Class yii\i18n\Formatter
Inheritance | yii\i18n\Formatter » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject |
Implements | yii\base\Configurable |
Available since version | 2.0 |
Source Code | |
Formatter provides a set of commonly used data formatting methods.
The formatting methods provided by Formatter are all named in the form of asXyz()
The behavior of some of them may be configured via the properties of Formatter. For example,
by configuring $dateFormat, one may control how asDate() formats the value into a date string.
Formatter is configured as an application component in yii\base\Application by default.
You can access that instance via Yii::$app->formatter
The Formatter class is designed to format values according to a $locale. For this feature to work the PHP intl extension has to be installed. Most of the methods however work also if the PHP intl extension is not installed by providing a fallback implementation. Without intl month and day names are in English only. Note that even if the intl extension is installed, formatting date and time values for years >=2038 or <=1901 on 32bit systems will fall back to the PHP implementation because intl uses a 32bit UNIX timestamp internally. On a 64bit system the intl formatter is used in all cases if installed.
Note: The Formatter class is meant to be used for formatting values for display to users in different languages and time zones. If you need to format a date or time in machine readable format, use the PHP date() function instead.
Public Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
$baseUnits | array | The base units that are used as multipliers for smallest possible unit from $measureUnits. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$behaviors | yii\base\Behavior[] | List of behaviors attached to this component. | yii\base\Component |
$booleanFormat | array | The text to be displayed when formatting a boolean value. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$calendar | IntlCalendar|integer|null | The calendar to be used for date formatting. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$currencyCode | string|null | The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the default currency to use for asCurrency(). | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$currencyDecimalSeparator | string|null | The character displayed as the decimal point when formatting a currency. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$dateFormat | string | The default format string to be used to format a date. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$datetimeFormat | string | The default format string to be used to format a date and time. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$decimalSeparator | string|null | The character displayed as the decimal point when formatting a number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$defaultTimeZone | string | The time zone that is assumed for input values if they do not include a time zone explicitly. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$language | string|null | The language code (e.g. en-US , en ) that is used to translate internal messages. |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
$locale | string|null | The locale ID that is used to localize the date and number formatting. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$measureUnits | array | Configuration of weight and length measurement units. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$nullDisplay | string|null | The text to be displayed when formatting a null value. |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
$numberFormatterOptions | array | A list of name value pairs that are passed to the intl NumberFormatter::setAttribute() method of all the number formatter objects created by createNumberFormatter(). | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$numberFormatterSymbols | array | A list of name value pairs that are passed to the intl NumberFormatter::setSymbol() method of all the number formatter objects created by createNumberFormatter(). | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$numberFormatterTextOptions | array | A list of name value pairs that are passed to the intl NumberFormatter::setTextAttribute() method of all the number formatter objects created by createNumberFormatter(). | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$sizeFormatBase | integer | The base at which a kilobyte is calculated (1000 or 1024 bytes per kilobyte), used by asSize() and asShortSize(). | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$systemOfUnits | string | Default system of measure units. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$thousandSeparator | string|null | The character displayed as the thousands separator (also called grouping separator) character when formatting a number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$timeFormat | string | The default format string to be used to format a time. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
$timeZone | string|null | The time zone to use for formatting time and date values. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
Public Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. | yii\base\Component |
__clone() | This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. | yii\base\Component |
__construct() | Constructor. | yii\base\BaseObject |
__get() | Returns the value of a component property. | yii\base\Component |
__isset() | Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. | yii\base\Component |
__set() | Sets the value of a component property. | yii\base\Component |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. | yii\base\Component |
asBoolean() | Formats the value as a boolean. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asCurrency() | Formats the value as a currency number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asDate() | Formats the value as a date. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asDatetime() | Formats the value as a datetime. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asDecimal() | Formats the value as a decimal number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asDuration() | Represents the value as duration in human readable format. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asEmail() | Formats the value as a mailto link. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asHtml() | Formats the value as HTML text. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asImage() | Formats the value as an image tag. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asInteger() | Formats the value as an integer number by removing any decimal digits without rounding. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asLength() | Formats the value as a length in human readable form for example 12 meters . |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
asNtext() | Formats the value as an HTML-encoded plain text with newlines converted into breaks. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asOrdinal() | Formats the value as a ordinal value of a number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asParagraphs() | Formats the value as HTML-encoded text paragraphs. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asPercent() | Formats the value as a percent number with "%" sign. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asRaw() | Formats the value as is without any formatting. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asRelativeTime() | Formats the value as the time interval between a date and now in human readable form. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asScientific() | Formats the value as a scientific number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asShortLength() | Formats the value as a length in human readable form for example 12 m . |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
asShortSize() | Formats the value in bytes as a size in human readable form for example 12 kB . |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
asShortWeight() | Formats the value as a weight in human readable form for example 12 kg . |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
asSize() | Formats the value in bytes as a size in human readable form, for example 12 kilobytes . |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
asSpellout() | Formats the value as a number spellout. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asText() | Formats the value as an HTML-encoded plain text. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asTime() | Formats the value as a time. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asTimestamp() | Formats a date, time or datetime in a float number as UNIX timestamp (seconds since 01-01-1970). | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asUrl() | Formats the value as a hyperlink. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asWeight() | Formats the value as a weight in human readable form for example 12 kilograms . |
yii\i18n\Formatter |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. | yii\base\Component |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. | yii\base\Component |
behaviors() | Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. | yii\base\Component |
canGetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. | yii\base\Component |
canSetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. | yii\base\Component |
className() | Returns the fully qualified name of this class. | yii\base\BaseObject |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. | yii\base\Component |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. | yii\base\Component |
ensureBehaviors() | Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. | yii\base\Component |
format() | Formats the value based on the given format type. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
getBehavior() | Returns the named behavior object. | yii\base\Component |
getBehaviors() | Returns all behaviors attached to this component. | yii\base\Component |
hasEventHandlers() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. | yii\base\Component |
hasMethod() | Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. | yii\base\Component |
hasProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. | yii\base\Component |
init() | Initializes the object. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
off() | Detaches an existing event handler from this component. | yii\base\Component |
on() | Attaches an event handler to an event. | yii\base\Component |
trigger() | Triggers an event. | yii\base\Component |
Protected Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
asCurrencyStringFallback() | Fallback for formatting value as a currency number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asDecimalStringFallback() | Fallback for formatting value as a decimal number. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asIntegerStringFallback() | Fallback for formatting value as an integer number by removing any decimal digits without rounding. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
asPercentStringFallback() | Fallback for formatting value as a percent number with "%" sign. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
createNumberFormatter() | Creates a number formatter based on the given type and format. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
formatNumber() | Given the value in bytes formats number part of the human readable form. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
isNormalizedValueMispresented() | Checks if string representations of given value and its normalized version are different. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
normalizeDatetimeValue() | Normalizes the given datetime value as a DateTime object that can be taken by various date/time formatting methods. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
normalizeNumericStringValue() | Normalizes a numeric string value. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
normalizeNumericValue() | Normalizes a numeric input value. | yii\i18n\Formatter |
Constant | Value | Description | Defined By |
FORMAT_WIDTH_LONG | 'long' | yii\i18n\Formatter | |
FORMAT_WIDTH_SHORT | 'short' | yii\i18n\Formatter | |
UNIT_LENGTH | 'length' | yii\i18n\Formatter | |
UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL | 'imperial' | yii\i18n\Formatter | |
UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC | 'metric' | yii\i18n\Formatter | |
UNIT_WEIGHT | 'mass' | yii\i18n\Formatter |
Property Details
The base units that are used as multipliers for smallest possible unit from $measureUnits.
self::UNIT_LENGTH => [
self::UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC => 1000,
self::UNIT_WEIGHT => [
self::UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC => 1000,
The text to be displayed when formatting a boolean value. The first element corresponds
to the text displayed for false
, the second element for true
Defaults to ['No', 'Yes']
, where Yes
and No
will be translated according to $locale.
