was visiting researcher at the KTH-Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm (Sweden) for finalizing her Ph.D. study.
Address: Lausanne, Switzerland
The first research project, Stockholm: Housing in the Interwar Period, was entirely granted from the SNSF-Swiss National Science Foundation. The goal was to examine the transformations in the urban policies of the Swedish capital city and, then, comparing the multiple experimentations in architectural models and dwelling layout for the design of the housing districts.
After completing the SNSF research grant, she aims to widen the perspective on the Nordic housing production. The focus goes to the nearby Denmark, specifically she investigates the work of Kay Fisker in Copenhagen.
Her pieces of writing have been published as papers and books’ chapters in international publications, mainly in Italian, English and French.
As a member of the LCC, she is one of the scientific curators of the exhibition “HOUSING” (18th September - 2nd November 2018) held at the EPFL aims to display the morphological and typological variety through a selection of remarkable examples of Frankfurt, Wien and Stockholm 1920s-1930s housing complexes.
Together with professor Luca Ortelli (head of the Lab LCC) and Dr. Alessandro Porotto, she is guest curator for the forthcoming issue (vol. 4, issue 3, September 2019) entitled «Housing Builds Cities» for the open access double blind reviewed journal “Urban Planning”.
She is also one of the session coordinators, namely “News from the Nordic countries or an epoch of action”, for the forthcoming 9th AISU International Conference which will take place at the Alma Mater Studiorium – Università di Bologna in September 2019.
She has recently published a book, entitled «Ragnar Östberg. Villa Geber: a house in the archipelago» (Vicenza: Edibus, July 2017), which was entirely supported by the C.M. Lerici Stiftelsen. The book recasts the twofold focus of the Ph. D. dissertation by addressing here, with much more details, the domestic project of villa Geber.
In 2011, she completed the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architecture at the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Italy). There, she also obtained the Ph.D. degree in “Architecture and Design Cultures” in 2015 with the thesis «Ragnar Östberg. Genius loci and urban memories. Stockholms Stadshus-Nämndhus and villa Geber». During the doctoral school, she was also teaching assistant at the I B.Sc.’s design studio. Thanks to the 6-month research scholarship provided by the C.M. Lerici Stiftelsen, she was visiting researcher at the KTH-Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm (Sweden) for finalizing her Ph.D. study.
Address: Lausanne, Switzerland
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InterestsView All (32)
Books by Chiara Monterumisi
> guest authors
Paola Viganò, Bruno Marchand and Eric Mumford
> authors
Susanne Komossa and Martin Aarts ; Lidwine Spoormans, Daniel Navas-Carrillo, Hielkje Zijstra and Teresa Pérez-Cano ; Silvia Malcovati ; Andreina Milan ; Hamed Khosravi ; Yael Allweil and Noa Zemer ; Gérald Ledent ; Rhea Rieben ; Nicola Braghieri ; Nelson Mota ; Manlio Michieletto, Olatunde Adedayo and Victor Bay Mukunya ; Marson Korbi and Andrea Migotto ; Valentin Bourdon ; Sara Brysch
ENG. The main purpose of the book is to break the monotony of interest by the critics in what is Ragnar Östberg’s masterpiece, the Stockholm Town Hall. This is attempted by sketching out a new line of critical analysis focusing on another aspect of his output, Villa Geber (1911-1913); indeed, the national romantic movement’s quest for a recognisable identity was not confined to public buildings. The lives of the two
design projects interwove in time, such that one glimpses a mutual influence. «With its simple and original lines, and its extraordinarily beautifully designed courtyard is a pearl of modern Swedish architecture». Starting from the fascination that the Villa Geber held for H. Ahlberg and F. R. Yerbury (1924), the book explores the harmonious blend of cultures and forms it comprises, widely differing in space and time; to which there is necessarily appended a broader treatment of the villa concept in the North, and how it became an increasingly “democratic” style of dwelling.
Papers by Chiara Monterumisi
This contribution sheds new light on urban design history and development of the residential estate via key findings: on the one hand, some drawings and texts from Hallman’s collection (Stockholm Stadsarkiv) as well as drawings and photos of the H.S.B. housing cooperative archive (Centrum för Näringslivshistoria), and, on the other hand, the never-discovered four drawings plates of Lewerentz (ArkDes, Stockholm) that for the first time demonstrate how his design inputs affected significantly the district layout. Organic and structured in form, Rödabergsområdet belongs as much to the collective memory and cultural heritage of Stockholm as to the cityscape.
> Link to the full paper: https://doi.org/10.1080/02665433.2021.1871774
>> The book is the final output of the namesake call for paper organised by the Università degli Studi Roma Tre and Università Iuav di Venezia.
