Har du någonsin velat visa upp en viktig artikel på din WordPress webbplats och hålla den framme och centrerad så att alla besökare kan se den? (fast)klistrat inlägg är lösningen på detta problem.
Vi har använt (fast)klistrat inlägg otaliga gånger i våra bloggprojekt för att lyfta fram allt från stora tillkännagivanden till omfattande przewodnik. Det är ett enkelt sätt att uppmärksamma viktigt innehåll utan att förlita sig på komplexa tillägg eller kodändringar.
Om du vill lära dig mer om hur du använder (fast)klistrade inlägg, fortsätt att läsa. Den här przewodniken kommer att gå igenom exakt vad de är, när du ska använda dem och hur du använder dem steg för steg.

Vad är ett (fast)klistrat inlägg i WordPress?
Ett fast)klistrat inlägg är ett inlägg som klistrar sig högst upp på din WordPress blogginläggs page. Till skillnad från dina vanliga inlägg stannar det på din bloggs front page tills du tar bort alternativet (fast)klistrat inlägg.
Som standard visar WordPress dina nyaste posts först. När du addar mer content kommer dina äldre inlägg att minska och så småningom flyttas till archives.
Det innebär att det är mindre troligt att visitorerna hittar blogginlägget om de inte hittar det i sökresultaten eller går igenom alla posts på din WordPress website.
Men vad händer om du vill visa dina artiklar på startsidan under en längre tid? Det är då funktionen (fast)klistrat inlägg i WordPress kommer väl till pass.
När ska man använda ett (fast)klistrat inlägg i WordPress
Under hela vår tid med fast)klistrat inlägg har vi upptäckt att de kan öka engagemanget för viktigt innehåll avsevärt. Ibland fördubblas eller till och med tredubblas antalet visningar av viktiga artiklar.
Det finns huvudsakligen två typer av content som du kanske vill fästa på din bloggs home page.
1. Det bästa innehållet (pelarartiklar) på din blogg
Pillar articles är det viktigaste innehållet på din website. De inkluderar djupgående artiklar, omfattande guider och dina mest populära posts.
De är det bästa sättet att introducera nya användare till din blogg, generera leads och öka sidvisningar. Du kommer att vilja lyfta fram dem på hela din website för att se till att nya användare kan hitta dessa artiklar.
Du kanske till exempel har skrivit ett omfattande blogginlägg som täcker ett specifikt ämne i detalj. Den här artikeln kommer att vara mycket användbar för dina användare, och du kanske vill klistra den högst upp.
2. Critical Content efter tid-relevans
En annan typ av inlägg som du kanske vill göra sticky är tidsrelevant innehåll som produktuppdateringar, tillkännagivanden, giveaways och mer.
Om du har meddelat en större update av en produkt via din blogg vill du att dina användare ska se den så snart som möjligt. På samma sätt, om du runar en giveaway under en månad, så vill du att alla ska se den innan den löper ut.
När postens tidsrelevans har löpt ut kan du sedan ersätta den med nya (fast)klistrade inlägg.
Med detta sagt, låt oss se hur du enkelt kan göra dina inlägg klistriga i WordPress.
Hur man gör WordPress inlägg sticky (2 sätt)
WordPress har en built-in-funktion för att klistra alla poster på front page, vilket innebär att du inte behöver installera något WordPress plugin för detta.
All standard WordPress teman stöder denna funktion och kommer att markera det (fast)klistrade inlägget på front page eller bloggsidan.
Först måste du öppna block editor och edit inlägget som du vill göra sticky eller skapa en new.
På vyn för edit av post måste du öppna den högra sidebaren, där du kommer att se dina postinställningar.
I ”Summary”-inställningarna behöver du bara kontrollera boxen bredvid ”Stick to the top of the blogg”.

Se sedan till att updating eller publicera your post.
Nu är det klart! Ditt blogginlägg kommer nu att klistras på din bloggs front page eller homepage tills du tar bort kontrollen.
Om du vill göra ett äldre inlägg sticky, följ samma steg och klicka bara på knappen ”Update” högst upp.
Du kan också göra äldre inlägg sticky med Quick Edit-funktionen.
Gå bara till sidan Posts ” All Posts från ditt admin area och search efter respektive posttitel. Därefter måste du klicka på alternativet ”Quick Edit” under det.

Efter det ser du alternativen för snabb redigering, inklusive en checkbox för fast)klistrat inlägg längst ner på höger sida.
You need to check the box and click the ’Update’ button under.

Du kan också tillämpa detta på dina opublicerade drafts för att göra dem sticky när de väl publiceras.