The calendar to be used for date formatting. The value of this property will be directly
passed to the constructor of the IntlDateFormatter
Defaults to null
, which means the Gregorian calendar will be used. You may also explicitly pass the constant
for Gregorian calendar.
To use an alternative calendar like for example the Jalali calendar,
set this property to \IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL
The calendar must then be specified in the $locale, for example for the persian calendar the configuration for the formatter would be:
'formatter' => [
'locale' => 'fa_IR@calendar=persian',
'calendar' => \IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL,
Available calendar names can be found in the ICU manual.
Since PHP 5.5 you may also use an instance of the IntlCalendar class. Check the PHP manual for more details.
If the PHP intl extension is not available, setting this property will have no effect.
See also:
The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the default currency to use for asCurrency().
If not set, the currency code corresponding to $locale will be used.
Note that in this case the $locale has to be specified with a country code, e.g. en-US
otherwise it
is not possible to determine the default currency.
The character displayed as the decimal point when formatting a currency. If not set, the currency decimal separator corresponding to $locale will be used. If PHP intl extension is not available, setting this property will have no effect.
The default format string to be used to format a date. This can be "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths.
It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual.
Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with php:
representing a format that can be recognized by the
PHP date()-function.
For example:
'MM/dd/yyyy' // date in ICU format
'php:m/d/Y' // the same date in PHP format
The default format string to be used to format a date and time. This can be "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths.
It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual.
Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with php:
representing a format that can be recognized by the
PHP date() function.
For example:
'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss' // date and time in ICU format
'php:m/d/Y H:i:s' // the same date and time in PHP format
The character displayed as the decimal point when formatting a number. If not set, the decimal separator corresponding to $locale will be used. If PHP intl extension is not available, the default value is '.'.
The time zone that is assumed for input values if they do not include a time zone explicitly.
The value must be a valid time zone identifier, e.g. UTC
, Europe/Berlin
or America/Chicago
Please refer to the php manual for available time zones.
It defaults to UTC
so you only have to adjust this value if you store datetime values in another time zone in your database.
Note that a UNIX timestamp is always in UTC by its definition. That means that specifying a default time zone different from UTC has no effect on date values given as UNIX timestamp.
The language code (e.g. en-US
, en
) that is used to translate internal messages.
If not set, $locale will be used (without the @calendar
param, if included).
The locale ID that is used to localize the date and number formatting. For number and date formatting this is only effective when the PHP intl extension is installed. If not set, yii\base\Application::$language will be used.
Configuration of weight and length measurement units. This array contains the most usable measurement units, but you can change it in case you have some special requirements.
For example, you can add smaller measure unit:
$this->measureUnits[self::UNIT_LENGTH][self::UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC] = [
'nanometer' => 0.000001
See also:
self::UNIT_LENGTH => [
'inch' => 1,
'foot' => 12,
'yard' => 36,
'chain' => 792,
'furlong' => 7920,
'mile' => 63360,
'millimeter' => 1,
'centimeter' => 10,
'meter' => 1000,
'kilometer' => 1000000,
self::UNIT_WEIGHT => [
'grain' => 1,
'drachm' => 27.34375,
'ounce' => 437.5,
'pound' => 7000,
'stone' => 98000,
'quarter' => 196000,
'hundredweight' => 784000,
'ton' => 15680000,
'gram' => 1,
'kilogram' => 1000,
'ton' => 1000000,
The text to be displayed when formatting a null
Defaults to '<span class="not-set">(not set)</span>'
, where (not set)
will be translated according to $locale.
A list of name value pairs that are passed to the intl NumberFormatter::setAttribute() method of all the number formatter objects created by createNumberFormatter(). This property takes only effect if the PHP intl extension is installed.
Please refer to the PHP manual for the possible options.
For example to adjust the maximum and minimum value of fraction digits you can configure this property like the following:
NumberFormatter::MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS => 0,
NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS => 2,
A list of name value pairs that are passed to the intl NumberFormatter::setSymbol() method of all the number formatter objects created by createNumberFormatter(). This property takes only effect if the PHP intl extension is installed.
Please refer to the PHP manual for the possible options.
For example to choose a custom currency symbol, e.g. U+20BD instead of руб.
for Russian Ruble:
NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL => '₽',
A list of name value pairs that are passed to the intl NumberFormatter::setTextAttribute() method of all the number formatter objects created by createNumberFormatter(). This property takes only effect if the PHP intl extension is installed.
Please refer to the PHP manual for the possible options.
For example to change the minus sign for negative numbers you can configure this property like the following:
NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX => 'MINUS',
The base at which a kilobyte is calculated (1000 or 1024 bytes per kilobyte), used by asSize() and asShortSize(). Defaults to 1024.
Default system of measure units. Defaults to UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC. Possible values:
See also:
The character displayed as the thousands separator (also called grouping separator) character when formatting a number. If not set, the thousand separator corresponding to $locale will be used. If PHP intl extension is not available, the default value is ','.
The default format string to be used to format a time. This can be "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths.
It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual.
Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with php:
representing a format that can be recognized by the
PHP date()-function.
For example:
'HH:mm:ss' // time in ICU format
'php:H:i:s' // the same time in PHP format
The time zone to use for formatting time and date values.
This can be any value that may be passed to date_default_timezone_set()
e.g. UTC
, Europe/Berlin
or America/Chicago
Refer to the php manual for available time zones.
If this property is not set, yii\base\Application::$timeZone will be used.
Note that the default time zone for input data is assumed to be UTC by default if no time zone is included in the input date value. If you store your data in a different time zone in the database, you have to adjust $defaultTimeZone accordingly.
Method Details
Defined in: yii\base\Component::__call()
Calls the named method which is not a class method.
This method will check if any attached behavior has the named method and will execute it if available.
Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that will be implicitly called when an unknown method is being invoked.
public mixed __call ( $name, $params ) | ||
$name | string |
The method name |
$params | array |
Method parameters |
return | mixed |
The method return value |
throws | yii\base\UnknownMethodException |
when calling unknown method |
public function __call($name, $params)
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $object) {
if ($object->hasMethod($name)) {
return call_user_func_array([$object, $name], $params);
throw new UnknownMethodException('Calling unknown method: ' . get_class($this) . "::$name()");
Defined in: yii\base\Component::__clone()
This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.
It removes all behaviors because they are attached to the old object.
public void __clone ( ) |
public function __clone()
$this->_events = [];
$this->_eventWildcards = [];
$this->_behaviors = null;
Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::__construct()
The default implementation does two things:
- Initializes the object with the given configuration
. - Call init().
If this method is overridden in a child class, it is recommended that
- the last parameter of the constructor is a configuration array, like
here. - call the parent implementation at the end of the constructor.
public void __construct ( $config = [] ) | ||
$config | array |
Name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties |
public function __construct($config = [])
if (!empty($config)) {
Yii::configure($this, $config);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::__get()
Returns the value of a component property.
This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:
- a property defined by a getter: return the getter result
- a property of a behavior: return the behavior property value
Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that
will be implicitly called when executing $value = $component->property;
See also __set().
public mixed __get ( $name ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name |
return | mixed |
The property value or the value of a behavior's property |
throws | yii\base\UnknownPropertyException |
if the property is not defined |
throws | yii\base\InvalidCallException |
if the property is write-only. |
public function __get($name)
$getter = 'get' . $name;
if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
// read property, e.g. getName()
return $this->$getter();
// behavior property
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name)) {
return $behavior->$name;
if (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name)) {
throw new InvalidCallException('Getting write-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
throw new UnknownPropertyException('Getting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::__isset()
Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.
This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:
- a property defined by a setter: return whether the property is set
- a property of a behavior: return whether the property is set
- return
for non existing properties
Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that
will be implicitly called when executing isset($component->property)
public boolean __isset ( $name ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name or the event name |
return | boolean |
Whether the named property is set |
public function __isset($name)
$getter = 'get' . $name;
if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
return $this->$getter() !== null;
// behavior property
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name)) {
return $behavior->$name !== null;
return false;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::__set()
Sets the value of a component property.
