York County SC Homepage

Upcoming Elections in York County, S.C. for 2025

Vote Local Logo, Official South Carolina Local Election Logo, Local, Elections

Town of Smyrna Special Election
Tuesday, May 6, 2025

Municipal Election Day
Tuesday, November 4, 2025

Early Voting

Voters can visit any early voting center during the early voting period, present their Photo ID, and vote using the voting system like they would at their polling place on election day. 

Vote Absentee By-Mail?

Contact our office at 803.684.1242, by USPS postal mail, or visit us in-person to request an Absentee Application. 

Last day to request an Absentee By-Mail ballot is 5pm on the 11th day prior to the election. 

Voted Absentee By-Mail ballots can be returned during the operational hours of an Early Voting Center or to the Board of Voter Registration and Elections Office before 7pm on Election Day. 

Voter Registration 

In order to vote in an upcoming election, new residents must register to vote 30 days prior to any election. Polling Locations and Precincts are open from 7:00am until 7:00pm on Election Dates.


York County Government Center

Board of Voter Registration and Elections Office of York County
6 South Congress Street, Level 1, Suite 1201
York, SC 29745
Phone: 803.684.1242
Fax: (803) 684-7801
Email: [email protected]


Poll managers, any voter, and any qualified watcher may challenge the vote of a person who may be known or suspected not to be a qualified voter. A challenge may also be made if you have good reason to believe the person has already voted or has become disqualified for any cause. Challenges of ballots cast in person in the absentee precinct and at the polling place on election day must be made prior to the voter casting the ballot. No challenges can be made after that time. All challenges must be addressed to poll managers and not directly to voters. Challenges of absentee by mail ballots must be made prior to separating the ballot from absentee return envelope, which can begin as early as 9:00 a.m. on the day preceding the election. Challenges in the absentee precinct are very rare because the voter has the opportunity to make address changes or otherwise correct his voting record with election officials before casting an absentee ballot. If a challenged voter casts a provisional ballot, the challenger must appear or produce evidence at the provisional ballot hearing to sustain the challenge; otherwise, the ballot will be counted.

See S.C. Code sections 7-13-810 and 7-13-830.

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