För fler tips och tricks relaterade till (fast)klistrade inlägg kan du läsa dessa guider:
- Hur man lägger till klistrat inlägg i WordPress Custom Post Type Archives
- Hur man utesluter (fast)klistrade inlägg från slingan i WordPress
- Så här ordnar du enkelt om posts i WordPress (steg för steg)
Fler sätt att visa upp och hantera ditt bästa innehåll
(Fast)klistrat inlägg är bra för att hålla viktiga artiklar högst upp på din blogg. Men det finns ännu fler sätt att lyfta fram din bästa innehåll i WordPress. Här är några andra knep som vi har funnit användbara:
- Så här visar du populära inlägg efter visningar i WordPress
- Så här Omdirigering av användare till ett slumpmässigt inlägg i WordPress
- Hur man visar de mest kommenterade inläggen i WordPress
- Så här visar du Relaterade inlägg i WordPress (steg för steg)
- Så här lägger du till utvalda inlägg i sidopanelen i WordPress
- Så här listar du framtida kommande tidsinställda inlägg i WordPress
- Hur man löper ut inlägg eller delar av inläggets innehåll i WordPress
Vi hoppas att den här artikeln hjälpte dig att lära dig hur du enkelt skapar (fast)klistrade inlägg i WordPress. Du kanske också vill se vår przewodnik om hur du effektivt hanterar inläggsserier i WordPress och vår lista över viktiga sidor som varje WordPress-blogg bör ha.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Dennis Muthomi
After reading this, it got me thinking if a similar approach could be used to create a sticky sidebar table of contents for long blog posts.
As readers scroll through lengthy content, it would be great if the sidebar TOC would stay visible at all times.
Would it be possible??
WPBeginner Support
If you have a table of contents widget then we would recommend using the method from our article below to make it sticky
Dennis Muthomi
Thank you for the response and for linking me to that article!
I checked it out and it covers exactly what I was looking to do with keeping a sidebar table of contents visible while scrolling long posts.
David Andrew Wiebe
Thanks for the tutorial! I had forgotten how to do this and needed a quick refresher. Worked like a charm.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Cheryl Downes
My (old) sticky post doesn’t show on the homepage or the category page.
I’m using the classic editor and followed the steps in the tutorial, but although it says it’s sticky, the behaviour of the post hasn’t changed?
WPBeginner Support
You may want to reach out to the support for your specific theme to see if your theme has a custom styling that is a bit odd.
Thanks for this info. I am looking for a new way to create a sticky post on a category page, so not on the homepage. I used a plugin for this but I got notified from Wordfence that it hasn’t been updated in 3 years so I better look for another solution. Do you have any suggestion for this?
WPBeginner Support
We would first recommend taking a look at our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/should-you-install-plugins-not-tested-with-your-wordpress-version/

Jubair Bin Iqbal
Thank you so much for your topic. This is so helpful for me.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide could help
Brian Cooper
well, but, that sticky, will now show up even in Featured Posts Slider, even if you don’t want it there, even if it doesn’t belong there (the post that was made a sticky was not designated as a featured post) so if it’s a note meant to go at the top of one particular category, it now will always show as featured image #1 in the featured posts slider, and #1 in the recents posts, etc…. I don’t suppose there is a way to keep that sticky, just on one particular blog feed category,
Thank you very much
The video on my post does not show up on the home page. Only the title. I made it sticky but it doesn’t play – although it does on the other page. Any ideas?
becca puglisi
Hi there. Thank you for this. A question: can I do this for a Draft post, so it will always appear in the top of my Drafts but not actually on my blog itself? I have a template that I use every week, and I always have to scroll down through the posts to find it, so it would be nice for it to be at the top of the page for me to see. But I don’t want my readers to see it because it’s just a draft.
Alex Muiruri
Yup. Actually, when you make your post sticky, it falls into another category far from the drafts, published, all and Trash. SO it will become easier to find it.
I am trying to sign up for email blog tips but it says I have input my email to many times…one time is all I did to get this
WPBeginner Support
Please clear browser’s cache and cookies and then try again. You can also follow us Facebook.
Nergis Parikh
Can you tell me how to create a sticky headline the way it is done on WikiHow site.
Anto Navis
Is there any option to make the sticky post as particular time automatically ..
Its possible means Please guide me. i like to add the feature on my Tech Info World Blog.
Thank you !!!
Petrea Dishman
THANK YOU! I would never have looked there for that. I was trying to figure out how to use post-class, thanks for the save. It shouldn’t be hidden like in my opinion.
Great Post.