This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:
- a property defined by a setter: set the property value
- an event in the format of "on xyz": attach the handler to the event "xyz"
- a behavior in the format of "as xyz": attach the behavior named as "xyz"
- a property of a behavior: set the behavior property value
Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that
will be implicitly called when executing $component->property = $value;
See also __get().
public void __set ( $name, $value ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name or the event name |
$value | mixed |
The property value |
throws | yii\base\UnknownPropertyException |
if the property is not defined |
throws | yii\base\InvalidCallException |
if the property is read-only. |
public function __set($name, $value)
$setter = 'set' . $name;
if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
// set property
} elseif (strncmp($name, 'on ', 3) === 0) {
// on event: attach event handler
$this->on(trim(substr($name, 3)), $value);
} elseif (strncmp($name, 'as ', 3) === 0) {
// as behavior: attach behavior
$name = trim(substr($name, 3));
if ($value instanceof Behavior) {
$this->attachBehavior($name, $value);
} elseif ($value instanceof \Closure) {
$this->attachBehavior($name, call_user_func($value));
} elseif (isset($value['__class']) && is_subclass_of($value['__class'], Behavior::class)) {
$this->attachBehavior($name, Yii::createObject($value));
} elseif (!isset($value['__class']) && isset($value['class']) && is_subclass_of($value['class'], Behavior::class)) {
$this->attachBehavior($name, Yii::createObject($value));
} elseif (is_string($value) && is_subclass_of($value, Behavior::class, true)) {
$this->attachBehavior($name, Yii::createObject($value));
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Class is not of type ' . Behavior::class . ' or its subclasses');
// behavior property
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name)) {
$behavior->$name = $value;
if (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name)) {
throw new InvalidCallException('Setting read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
throw new UnknownPropertyException('Setting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::__unset()
Sets a component property to be null.
This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:
- a property defined by a setter: set the property value to be null
- a property of a behavior: set the property value to be null
Do not call this method directly as it is a PHP magic method that
will be implicitly called when executing unset($component->property)
public void __unset ( $name ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name |
throws | yii\base\InvalidCallException |
if the property is read only. |
public function __unset($name)
$setter = 'set' . $name;
if (method_exists($this, $setter)) {
// behavior property
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name)) {
$behavior->$name = null;
throw new InvalidCallException('Unsetting an unknown or read-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
Formats the value as a boolean.
See also $booleanFormat.
public string asBoolean ( $value ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asBoolean($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return $value ? $this->booleanFormat[1] : $this->booleanFormat[0];
Formats the value as a currency number.
This function does not require the PHP intl extension to be installed to work, but it is highly recommended to install it to get good formatting results.
Since 2.0.16 numbers that are mispresented after normalization are formatted as strings using fallback function without PHP intl extension support. For very big numbers it's recommended to pass them as strings and not use scientific notation otherwise the output might be wrong.
public string asCurrency ( $value, $currency = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$currency | string|null |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use. If null, $currencyCode will be used. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
if no currency is given and $currencyCode is not defined. |
public function asCurrency($value, $currency = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$normalizedValue = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->isNormalizedValueMispresented($value, $normalizedValue)) {
return $this->asCurrencyStringFallback((string) $value, $currency);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$currency = $currency ?: $this->currencyCode;
// currency code must be set before fraction digits
if ($currency && !isset($textOptions[NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE])) {
$textOptions[NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE] = $currency;
$formatter = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY, null, $options, $textOptions);
if ($currency === null) {
$result = $formatter->format($normalizedValue);
} else {
$result = $formatter->formatCurrency($normalizedValue, $currency);
if ($result === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting currency value failed: ' . $formatter->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $formatter->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
if ($currency === null) {
if ($this->currencyCode === null) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The default currency code for the formatter is not defined and the php intl extension is not installed which could take the default currency from the locale.');
$currency = $this->currencyCode;
return $currency . ' ' . $this->asDecimal($normalizedValue, 2, $options, $textOptions);
Fallback for formatting value as a currency number.
protected string asCurrencyStringFallback ( $value, $currency = null ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float |
The value to be formatted. |
$currency | string|null |
The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency to use. If null, $currencyCode will be used. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
if no currency is given and $currencyCode is not defined. |
protected function asCurrencyStringFallback($value, $currency = null)
if ($currency === null) {
if ($this->currencyCode === null) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('The default currency code for the formatter is not defined.');
$currency = $this->currencyCode;
return $currency . ' ' . $this->asDecimalStringFallback($value, 2);
Formats the value as a date.
See also $dateFormat.
public string asDate ( $value, $format = null ) | ||
$value | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|null |
The value to be formatted. The following types of value are supported:
The formatter will convert date values according to $timeZone before formatting it.
If no timezone conversion should be performed, you need to set $defaultTimeZone and $timeZone to the same value.
Also no conversion will be performed on values that have no time information, e.g. |
$format | string|null |
The format used to convert the value into a date string. If null, $dateFormat will be used. This can be "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths. It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual. Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value can not be evaluated as a date value. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
if the date format is invalid. |
public function asDate($value, $format = null)
if ($format === null) {
$format = $this->dateFormat;
return $this->formatDateTimeValue($value, $format, 'date');
Formats the value as a datetime.
See also $datetimeFormat.
public string asDatetime ( $value, $format = null ) | ||
$value | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|null |
The value to be formatted. The following types of value are supported:
The formatter will convert date values according to $timeZone before formatting it. If no timezone conversion should be performed, you need to set $defaultTimeZone and $timeZone to the same value. |
$format | string|null |
The format used to convert the value into a date string. If null, $datetimeFormat will be used. This can be "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths. It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual. Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value can not be evaluated as a date value. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
if the date format is invalid. |
public function asDatetime($value, $format = null)
if ($format === null) {
$format = $this->datetimeFormat;
return $this->formatDateTimeValue($value, $format, 'datetime');
Formats the value as a decimal number.
Property $decimalSeparator will be used to represent the decimal point. The value is rounded automatically to the defined decimal digits.
Since 2.0.16 numbers that are mispresented after normalization are formatted as strings using fallback function without PHP intl extension support. For very big numbers it's recommended to pass them as strings and not use scientific notation otherwise the output might be wrong.
See also:
public string asDecimal ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point.
If not given, the number of digits depends in the input value and is determined based on
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
public function asDecimal($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$normalizedValue = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->isNormalizedValueMispresented($value, $normalizedValue)) {
return $this->asDecimalStringFallback((string) $value, $decimals);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$f = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::DECIMAL, $decimals, $options, $textOptions);
if (($result = $f->format($normalizedValue)) === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting decimal value failed: ' . $f->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $f->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
if ($decimals === null) {
$decimals = 2;
return number_format($normalizedValue, $decimals, $this->decimalSeparator, $this->thousandSeparator);
Fallback for formatting value as a decimal number.
Property $decimalSeparator will be used to represent the decimal point. The value is rounded automatically to the defined decimal digits.
