pingcrm-yii2 Ping CRM on Yii 2 - A Yii 2 demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works.

Ping CRM on Yii 2

  1. Demo
  2. Installation
  3. Running tests
  4. Requirements
  5. Credits


A Yii 2 demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works.

With Inertia you are able to build single-page apps using classic server-side routing and controllers, without building an API.

This application is a port of the original Ping CRM written in Laravel and based on the Yii 2 Basic Project Template.



Clone the repo locally:

git clone pingcrm-yii2
cd pingcrm-yii2

Install PHP dependencies:

composer install

Install NPM dependencies:

npm ci

Build assets:

npm run dev
npm run css-dev

Create an SQLite database. You can also use another database (MySQL, Postgres), simply update your configuration accordingly.

touch database/database.sqlite

Run database migrations:

php yii migrate

Run database seeder:

php yii db/seed

Run the dev server (the output will give the address):

php yii serve

You're ready to go! Visit Ping CRM in your browser, and login with:

Running tests

To run the Ping CRM tests, run:

(to be done)


  • PHP >= 5.6.0
  • SQLite


  • Original work by Jonathan Reinink (@reinink) and contributors
  • Port to Yii 2 by Thomas Breuss (@tbreuss)
3 0
Yii Version: 2.0.*
License: BSD-3-Clause
Developed by: tebe
Created on: Feb 17, 2020
Last updated: 4 years ago
Github Repository

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