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Properly adding JavaScripts and styles in WordPress




add_action('wp_head', 'wpb_bad_script');
function wpb_bad_script() {
echo 'jQuery goes here';












function wpb_adding_scripts() {
wp_register_script('my_amazing_script', plugins_url('amazing_script.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'),'1.1', true);
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_adding_scripts' );  



  • $handle– ハンドルはスクリプトのユニークな名前です。私たちのスクリプトの名前は “my_amazing_script” です。
  • src– srcはスクリプトの場所です。plugins_url関数を使って、プラグインフォルダーの適切なURLを取得しています。WordPressがそれを見つけたら、そのフォルダーの中からファイル名amazing_script.jsを探します。
  • deps– depsは依存関係を表します。私たちのスクリプトはjQueryを使用しているので、依存エリアにjQueryを追加しました。WordPressは、サイト上ですでにjQueryが読み込まれていなければ、自動的にjQueryを読み込む。
  • ver– スクリプトのバージョン番号。このパラメータは必須ではありません。
  • in_footer– スクリプトをフッターにロードしたいので、この値をtrueに設定しています。スクリプトをヘッダーにロードしたい場合は、この値をfalseにします。







function wpb_adding_styles() {
wp_register_style('my_stylesheet', plugins_url('my-stylesheet.css', __FILE__));
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_adding_styles' );  




ただし、テーマで enqueue scripts 関数を使用している場合は、代わりにget_template_directory_uri()を使用します。子テーマを使用している場合は、get_stylesheet_directory_uri() を使用します。


function wpb_adding_scripts() {
wp_register_script('my_amazing_script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/amazing_script.js', array('jquery'),'1.1', true);
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_adding_scripts' );  


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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

35件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Schroedingers Katze

    Cheers, thanks for sharing! Great explanation.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  2. Jean-Michel

    Hi there,
    I followed what is said here but now I get an empty white page on my web site. Could someone give me a hint ?

  3. Orhan

    This article was very useful to me. Thank you.

  4. Mark

    Typical article that makes you even more confused after than before…

  5. Zaved Hossain

    This is nice, though my usual practice is to add wp_enqueue_script/style in a single line without registering. Coders need to be careful about the parameters, perhaps a little explanation of that would be helpful. For example, the different versions of jquery (your jquery script may require different version than the wordpress’) and where to add it (header or footer which is determined by the true/false parameter). The jquery script needs to be added in the header, (hence a ‘false’ needs to be passed as the param value), otherwise it may not work.

  6. Hansjörg Leichsenring

    There are often a lot of style.css.
    How can I ensure the correct load-order with enque and make sure, that the child css is loaded last?

    Cheers from Germany

  7. Carlos Araya

    How do I pass empty parameter to register_script? I want to make sure that they script is loaded at the bottom of the page but can’t find information whether this is the default behavior or not

    • Kerry Beeher


      Thank you for your excellente resource. Merci !!!

      I am little novice and just begin my journey to learn PHP and how WordPress use wp_enqueue_script and wp_register_script to add JavaScript and CSS.

      I use this free plugin called Easy Code Manager to help run through your exemples:
      however I am not sure if this is right plugin to use.

      I read before that it is not the best idea to modifier code in functions.php so I wonder if this is ok to do?

      Will it not get change on a theme update?
      Sorry for question, I still learn WordPress.


  8. Vaibhav Bansal

    I want to add an Amazon Ad
    I tried to add it in text widget, but it shows blank.
    Below is the code-

    This is my site-
    Help me. How do I add js on my site?