See also:
protected string asDecimalStringFallback ( $value, $decimals = 2 ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float |
The value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
protected function asDecimalStringFallback($value, $decimals = 2)
if (empty($value)) {
$value = 0;
$value = $this->normalizeNumericStringValue((string) $value);
$separatorPosition = strrpos($value, '.');
if ($separatorPosition !== false) {
$integerPart = substr($value, 0, $separatorPosition);
$fractionalPart = substr($value, $separatorPosition + 1);
} else {
$integerPart = $value;
$fractionalPart = null;
$decimalOutput = '';
if ($decimals === null) {
$decimals = 2;
$carry = 0;
if ($decimals > 0) {
$decimalSeparator = $this->decimalSeparator;
if ($this->decimalSeparator === null) {
$decimalSeparator = '.';
if ($fractionalPart === null) {
$fractionalPart = str_repeat('0', $decimals);
} elseif (strlen($fractionalPart) > $decimals) {
$cursor = $decimals;
// checking if fractional part must be rounded
if ((int) substr($fractionalPart, $cursor, 1) >= 5) {
while (--$cursor >= 0) {
$carry = 0;
$oneUp = (int) substr($fractionalPart, $cursor, 1) + 1;
if ($oneUp === 10) {
$oneUp = 0;
$carry = 1;
$fractionalPart = substr($fractionalPart, 0, $cursor) . $oneUp . substr($fractionalPart, $cursor + 1);
if ($carry === 0) {
$fractionalPart = substr($fractionalPart, 0, $decimals);
} elseif (strlen($fractionalPart) < $decimals) {
$fractionalPart = str_pad($fractionalPart, $decimals, '0');
$decimalOutput .= $decimalSeparator . $fractionalPart;
// checking if integer part must be rounded
if ($carry || ($decimals === 0 && $fractionalPart !== null && (int) substr($fractionalPart, 0, 1) >= 5)) {
$integerPartLength = strlen($integerPart);
$cursor = 0;
while (++$cursor <= $integerPartLength) {
$carry = 0;
$oneUp = (int) substr($integerPart, -$cursor, 1) + 1;
if ($oneUp === 10) {
$oneUp = 0;
$carry = 1;
$integerPart = substr($integerPart, 0, -$cursor) . $oneUp . substr($integerPart, $integerPartLength - $cursor + 1);
if ($carry === 0) {
if ($carry === 1) {
$integerPart = '1' . $integerPart;
if (strlen($integerPart) > 3) {
$thousandSeparator = $this->thousandSeparator;
if ($thousandSeparator === null) {
$thousandSeparator = ',';
$integerPart = strrev(implode(',', str_split(strrev($integerPart), 3)));
if ($thousandSeparator !== ',') {
$integerPart = str_replace(',', $thousandSeparator, $integerPart);
return $integerPart . $decimalOutput;
Represents the value as duration in human readable format.
public string asDuration ( $value, $implodeString = ', ', $negativeSign = '-' ) | ||
$value | DateInterval|string|integer|null |
The value to be formatted. Acceptable formats:
$implodeString | string |
Will be used to concatenate duration parts. Defaults to |
$negativeSign | string |
Will be prefixed to the formatted duration, when it is negative. Defaults to |
return | string |
The formatted duration. |
public function asDuration($value, $implodeString = ', ', $negativeSign = '-')
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
if ($value instanceof DateInterval) {
$isNegative = $value->invert;
$interval = $value;
} elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
$isNegative = $value < 0;
$zeroDateTime = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(0);
$valueDateTime = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(abs((int) $value));
$interval = $valueDateTime->diff($zeroDateTime);
} elseif (strncmp($value, 'P-', 2) === 0) {
$interval = new DateInterval('P' . substr($value, 2));
$isNegative = true;
} else {
$interval = new DateInterval($value);
$isNegative = $interval->invert;
$parts = [];
if ($interval->y > 0) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 year} other{# years}}', ['delta' => $interval->y], $this->language);
if ($interval->m > 0) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 month} other{# months}}', ['delta' => $interval->m], $this->language);
if ($interval->d > 0) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 day} other{# days}}', ['delta' => $interval->d], $this->language);
if ($interval->h > 0) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 hour} other{# hours}}', ['delta' => $interval->h], $this->language);
if ($interval->i > 0) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 minute} other{# minutes}}', ['delta' => $interval->i], $this->language);
if ($interval->s > 0) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 second} other{# seconds}}', ['delta' => $interval->s], $this->language);
if ($interval->s === 0 && empty($parts)) {
$parts[] = Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{1 second} other{# seconds}}', ['delta' => $interval->s], $this->language);
$isNegative = false;
return empty($parts) ? $this->nullDisplay : (($isNegative ? $negativeSign : '') . implode($implodeString, $parts));
Formats the value as a mailto link.
public string asEmail ( $value, $options = [] ) | ||
$value | string|null |
The value to be formatted. |
$options | array |
The tag options in terms of name-value pairs. See yii\helpers\Html::mailto(). |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asEmail($value, $options = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return Html::mailto(Html::encode($value), $value, $options);
Formats the value as HTML text.
The value will be purified using yii\helpers\HtmlPurifier to avoid XSS attacks. Use asRaw() if you do not want any purification of the value.
public string asHtml ( $value, $config = null ) | ||
$value | string|null |
The value to be formatted. |
$config | array|null |
The configuration for the HTMLPurifier class. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asHtml($value, $config = null)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return HtmlPurifier::process($value, $config);
Formats the value as an image tag.
public string asImage ( $value, $options = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$options | array |
The tag options in terms of name-value pairs. See yii\helpers\Html::img(). |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asImage($value, $options = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return Html::img($value, $options);
Formats the value as an integer number by removing any decimal digits without rounding.
Since 2.0.16 numbers that are mispresented after normalization are formatted as strings using fallback function without PHP intl extension support. For very big numbers it's recommended to pass them as strings and not use scientific notation otherwise the output might be wrong.
public string asInteger ( $value, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
public function asInteger($value, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$normalizedValue = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->isNormalizedValueMispresented($value, $normalizedValue)) {
return $this->asIntegerStringFallback((string) $value);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$f = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::DECIMAL, null, $options, $textOptions);
$f->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 0);
if (($result = $f->format($normalizedValue, NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT64)) === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting integer value failed: ' . $f->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $f->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
return number_format((int) $normalizedValue, 0, $this->decimalSeparator, $this->thousandSeparator);
Fallback for formatting value as an integer number by removing any decimal digits without rounding.
protected string asIntegerStringFallback ( $value ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float |
The value to be formatted. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
protected function asIntegerStringFallback($value)
if (empty($value)) {
$value = 0;
$value = $this->normalizeNumericStringValue((string) $value);
$separatorPosition = strrpos($value, '.');
if ($separatorPosition !== false) {
$integerPart = substr($value, 0, $separatorPosition);
} else {
$integerPart = $value;
return $this->asDecimalStringFallback($integerPart, 0);
Formats the value as a length in human readable form for example 12 meters
Check properties $baseUnits if you need to change unit of value as the multiplier of the smallest unit and $systemOfUnits to switch between UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC or UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL.
See also asLength().
public string asLength ( $value, $decimals = null, $numberOptions = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | float|integer |
Value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$numberOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
when INTL is not installed or does not contain required information. |
public function asLength($value, $decimals = null, $numberOptions = [], $textOptions = [])
return $this->formatUnit(self::UNIT_LENGTH, self::FORMAT_WIDTH_LONG, $value, $decimals, $numberOptions, $textOptions);
Formats the value as an HTML-encoded plain text with newlines converted into breaks.
public string asNtext ( $value ) | ||
$value | string|null |
The value to be formatted. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asNtext($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return nl2br(Html::encode($value));
Formats the value as a ordinal value of a number.
This function requires the PHP intl extension to be installed.
This formatter does not work well with very big numbers.
public string asOrdinal ( $value ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
when the PHP intl extension is not available. |
public function asOrdinal($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$value = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$f = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::ORDINAL);
if (($result = $f->format($value)) === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting number as ordinal failed: ' . $f->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $f->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
throw new InvalidConfigException('Format as Ordinal is only supported when PHP intl extension is installed.');
Formats the value as HTML-encoded text paragraphs.
Each text paragraph is enclosed within a <p>
One or multiple consecutive empty lines divide two paragraphs.
public string asParagraphs ( $value ) | ||
$value | string|null |
The value to be formatted. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asParagraphs($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return str_replace('<p></p>', '', '<p>' . preg_replace('/\R{2,}/u', "</p>\n<p>", Html::encode($value)) . '</p>');
Formats the value as a percent number with "%" sign.
Since 2.0.16 numbers that are mispresented after normalization are formatted as strings using fallback function without PHP intl extension support. For very big numbers it's recommended to pass them as strings and not use scientific notation otherwise the output might be wrong.
public string asPercent ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. It must be a factor e.g. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point.
