Actress Gal Gadot opened up about the life-threatening blood clot on her brain that she suffered while pregnant, revealing that it was her mother who ultimately pushed for the diagnosis that saved her life, In an interview Monday with ABC’s "Good Morning America."
Gadot, who was promoting the live-action "Snow White" film set to premiere later this month in which she stars as the Evil Queen, shared that she experienced the deadly clot during the eighth month of her pregnancy. The "Wonder Woman" star quietly welcomed her fourth daughter, Ori, in 2024.
Gal Gadot opens up about the brain clot
(Video: Good Morning America, ABC )
During the conversation, Gadot urged viewers to prioritize their health, saying: "Our body always gives us signs."
"I didn't listen to my body. I had major headaches for three weeks while I was eight months pregnant. But really, I couldn't do anything, I was in the dark; I couldn't hear anything. It felt like my head was about to explode," she recalled.
Despite being examined by multiple neurologists, Gadot was initially misdiagnosed with migraines. It was her mother who insisted she undergo further testing.
"My mom, we talk a million times a day every day, but after three weeks, she told my husband, 'Enough. We need to get her checked, do an MRI,'" Gadot recounted. "It was like the world was ending."
She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors discovered a major blood clot in her brain. "They took the baby out within a couple of hours, and I went to a thrombectomy," she revealed.
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Reflecting on the ordeal, Gadot expressed gratitude, saying: "I'm very happy to be alive and so grateful for everything. Just check yourself."
When asked why she waited so long to speak about the experience, she explained, "It was quite a recovery. It took me a good few months to get back to myself. Now that I'm here, yes, that's the biggest reason why I talk about it."
In an Instagram post, Gadot reflected on her daughter’s birth, writing: "My daughter, Ori, was born during that moment of uncertainty and fear. Her name, meaning 'my light,' wasn't chosen by chance."
"Before the surgery, I told Jaron that when our daughter arrived, she would be the light waiting for me at the end of this tunnel," she shared. Ori’s birth was announced in March 2024.