So i tried sticking a post and after a while i ”unsticked” the post.
But then the post seem to have disappeared, i can only see the title and the comments.
The post content itself is gone. I’ve tried editing in the back end, but there’s nothing, my content is just gone.
Have you heard of this before? Could you help fix this? *weeps*
Jank Spim
Hi, tnks for this very helpful post and comments.
Does anyone know how to grant WordPress authors permissions to make a post sticky?
I don’t want to make the author an editor, only make that ”sticky post” checkbox visible.
Thanks for tip
After searching for so many helpful posts about the sticky option, i just couldn’t see it anymore.
Then i saw the words: ”WP Admin” in one of the comments of this post and that immediately got me going at first. YEP I needed to see WP ADMIN. and I knew exactly what i had been doing wrong all this time.
I am more visual
So after I finally was able to remove the sticky post, I came back to reread this post and watch the video more carefully and:
This whole post is very helpful!!!
Reposting it on my blog for somewhere in the future, if i forget about sticky posts again
thank you so much ^_^
WPBeginner Support
We are glad you found it helpful
This isn’t helpful. There is no edit option. I can’t figure out how to stick or unstick post anymore
The format has been changed and under visibility public, there is no ”sticking to the front” kind of thing for me, is there another way?
WPBeginner Support
There is an Edit link right next to Visibility: Public option. Clicking on that Edit link will reveal the option to make a post sticky.
Sorry but in my admin there is no link or whatsoever. I have tree tick box and that’s it.
I have an old post sticked (stuck ?) and can’t remove it.
Any other option ? I’m hosted directly on wordpress.com
About his ”You have to login through Wp Admin option”
Would love to try but don’t know what that mean
WPBeginner Support
Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Nirajan Thapa
You have to login through Wp Admin option, then you will have extended dashboard where you can find posts and edit from there, there is the option for it.
Oh this one is helpful.
I have tried everything I saw at first glance on the support page. Signing in as WP Admin was the BEST solution
Thank you.
Jeff Potter
I have a post marked sticky. I want to unstick it. I have a new post I want to make sticky. There are zero options for doing any of this. Very frustrating. Some comments here have remarked on this. Can anyone help us? I am using a standard, basic free blog template. I have googled this. No help. None of the dashboard images look like mine. I have 3 options under Visibility — no edit option. This is a crazy waste of time!!!!
WPBeginner Support
You need to just edit the old post that you want to unstick. In the publish meta box just above the update button you would see the edit link. You may also want to check out how to add an expiration date to sticky posts.
I can’t open Edit in Public Visibily to make my latest post sticky.Is it because I have too many sticky posts ? (39) If it is I still need to open edit to unstick some earlier ones. Thank you in advance for any help in solving this.
I can’t open the visibility public edit feature to make a post sticky.Can you have too many sticky posts (39) ? If it is that how can I unsticky some when I can’t open edit ? Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
You can have as many sticky posts as you want. You can edit a post and remove the sticky check from the post to make it unstick. Alternately you can also set an expiration date for sticky posts in WordPress.
Guy Dauncey
My Visibility button no longer has an option to make apost sticky t the top. Did you change something? I used to have that ability – now its gone.
I also can’t see it – under ”visibility”, there are only 3 options now: ”public, private and password protected”.
I made my last post sticky and now when I publish something new it doesn’t come up on top and there is no way no edit it.
Please help
I have the same problem as Guy and Desi. Under visibility there are only 3 options “public, private and password protected” and none of them allow me to make a post sticky. I was able to have one sticky post and none after that. The theme I use is ”The Dyad Theme.”
Hello there
Is there a way to change the sticky note text (it says ”featured”)? And if so, is there a way to have the option to change the text for single sticky notes, instead of all of them?
Thank you.
Best M
Christopher Pontine
Hi There,
Is there a way to make a page instead of a post do this?
WPBeginner Support
Actually pages are not hierarchical like posts. To learn more please see our guide on difference between posts vs pages.
hello , I checked to my post on sticky but it doesn’t appear never ?? what is the wrong ???
On WordPress 4.2.4, nothing appears when you click on Public in the Edit Menu of Publish Section. So i can’t make my post sticky via that option. Can anybody help me regarding this version?
WPBeginner Support
You need to click on ’Edit’ next to Public.