The volume is curated by Laura Pujia, and is available in Open Acces at http://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/libro/rileggere-samona-re-reading-samona/
ISBN: 978-88-32136-90-6
Commento della mostra "HOUSING - Frankfurt Wien Stockholm"
18 settembre - 2 novembre 2018
EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Project room Archizoom, Bâtiment SG foyer
Curatori della mostra: LCC - Laboratory of Construction and Conservation
The chapter is the result of the contribution to the conference "Sicily through foreign eyes: travelling architects" - Università degli Studi di Catania - Struttura didattica di Siracusa, ITALY, May 18 -19, 2017
The attention here goes to two valuable examples: Röda Bergen (1909- 1929) and Vasastaden (1913-1924) situated in two nearby North-West hilly sites of Stockholm.
> guest authors
Paola Viganò, Bruno Marchand and Eric Mumford
> authors
Susanne Komossa and Martin Aarts ; Lidwine Spoormans, Daniel Navas-Carrillo, Hielkje Zijstra and Teresa Pérez-Cano ; Silvia Malcovati ; Andreina Milan ; Hamed Khosravi ; Yael Allweil and Noa Zemer ; Gérald Ledent ; Rhea Rieben ; Nicola Braghieri ; Nelson Mota ; Manlio Michieletto, Olatunde Adedayo and Victor Bay Mukunya ; Marson Korbi and Andrea Migotto ; Valentin Bourdon ; Sara Brysch
ENG. The main purpose of the book is to break the monotony of interest by the critics in what is Ragnar Östberg’s masterpiece, the Stockholm Town Hall. This is attempted by sketching out a new line of critical analysis focusing on another aspect of his output, Villa Geber (1911-1913); indeed, the national romantic movement’s quest for a recognisable identity was not confined to public buildings. The lives of the two
design projects interwove in time, such that one glimpses a mutual influence. «With its simple and original lines, and its extraordinarily beautifully designed courtyard is a pearl of modern Swedish architecture». Starting from the fascination that the Villa Geber held for H. Ahlberg and F. R. Yerbury (1924), the book explores the harmonious blend of cultures and forms it comprises, widely differing in space and time; to which there is necessarily appended a broader treatment of the villa concept in the North, and how it became an increasingly “democratic” style of dwelling.
This contribution sheds new light on urban design history and development of the residential estate via key findings: on the one hand, some drawings and texts from Hallman’s collection (Stockholm Stadsarkiv) as well as drawings and photos of the H.S.B. housing cooperative archive (Centrum för Näringslivshistoria), and, on the other hand, the never-discovered four drawings plates of Lewerentz (ArkDes, Stockholm) that for the first time demonstrate how his design inputs affected significantly the district layout. Organic and structured in form, Rödabergsområdet belongs as much to the collective memory and cultural heritage of Stockholm as to the cityscape.
> Link to the full paper: https://doi.org/10.1080/02665433.2021.1871774
>> The book is the final output of the namesake call for paper organised by the Università degli Studi Roma Tre and Università Iuav di Venezia.
The volume is curated by Laura Pujia, and is available in Open Acces at http://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/libro/rileggere-samona-re-reading-samona/
ISBN: 978-88-32136-90-6
Commento della mostra "HOUSING - Frankfurt Wien Stockholm"
18 settembre - 2 novembre 2018
EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Project room Archizoom, Bâtiment SG foyer
Curatori della mostra: LCC - Laboratory of Construction and Conservation
The chapter is the result of the contribution to the conference "Sicily through foreign eyes: travelling architects" - Università degli Studi di Catania - Struttura didattica di Siracusa, ITALY, May 18 -19, 2017
The attention here goes to two valuable examples: Röda Bergen (1909- 1929) and Vasastaden (1913-1924) situated in two nearby North-West hilly sites of Stockholm.
University of Nottingham (UK) – zoom conference
19th-21th November 2020
Politecnico di Torino, Castello del Valentino (ITALY)
6th-7th December 2019
"The global city / La città globale"
within the D2 panel "News from nordic countries or an epoch of action"
11st -14th September
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Architettura
"Die Multiple Moderne / The Multiple Modernity"
31st January-2nd February
Archiv für Baukunst - Universität Innsbruck (AUSTRIA)
18th December 2018
ArkDes, Stockholm (SWEDEN)
Italienska Kulturinstitutet "C.M. Lerici" (Stockholm)
20th-21th May 2016
ETSAG. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Granada (Spain), 15th-17th April 2015
Politecnico di Torino, Castello del Valentino
19th - 23th June 2014
Accademia di San Luca, Rome (Italy)
14th-15th November 2013
Uppsala Universitet (Sweden), 11th- 12th October 2013
The review is comprised in the bilingual thematic issue:
"ARTSCHITECTURE. The arts as a solicitation of architectural thought"
edited by L. Amistadi and E. Prandi
Editors : Luca Ortelli, Chiara Monterumisi, Alessandro Porotto
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Switzerland)