  9. pradyumna

    i have inserted a javascript using this plugin but now i have to remove it, i have tried uninstalling and deactivating the plugin but the javascript still executes

  10. Vijay.Rajpal

    Hello Sir,
    I am using esteem theme and I wanted to add some javascripts functionality to my website like lightbox. I have created a child theme and the code are as follows. in the functions.php.

    and I am getting an error:-Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in E:\InstantWP_4.5\iwpserver\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes\esteem-child\functions.php on line 18
    Please Help I am using sublime as my text editor.
    Please Help!!!!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      There is an unexpected { in the code. Go to the line 18 of your functions file and then carefully study the code. You may have forgotten some tiny code like a missing ;


  11. Pramod

    i m adding .js file in js directory of wordpress and gives its reference of it in funcation.php
    but its not working

    wp_enqueue_script( ‘any-navigation’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/js/menu.js’);

  12. Bobbie

    Thanks so much! I’ve been trying to add a custom .js file but this is the first explanation that the register_script was needed.

  13. colkav

    Hey, great tutorial. I’m having an issue adding a Google Analytics related javascript, as described here:
    I’ve put the script in my child theme’s ‘js’ folder (having first stripped the html from the code).

    When i load up the page I keep getting the error :

    ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: ga
    (anonymous function)myscript.js:6

    …and it just dawned on me that maybe I need to add ‘analytics.js’ as a dependency!

    Does that sounds right? And if so, how would I add analytics as a dependency for my script? I’ve tried experimenting here to no avail :(

  14. Shoaib

    Is there any Plugin for the same … i am newbie and can’t play with codes … Plz Help me Sir

  15. xavi

    thanks for this amazing post tutorial! But when you say “where to upload the script” you just can define head or footer (in all entire webpages!)? Could you define an especific page to load it? I just need it in one. Thanks for advance and keep working! Cheers.

  16. Skye Barcus

    I am a total novice at js but do know html. I want to put this on a wordpress page:

    Basically, it’s a widget to join a GoToMeeting. This works if you just throw it into the body of an html page, but in WordPress, it gets supressed.
    Can you give me a “For Dummies” version of how to make this work?

  17. Tyler Longren

    On the style loading piece, on line 6, wp_register_script, should be wp_register_style I believe.

      • Pedro de Carvalho

        why you chose to use _script instead?

        • Pali Madra

          I would also like to know why use _script and not _style? Are there any benefits or will both work therefore either can be used?

  18. Dejan

    I really like you site it is full of useful tips, however looks like you are not doing it “Properly” for CSS enqueue even though your title say that way :=) The right way would be :

    wp_register_style( ‘my-css-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/css/style.css’, array(), ‘1.0’, ‘all’ );
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘my-css-style’ );

    Keep up the good work… Cheers!

  19. Adrian Zumbrunnen

    Thanks for the effort you put into this. It just feels wrong to have wp_enque_script for loading stylesheets. WordPress could eventually spit out script instead of the stylehseet syntax for it.

    Do you really embed that way?

    • WPBeginner Support

      This tutorial shows how to load JavaScript and stylesheet files for your themes or plugins in WordPress. If by Embed you meant how we display code in articles, then we use Syntax Highlighter plugin for that.


  20. oiveros

    hi i’m kind of new on the wordpress theming , and reading about these topic, i wanted to ask you about something related to these . If i want to update the jquery library link how do i do it or where do i find the link i been trying to do it but i can’t find it. Thank you in advanced for your help

    • WPBeginner Support

      If by updating jquery library link, you mean to add jquery from Google’s library. WordPress comes packed with jquery and to load it in your theme use this line in your theme:

      <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); ?>


      • oiveros

        okey so if i want to have the latest jquery, i just use that line?, because somebody told me to use a plugin just for that, but i wanted to learn how to do it without a plugin

        • oliveros

          Thank you for your answer, i found the post related to that issue here in your site.

  21. Mark

    Thanks so much for this tut.

  22. Elliott Richmond

    Useful Syed, thanks.
    I recently had an issue loading a css file using _underscore as a framework, although the stylesheet was called mycustomstyles.css the theme was calling mycustomstyles.css?ver=xx and the theme wasn’t loading the file because of the naming of the file by appending ?ver=xx to the end of the name.
    Is that something to do with $ver default?

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