If not given, the number of digits depends in the input value and is determined based on
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
public function asPercent($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$normalizedValue = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->isNormalizedValueMispresented($value, $normalizedValue)) {
return $this->asPercentStringFallback((string) $value, $decimals);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$f = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::PERCENT, $decimals, $options, $textOptions);
if (($result = $f->format($normalizedValue)) === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting percent value failed: ' . $f->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $f->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
if ($decimals === null) {
$decimals = 0;
$normalizedValue *= 100;
return number_format($normalizedValue, $decimals, $this->decimalSeparator, $this->thousandSeparator) . '%';
Fallback for formatting value as a percent number with "%" sign.
Property $decimalSeparator will be used to represent the decimal point. The value is rounded automatically to the defined decimal digits.
protected string asPercentStringFallback ( $value, $decimals = null ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float |
The value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
protected function asPercentStringFallback($value, $decimals = null)
if (empty($value)) {
$value = 0;
if ($decimals === null) {
$decimals = 0;
$value = $this->normalizeNumericStringValue((string) $value);
$separatorPosition = strrpos($value, '.');
if ($separatorPosition !== false) {
$integerPart = substr($value, 0, $separatorPosition);
$fractionalPart = str_pad(substr($value, $separatorPosition + 1), 2, '0');
$integerPart .= substr($fractionalPart, 0, 2);
$fractionalPart = substr($fractionalPart, 2);
if ($fractionalPart === '') {
$multipliedValue = $integerPart;
} else {
$multipliedValue = $integerPart . '.' . $fractionalPart;
} else {
$multipliedValue = $value . '00';
return $this->asDecimalStringFallback($multipliedValue, $decimals) . '%';
Formats the value as is without any formatting.
This method simply returns back the parameter without any format.
The only exception is a null
value which will be formatted using $nullDisplay.
public string asRaw ( $value ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asRaw($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return $value;
Formats the value as the time interval between a date and now in human readable form.
This method can be used in three different ways:
- Using a timestamp that is relative to
. - Using a timestamp that is relative to the
. - Using a
public string asRelativeTime ( $value, $referenceTime = null ) | ||
$value | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|null |
The value to be formatted. The following types of value are supported:
$referenceTime | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|null |
If specified the value is used as a reference time instead of |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value can not be evaluated as a date value. |
public function asRelativeTime($value, $referenceTime = null)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
if ($value instanceof DateInterval) {
$interval = $value;
} else {
$timestamp = $this->normalizeDatetimeValue($value);
$timeZone = new DateTimeZone($this->timeZone);
if ($referenceTime === null) {
$dateNow = new DateTime('now', $timeZone);
} else {
$dateNow = $this->normalizeDatetimeValue($referenceTime);
$dateThen = $timestamp->setTimezone($timeZone);
$interval = $dateThen->diff($dateNow);
if ($interval->invert) {
if ($interval->y >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'in {delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}}', ['delta' => $interval->y], $this->language);
if ($interval->m >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'in {delta, plural, =1{a month} other{# months}}', ['delta' => $interval->m], $this->language);
if ($interval->d >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'in {delta, plural, =1{a day} other{# days}}', ['delta' => $interval->d], $this->language);
if ($interval->h >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'in {delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}}', ['delta' => $interval->h], $this->language);
if ($interval->i >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'in {delta, plural, =1{a minute} other{# minutes}}', ['delta' => $interval->i], $this->language);
if ($interval->s == 0) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'just now', [], $this->language);
return Yii::t('yii', 'in {delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}}', ['delta' => $interval->s], $this->language);
if ($interval->y >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{a year} other{# years}} ago', ['delta' => $interval->y], $this->language);
if ($interval->m >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{a month} other{# months}} ago', ['delta' => $interval->m], $this->language);
if ($interval->d >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{a day} other{# days}} ago', ['delta' => $interval->d], $this->language);
if ($interval->h >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{an hour} other{# hours}} ago', ['delta' => $interval->h], $this->language);
if ($interval->i >= 1) {
return Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{a minute} other{# minutes}} ago', ['delta' => $interval->i], $this->language);
if ($interval->s == 0) {
return Yii::t('yii', 'just now', [], $this->language);
return Yii::t('yii', '{delta, plural, =1{a second} other{# seconds}} ago', ['delta' => $interval->s], $this->language);
Formats the value as a scientific number.
public string asScientific ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point.
If not given, the number of digits depends in the input value and is determined based on
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
public function asScientific($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$value = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$f = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC, $decimals, $options, $textOptions);
if (($result = $f->format($value)) === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting scientific number value failed: ' . $f->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $f->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
if ($decimals !== null) {
return sprintf("%.{$decimals}E", $value);
return sprintf('%.E', $value);
Formats the value as a length in human readable form for example 12 m
This is the short form of asLength().
Check properties $baseUnits if you need to change unit of value as the multiplier of the smallest unit and $systemOfUnits to switch between UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC or UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL.
See also asLength().
public string asShortLength ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | float|integer |
Value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
when INTL is not installed or does not contain required information. |
public function asShortLength($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
return $this->formatUnit(self::UNIT_LENGTH, self::FORMAT_WIDTH_SHORT, $value, $decimals, $options, $textOptions);
Formats the value in bytes as a size in human readable form for example 12 kB
This is the short form of asSize().
If $sizeFormatBase is 1024, binary prefixes (e.g. kibibyte/KiB, mebibyte/MiB, ...) are used in the formatting result.
See also:
public string asShortSize ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float|null |
Value in bytes to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
public function asShortSize($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
list($params, $position) = $this->formatNumber($value, $decimals, 4, $this->sizeFormatBase, $options, $textOptions);
if ($this->sizeFormatBase == 1024) {
switch ($position) {
case 0:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} B', $params, $this->language);
case 1:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} KiB', $params, $this->language);
case 2:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} MiB', $params, $this->language);
case 3:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} GiB', $params, $this->language);
case 4:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} TiB', $params, $this->language);
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} PiB', $params, $this->language);
} else {
switch ($position) {
case 0:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} B', $params, $this->language);
case 1:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} kB', $params, $this->language);
case 2:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} MB', $params, $this->language);
case 3:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} GB', $params, $this->language);
case 4:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} TB', $params, $this->language);
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} PB', $params, $this->language);
Formats the value as a weight in human readable form for example 12 kg
This is the short form of asWeight().
Check properties $baseUnits if you need to change unit of value as the multiplier of the smallest unit and $systemOfUnits to switch between UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC or UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL.
public string asShortWeight ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | float|integer |
Value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
when INTL is not installed or does not contain required information. |
public function asShortWeight($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
return $this->formatUnit(self::UNIT_WEIGHT, self::FORMAT_WIDTH_SHORT, $value, $decimals, $options, $textOptions);
Formats the value in bytes as a size in human readable form, for example 12 kilobytes
If $sizeFormatBase is 1024, binary prefixes (e.g. kibibyte/KiB, mebibyte/MiB, ...) are used in the formatting result.
See also:
public string asSize ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float|null |
Value in bytes to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
public function asSize($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
list($params, $position) = $this->formatNumber($value, $decimals, 4, $this->sizeFormatBase, $options, $textOptions);
if ($this->sizeFormatBase == 1024) {
switch ($position) {
case 0:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{byte} other{bytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 1:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{kibibyte} other{kibibytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 2:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{mebibyte} other{mebibytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 3:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{gibibyte} other{gibibytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 4:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{tebibyte} other{tebibytes}}', $params, $this->language);
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{pebibyte} other{pebibytes}}', $params, $this->language);
} else {
switch ($position) {
case 0:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{byte} other{bytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 1:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{kilobyte} other{kilobytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 2:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{megabyte} other{megabytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 3:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{gigabyte} other{gigabytes}}', $params, $this->language);
case 4:
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{terabyte} other{terabytes}}', $params, $this->language);
return Yii::t('yii', '{nFormatted} {n, plural, =1{petabyte} other{petabytes}}', $params, $this->language);
Formats the value as a number spellout.