This option not available for custom post type
Mon Villarin
Hello wpbeginner i am using genesis i would like to know how to change the background color of a sticky post from the front page? i can’t find any tutorial or code anywhere online. I hope you can help me. My site’s address is:
I get how to make a post sticky, but that sticky post only shows as a title, not an article. One must click on it to read it. I would like the sticky post to show the whole article, like every other post. Is that possible? Thanks in advance…
WPBeginner Support
The appearance of sticky posts depends on your WordPress theme and how it handles sticky posts. If this is how your theme displays sticky posts, then you will need to edit theme files to show full content. Ask your theme author for support before making any changes to the theme yourself.
To the question regarding a sticky post in a category rather than a page, you said yes. Well, my question is how.
Please help!
WPBeginner Support
See our tutorial on how to add sticky posts to categories in WordPress.
Graeme Voigt
Is it possible to publish a post to my home page that CAN’T be clicked on? My masonry theme has an option to publish a post that appears as a quote on the home page. The only thing is, I don’t want users to click on this quote and be taken to a random page that only contains one sentence! I want the posts to appear on the home page just as some inspiration – not a link to a page.
Thanks for any help!
I want my chosen posts as sticky in homepage permanently.I don’t want additional posts to be visible in home page.
Also can 5 or more pages be made sticky.
I have created a sticky post as a welcome note explaining what my site is about, and how best to use it. It’s been at the top of the tree for over a week, above more recent posts. Just how I wanted it to be. Today when I login, the sticky post is #2 in the list, under a more recent post that was below it yesterday. I’ve found nothing to explain this. The sticky post is still the only one with the sticky box checked. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what’s going on, and how to stop it happening? (For now, I plan to make the post non-sticky, and then make it sticky again. Fingers crossed, but even if that works it’s hardly ideal.)
WPBeginner Staff
Go to Appearance -> Widgets and remove the recent posts widget. You can add it back whenever you want by simply dragging and dropping it to the same sidebar.
Hi, I already found the way to make a post sticky, but there’s another problem. A link to the new sticky post appears in the Recent Posts list on my sidebar, but clicking it results in one of those ”Shucks, this is embarrassing isn’t it” messages because the link somehow can’t find anything to point to. Any suggestions? After another five or so regular posts, this dead link will drop off the bottom of the list anyway, but I’m curious to know if it can be fixed.
WPBeginner Staff
Try adding another sticky post with different title. See if you can reproduce the error.
Many thanks for your prompt reply and for your suggestion, but… this is a live site I’m editing. If I manage to reproduce the error I’ll wind up with two dead links in my ’recent posts’ list. As far as I can see, I don’t have UX access to edit the list of recent posts. If you can tell me I’m wrong, and how I can delete entries from the list, then I’ll happily experiment with the sticky post problem.
In Genesis, it’s turned off.
Hi, is it possible to have the sticky post just on one page? Without the CSS or programming code? Thanks!
Oh dear. So simple, yet I never thought to look there!
WPBeginner Staff
You can do so using CSS. WordPress automatically adds sticky class to the sticky posts. You can use that class in CSS to add your style rules. For example:
.sticky {
border:1px solid #ccc;
How can I change the color of the sticky note?
WPBeginner Staff
A sticky post will remain sticky until you publish another post and mark it as sticky or you manually uncheck the sticky post option.
Thank you
Thank you a lot guys for your great work, but please can you please answer these tow questions for me :
Does a sticky post stays sticky until I check the box?
and what happens if I have more than one sticky post?
I am trying to do this on my posts, but can’t seem to find the sticky button? Does this feature no longer exist?
WPBeginner Staff
It exists, but you need to click on the Edit link next to visibility under publish metabox to see it.
WPBeginner Staff
You don’t need a plugin for that, this functionality comes built-in with WordPress
but there is a plugin for that??
I thought I wanted to have a static home page but realized what I really want is a cool content slider at the top… recent posts.. a little about me section. then all of my social media buttons instagram plugins and such…. Is this possible with a sticky post as the homepage?? Or what else can I try?
WPBeginner Support
There are some free and premium WordPress themes that allow you to do all this easily. But if you want to do this without changing your theme, then still a sticky post is not the right way to do this.
Keith Davis
Thanks guys
I should have known that, but I didn’t.
Johan Horak
Hi Thanks.
Will the post stay sticky until I remove the tick?
Editorial Staff
Yes, it will stay sticky until you unsticky it.
Looking deeper into the table structure wp_post what fields makes it sticky?
Thanks for the share, we can make the post sticky if it is about a contest or a resource.
Thanks for the share, we can make the post sticky if it is about a contest or a resource.
Hi, thanks for the tips, I do it but the background of post in sticky post in theme twenty ten changed to light blue. Is there any way to make it to white as well? Thanks.
Editorial Staff
Yes, you would have to change the class in the css file. Search for .sticky and change the background color.