This function requires the PHP intl extension to be installed.
This formatter does not work well with very big numbers.
public string asSpellout ( $value ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
when the PHP intl extension is not available. |
public function asSpellout($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$value = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
if ($this->_intlLoaded) {
$f = $this->createNumberFormatter(NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT);
if (($result = $f->format($value)) === false) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Formatting number as spellout failed: ' . $f->getErrorCode() . ' ' . $f->getErrorMessage());
return $result;
throw new InvalidConfigException('Format as Spellout is only supported when PHP intl extension is installed.');
Formats the value as an HTML-encoded plain text.
public string asText ( $value ) | ||
$value | string|null |
The value to be formatted. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asText($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
return Html::encode($value);
Formats the value as a time.
See also $timeFormat.
public string asTime ( $value, $format = null ) | ||
$value | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|null |
The value to be formatted. The following types of value are supported:
The formatter will convert date values according to $timeZone before formatting it. If no timezone conversion should be performed, you need to set $defaultTimeZone and $timeZone to the same value. |
$format | string|null |
The format used to convert the value into a date string. If null, $timeFormat will be used. This can be "short", "medium", "long", or "full", which represents a preset format of different lengths. It can also be a custom format as specified in the ICU manual. Alternatively this can be a string prefixed with |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value can not be evaluated as a date value. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
if the date format is invalid. |
public function asTime($value, $format = null)
if ($format === null) {
$format = $this->timeFormat;
return $this->formatDateTimeValue($value, $format, 'time');
Formats a date, time or datetime in a float number as UNIX timestamp (seconds since 01-01-1970).
public string asTimestamp ( $value ) | ||
$value | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|null |
The value to be formatted. The following types of value are supported:
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asTimestamp($value)
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$timestamp = $this->normalizeDatetimeValue($value);
return number_format($timestamp->format('U'), 0, '.', '');
Formats the value as a hyperlink.
public string asUrl ( $value, $options = [] ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$options | array |
The tag options in terms of name-value pairs. See yii\helpers\Html::a(). Since 2.0.43 there is
a special option available |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
public function asUrl($value, $options = [])
if ($value === null) {
return $this->nullDisplay;
$url = $value;
$scheme = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'scheme');
if ($scheme === null) {
if (strpos($url, '://') === false) {
$url = '' . $url;
} else {
$url = Url::ensureScheme($url, $scheme);
return Html::a(Html::encode($value), $url, $options);
Formats the value as a weight in human readable form for example 12 kilograms
Check properties $baseUnits if you need to change unit of value as the multiplier of the smallest unit and $systemOfUnits to switch between UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC or UNIT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL.
public string asWeight ( $value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$value | float|integer |
Value to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | string |
The formatted result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidConfigException |
when INTL is not installed or does not contain required information. |
public function asWeight($value, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
return $this->formatUnit(self::UNIT_WEIGHT, self::FORMAT_WIDTH_LONG, $value, $decimals, $options, $textOptions);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::attachBehavior()
Attaches a behavior to this component.
This method will create the behavior object based on the given configuration. After that, the behavior object will be attached to this component by calling the yii\base\Behavior::attach() method.
See also detachBehavior().
public yii\base\Behavior attachBehavior ( $name, $behavior ) | ||
$name | string |
The name of the behavior. |
$behavior | string|array|yii\base\Behavior |
The behavior configuration. This can be one of the following:
return | yii\base\Behavior |
The behavior object |
public function attachBehavior($name, $behavior)
return $this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::attachBehaviors()
Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.
Each behavior is indexed by its name and should be a yii\base\Behavior object, a string specifying the behavior class, or an configuration array for creating the behavior.
See also attachBehavior().
public void attachBehaviors ( $behaviors ) | ||
$behaviors | array |
List of behaviors to be attached to the component |
public function attachBehaviors($behaviors)
foreach ($behaviors as $name => $behavior) {
$this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::behaviors()
Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.
Child classes may override this method to specify the behaviors they want to behave as.
The return value of this method should be an array of behavior objects or configurations indexed by behavior names. A behavior configuration can be either a string specifying the behavior class or an array of the following structure:
'behaviorName' => [
'class' => 'BehaviorClass',
'property1' => 'value1',
'property2' => 'value2',
Note that a behavior class must extend from yii\base\Behavior. Behaviors can be attached using a name or anonymously. When a name is used as the array key, using this name, the behavior can later be retrieved using getBehavior() or be detached using detachBehavior(). Anonymous behaviors can not be retrieved or detached.
Behaviors declared in this method will be attached to the component automatically (on demand).
public array behaviors ( ) | ||
return | array |
The behavior configurations. |
public function behaviors()
return [];
Defined in: yii\base\Component::canGetProperty()
Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
A property can be read if:
- the class has a getter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
- the class has a member variable with the specified name (when
is true); - an attached behavior has a readable property of the given name (when
is true).
See also canSetProperty().
public boolean canGetProperty ( $name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name |
$checkVars | boolean |
Whether to treat member variables as properties |
$checkBehaviors | boolean |
Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component |
return | boolean |
Whether the property can be read |
public function canGetProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
if (method_exists($this, 'get' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name)) {
return true;
} elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars)) {
return true;
return false;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::canSetProperty()
Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
A property can be written if:
- the class has a setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
- the class has a member variable with the specified name (when
is true); - an attached behavior has a writable property of the given name (when
is true).
See also canGetProperty().
public boolean canSetProperty ( $name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name |
$checkVars | boolean |
Whether to treat member variables as properties |
$checkBehaviors | boolean |
Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component |
return | boolean |
Whether the property can be written |
public function canSetProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
if (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name) || $checkVars && property_exists($this, $name)) {
return true;
} elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->canSetProperty($name, $checkVars)) {
return true;
return false;
Defined in: yii\base\BaseObject::className()
Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
public static string className ( ) | ||
return | string |
The fully qualified name of this class. |
public static function className()
return get_called_class();
Creates a number formatter based on the given type and format.
You may override this method to create a number formatter based on patterns.
protected NumberFormatter createNumberFormatter ( $style, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [] ) | ||
$style | integer |
The type of the number formatter. Values: NumberFormatter::DECIMAL, ::CURRENCY, ::PERCENT, ::SCIENTIFIC, ::SPELLOUT, ::ORDINAL ::DURATION, ::PATTERN_RULEBASED, ::DEFAULT_STYLE, ::IGNORE |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point. |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | NumberFormatter |
The created formatter instance |
protected function createNumberFormatter($style, $decimals = null, $options = [], $textOptions = [])
$formatter = new NumberFormatter($this->locale, $style);
// set text attributes
foreach ($this->numberFormatterTextOptions as $attribute => $value) {
$this->setFormatterTextAttribute($formatter, $attribute, $value, 'numberFormatterTextOptions', 'numberFormatterOptions');
foreach ($textOptions as $attribute => $value) {
$this->setFormatterTextAttribute($formatter, $attribute, $value, '$textOptions', '$options');
// set attributes
foreach ($this->numberFormatterOptions as $attribute => $value) {
$this->setFormatterIntAttribute($formatter, $attribute, $value, 'numberFormatterOptions', 'numberFormatterTextOptions');
foreach ($options as $attribute => $value) {
$this->setFormatterIntAttribute($formatter, $attribute, $value, '$options', '$textOptions');
if ($decimals !== null) {
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, $decimals);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS, $decimals);
// set symbols
if ($this->decimalSeparator !== null) {
$formatter->setSymbol(NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $this->decimalSeparator);
if ($this->currencyDecimalSeparator !== null) {
$formatter->setSymbol(NumberFormatter::MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $this->currencyDecimalSeparator);
if ($this->thousandSeparator !== null) {
$formatter->setSymbol(NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $this->thousandSeparator);
$formatter->setSymbol(NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $this->thousandSeparator);
foreach ($this->numberFormatterSymbols as $symbol => $value) {
$this->setFormatterSymbol($formatter, $symbol, $value, 'numberFormatterSymbols');
return $formatter;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::detachBehavior()
Detaches a behavior from the component.
The behavior's yii\base\Behavior::detach() method will be invoked.
public yii\base\Behavior|null detachBehavior ( $name ) | ||
$name | string |
The behavior's name. |
return | yii\base\Behavior|null |
The detached behavior. Null if the behavior does not exist. |
public function detachBehavior($name)
if (isset($this->_behaviors[$name])) {
$behavior = $this->_behaviors[$name];
return $behavior;
return null;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::detachBehaviors()
Detaches all behaviors from the component.
public void detachBehaviors ( ) |
public function detachBehaviors()
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $name => $behavior) {
Defined in: yii\base\Component::ensureBehaviors()
Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component.
public void ensureBehaviors ( ) |
public function ensureBehaviors()
if ($this->_behaviors === null) {
$this->_behaviors = [];
foreach ($this->behaviors() as $name => $behavior) {
$this->attachBehaviorInternal($name, $behavior);
Formats the value based on the given format type.
This method will call one of the "as" methods available in this class to do the formatting. For type "xyz", the method "asXyz" will be used. For example, if the format is "html", then asHtml() will be used. Format names are case insensitive.
public string format ( $value, $format ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The value to be formatted. |
$format | string|array|Closure |
The format of the value, e.g., "html", "text" or an anonymous function returning the formatted value. To specify additional parameters of the formatting method, you may use an array.
The first element of the array specifies the format name, while the rest of the elements will be used as the
parameters to the formatting method. For example, a format of The anonymous function signature should be: |
return | string |
The formatting result. |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the format type is not supported by this class. |
public function format($value, $format)
if ($format instanceof Closure) {
return $format($value, $this);
if (is_array($format)) {
if (!isset($format[0])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('The $format array must contain at least one element.');
$f = $format[0];
$format[0] = $value;
$params = $format;
$format = $f;
} else {
$params = [$value];
$method = 'as' . $format;
if ($this->hasMethod($method)) {
return call_user_func_array([$this, $method], array_values($params));
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown format type: $format");
Given the value in bytes formats number part of the human readable form.
protected array formatNumber ( $value, $decimals, $maxPosition, $formatBase, $options, $textOptions ) | ||
$value | string|integer|float |
Value in bytes to be formatted. |
$decimals | integer|null |
The number of digits after the decimal point |
$maxPosition | integer |
Maximum internal position of size unit, ignored if $formatBase is an array |
$formatBase | array|integer |
The base at which each next unit is calculated, either 1000 or 1024, or an array |
$options | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterOptions. |
$textOptions | array |
Optional configuration for the number formatter. This parameter will be merged with $numberFormatterTextOptions. |
return | array |
[parameters for Yii::t containing formatted number, internal position of size unit] |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric or the formatting failed. |
protected function formatNumber($value, $decimals, $maxPosition, $formatBase, $options, $textOptions)
$value = $this->normalizeNumericValue($value);
$position = 0;
if (is_array($formatBase)) {
$maxPosition = count($formatBase) - 1;
do {
if (is_array($formatBase)) {
if (!isset($formatBase[$position + 1])) {
if (abs($value) < $formatBase[$position + 1]) {
} else {
if (abs($value) < $formatBase) {
$value /= $formatBase;
} while ($position < $maxPosition + 1);
if (is_array($formatBase) && $position !== 0) {
$value /= $formatBase[$position];
// no decimals for smallest unit
if ($position === 0) {
$decimals = 0;
} elseif ($decimals !== null) {
$value = round($value, $decimals);
// disable grouping for edge cases like 1023 to get 1023 B instead of 1,023 B
$oldThousandSeparator = $this->thousandSeparator;
$this->thousandSeparator = '';
if ($this->_intlLoaded && !isset($options[NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED])) {
$options[NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED] = 0;
// format the size value
$params = [
// this is the unformatted number used for the plural rule
// abs() to make sure the plural rules work correctly on negative numbers, intl does not cover this
'n' => abs($value),
// this is the formatted number used for display
'nFormatted' => $this->asDecimal($value, $decimals, $options, $textOptions),
$this->thousandSeparator = $oldThousandSeparator;
return [$params, $position];
Defined in: yii\base\Component::getBehavior()
Returns the named behavior object.
public yii\base\Behavior|null getBehavior ( $name ) | ||
$name | string |
The behavior name |
return | yii\base\Behavior|null |
The behavior object, or null if the behavior does not exist |
public function getBehavior($name)
return isset($this->_behaviors[$name]) ? $this->_behaviors[$name] : null;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::getBehaviors()
Returns all behaviors attached to this component.
public yii\base\Behavior[] getBehaviors ( ) | ||
return | yii\base\Behavior[] |
List of behaviors attached to this component |
public function getBehaviors()
return $this->_behaviors;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasEventHandlers()
Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.
public boolean hasEventHandlers ( $name ) | ||
$name | string |
The event name |
return | boolean |
Whether there is any handler attached to the event. |
public function hasEventHandlers($name)
if (!empty($this->_events[$name])) {
return true;
foreach ($this->_eventWildcards as $wildcard => $handlers) {
if (!empty($handlers) && StringHelper::matchWildcard($wildcard, $name)) {
return true;
return Event::hasHandlers($this, $name);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasMethod()
Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
A method is defined if:
- the class has a method with the specified name
- an attached behavior has a method with the given name (when
is true).
public boolean hasMethod ( $name, $checkBehaviors = true ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name |
$checkBehaviors | boolean |
Whether to treat behaviors' methods as methods of this component |
return | boolean |
Whether the method is defined |
public function hasMethod($name, $checkBehaviors = true)
if (method_exists($this, $name)) {
return true;
} elseif ($checkBehaviors) {
foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
if ($behavior->hasMethod($name)) {
return true;
return false;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::hasProperty()
Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.
A property is defined if:
- the class has a getter or setter method associated with the specified name (in this case, property name is case-insensitive);
- the class has a member variable with the specified name (when
is true); - an attached behavior has a property of the given name (when
is true).
See also:
public boolean hasProperty ( $name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true ) | ||
$name | string |
The property name |
$checkVars | boolean |
Whether to treat member variables as properties |
$checkBehaviors | boolean |
Whether to treat behaviors' properties as properties of this component |
return | boolean |
Whether the property is defined |
public function hasProperty($name, $checkVars = true, $checkBehaviors = true)
return $this->canGetProperty($name, $checkVars, $checkBehaviors) || $this->canSetProperty($name, false, $checkBehaviors);
Initializes the object.
This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.
public void init ( ) |
public function init()
if ($this->timeZone === null) {
$this->timeZone = Yii::$app->timeZone;
if ($this->locale === null) {
$this->locale = Yii::$app->language;
if ($this->language === null) {
$this->language = strtok($this->locale, '@');
if ($this->booleanFormat === null) {
$this->booleanFormat = [Yii::t('yii', 'No', [], $this->language), Yii::t('yii', 'Yes', [], $this->language)];
if ($this->nullDisplay === null) {
$this->nullDisplay = '<span class="not-set">' . Yii::t('yii', '(not set)', [], $this->language) . '</span>';
$this->_intlLoaded = extension_loaded('intl');
if (!$this->_intlLoaded) {
if ($this->decimalSeparator === null) {
$this->decimalSeparator = '.';
if ($this->thousandSeparator === null) {
$this->thousandSeparator = ',';
Checks if string representations of given value and its normalized version are different.
protected boolean isNormalizedValueMispresented ( $value, $normalizedValue ) | ||
$value | string|float|integer | |
$normalizedValue | float|integer |
protected function isNormalizedValueMispresented($value, $normalizedValue)
if (empty($value)) {
$value = 0;
return (string) $normalizedValue !== $this->normalizeNumericStringValue((string) $value);
Normalizes the given datetime value as a DateTime object that can be taken by various date/time formatting methods.
protected DateTime|array normalizeDatetimeValue ( $value, $checkDateTimeInfo = false ) | ||
$value | integer|string|DateTime|DateTimeInterface|null |
The datetime value to be normalized. The following types of value are supported:
$checkDateTimeInfo | boolean |
Whether to also check if the date/time value has some time and date information attached.
Defaults to |
return | DateTime|array |
The normalized datetime value
Since version 2.0.1 this may also return an array if |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value can not be evaluated as a date value. |
protected function normalizeDatetimeValue($value, $checkDateTimeInfo = false)
// checking for DateTime and DateTimeInterface is not redundant, DateTimeInterface is only in PHP>5.5
if ($value === null || $value instanceof DateTime || $value instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
// skip any processing
return $checkDateTimeInfo ? [$value, true, true] : $value;
if (empty($value)) {
$value = 0;
try {
if (is_numeric($value)) { // process as unix timestamp, which is always in UTC
$timestamp = new DateTime('@' . (int) $value, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
return $checkDateTimeInfo ? [$timestamp, true, true] : $timestamp;
if (
($timestamp = DateTime::createFromFormat(
new DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone)
) !== false
) { // try Y-m-d format (support invalid dates like 2012-13-01)
return $checkDateTimeInfo ? [$timestamp, false, true] : $timestamp;
if (
($timestamp = DateTime::createFromFormat(
'Y-m-d H:i:s',
new DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone)
) !== false
) { // try Y-m-d H:i:s format (support invalid dates like 2012-13-01 12:63:12)
return $checkDateTimeInfo ? [$timestamp, true, true] : $timestamp;
// finally try to create a DateTime object with the value
if ($checkDateTimeInfo) {
$timestamp = new DateTime($value, new DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
$info = date_parse($value);
return [
!($info['hour'] === false && $info['minute'] === false && $info['second'] === false),
!($info['year'] === false && $info['month'] === false && $info['day'] === false && empty($info['zone'])),
return new DateTime($value, new DateTimeZone($this->defaultTimeZone));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("'$value' is not a valid date time value: " . $e->getMessage()
. "\n" . print_r(DateTime::getLastErrors(), true), $e->getCode(), $e);
Normalizes a numeric string value.
protected string normalizeNumericStringValue ( $value ) | ||
$value | string | |
return | string |
The normalized number value as a string |
protected function normalizeNumericStringValue($value)
$powerPosition = strrpos($value, 'E');
if ($powerPosition !== false) {
$valuePart = substr($value, 0, $powerPosition);
$powerPart = substr($value, $powerPosition + 1);
} else {
$powerPart = null;
$valuePart = $value;
$separatorPosition = strrpos($valuePart, '.');
if ($separatorPosition !== false) {
$integerPart = substr($valuePart, 0, $separatorPosition);
$fractionalPart = substr($valuePart, $separatorPosition + 1);
} else {
$integerPart = $valuePart;
$fractionalPart = null;
// truncate insignificant zeros, keep minus
$integerPart = preg_replace('/^\+?(-?)0*(\d+)$/', '$1$2', $integerPart);
// for zeros only leave one zero, keep minus
$integerPart = preg_replace('/^\+?(-?)0*$/', '${1}0', $integerPart);
if ($fractionalPart !== null) {
// truncate insignificant zeros
$fractionalPart = rtrim($fractionalPart, '0');
if (empty($fractionalPart)) {
$fractionalPart = $powerPart !== null ? '0' : null;
$normalizedValue = $integerPart;
if ($fractionalPart !== null) {
$normalizedValue .= '.' . $fractionalPart;
} elseif ($normalizedValue === '-0') {
$normalizedValue = '0';
if ($powerPart !== null) {
$normalizedValue .= 'E' . $powerPart;
return $normalizedValue;
Normalizes a numeric input value.
protected float|integer normalizeNumericValue ( $value ) | ||
$value | mixed |
The input value |
return | float|integer |
The normalized number value |
throws | yii\base\InvalidArgumentException |
if the input value is not numeric. |
protected function normalizeNumericValue($value)
if (empty($value)) {
return 0;
if (is_string($value) && is_numeric($value)) {
$value = (float) $value;
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("'$value' is not a numeric value.");
return $value;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::off()
Detaches an existing event handler from this component.
This method is the opposite of on().
Note: in case wildcard pattern is passed for event name, only the handlers registered with this wildcard will be removed, while handlers registered with plain names matching this wildcard will remain.
See also on().
public boolean off ( $name, $handler = null ) | ||
$name | string |
Event name |
$handler | callable|null |
The event handler to be removed. If it is null, all handlers attached to the named event will be removed. |
return | boolean |
If a handler is found and detached |
public function off($name, $handler = null)
if (empty($this->_events[$name]) && empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
return false;
if ($handler === null) {
unset($this->_events[$name], $this->_eventWildcards[$name]);
return true;
$removed = false;
// plain event names
if (isset($this->_events[$name])) {
foreach ($this->_events[$name] as $i => $event) {
if ($event[0] === $handler) {
$removed = true;
if ($removed) {
$this->_events[$name] = array_values($this->_events[$name]);
return true;
// wildcard event names
if (isset($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
foreach ($this->_eventWildcards[$name] as $i => $event) {
if ($event[0] === $handler) {
$removed = true;
if ($removed) {
$this->_eventWildcards[$name] = array_values($this->_eventWildcards[$name]);
// remove empty wildcards to save future redundant regex checks:
if (empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
return $removed;
Defined in: yii\base\Component::on()
Attaches an event handler to an event.
The event handler must be a valid PHP callback. The following are some examples:
function ($event) { ... } // anonymous function
[$object, 'handleClick'] // $object->handleClick()
['Page', 'handleClick'] // Page::handleClick()
'handleClick' // global function handleClick()
The event handler must be defined with the following signature,
function ($event)
where $event
is an yii\base\Event object which includes parameters associated with the event.
Since 2.0.14 you can specify event name as a wildcard pattern:
$component->on('*', function ($event) {
Yii::trace($event->name . ' is triggered.');
See also off().
public void on ( $name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true ) | ||
$name | string |
The event name |
$handler | callable |
The event handler |
$data | mixed |
The data to be passed to the event handler when the event is triggered. When the event handler is invoked, this data can be accessed via yii\base\Event::$data. |
$append | boolean |
Whether to append new event handler to the end of the existing handler list. If false, the new handler will be inserted at the beginning of the existing handler list. |
public function on($name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true)
if (strpos($name, '*') !== false) {
if ($append || empty($this->_eventWildcards[$name])) {
$this->_eventWildcards[$name][] = [$handler, $data];
} else {
array_unshift($this->_eventWildcards[$name], [$handler, $data]);
if ($append || empty($this->_events[$name])) {
$this->_events[$name][] = [$handler, $data];
} else {
array_unshift($this->_events[$name], [$handler, $data]);
Defined in: yii\base\Component::trigger()
Triggers an event.
This method represents the happening of an event. It invokes all attached handlers for the event including class-level handlers.
public void trigger ( $name, ?\yii\base\Event $event = null ) | ||
$name | string |
The event name |
$event | yii\base\Event|null |
The event instance. If not set, a default yii\base\Event object will be created. |
public function trigger($name, ?Event $event = null)
$eventHandlers = [];
foreach ($this->_eventWildcards as $wildcard => $handlers) {
if (StringHelper::matchWildcard($wildcard, $name)) {
$eventHandlers[] = $handlers;
if (!empty($this->_events[$name])) {
$eventHandlers[] = $this->_events[$name];
if (!empty($eventHandlers)) {
$eventHandlers = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $eventHandlers);
if ($event === null) {
$event = new Event();
if ($event->sender === null) {
$event->sender = $this;
$event->handled = false;
$event->name = $name;
foreach ($eventHandlers as $handler) {
$event->data = $handler[1];
call_user_func($handler[0], $event);
// stop further handling if the event is handled
if ($event->handled) {
// invoke class-level attached handlers
Event::trigger($this, $name, $event);
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