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Fixing WordPress RSS feed errors





XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Line Number 2, Column 1:



Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/username/ in /home/username/ on line 1228

FeedBurnerや IFTTTのようなソーシャル共有自動化アプリを使用している場合、エラーメッセージは異なって見えるかもしれません。これらのエラーはあなたのフィードに影響を与えるだけでなく、購読者へのコンテンツ更新のためにWordPress RSSフィードに依存しているサービスを混乱させる可能性があります。



わずかなフォーマットエラーでも、RSSフィードを乱す可能性があります。幸いなことに、W3C Feed Validatorのようなエラーを特定するのに役立つ無料のオンラインツールがあります。

最初のステップは、RSSフィードのURLを取得することです。ほとんどの場合、WordPressのRSSフィードのURLは次の形式になっています: yourwebsite.comを実際のサイトのアドレスに置き換えてください。


W3C Feed Validation Service




WordPress管理ダッシュボードのプラグイン ” インストール済みプラグインに アクセスしてください。そして、プラグインリストの左上にあるボックスにチェックを入れ、「一括操作」のドロップダウンから「無効化」を選択します。


Deactivate all plugins







外観 ” テーマのページで、すでにデフォルトテーマをインストールしている場合は、有効化するだけです。

デフォルトテーマには、Twenty Twenty-Three、Twenty Twenty-Twoなどがある。

Activating a default WordPress theme









// Your PHP code here









WPCode error warning




この投稿が、あなたのサイトのWordPress RSSフィードエラーの修正に役立てば幸いです。また、WordPress の最も一般的なエラーの修正方法や、WordPress のエキスパートが選ぶ最高のソーシャルメディアプラグインもご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

27件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Charles Jones

    Under settings / reading, increase the number of syndication feeds to show

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the error but if our methods from the article did not work you could certainly try this :)


  2. Sahariar

    When i update feedburner rss link, and save website feed link its shows me this error. and for that reason my RSS campaign in Mailchimp was no working properly. “Received HTTP error: “Forbidden” while fetching source feed. “

  3. Babatunde

    Whenever a user clicks on the RSS feed icon on my website, it displays the XML source code.
    Is this safe for my website?
    If not, how can I solve this issue?

    • WPBeginner Support

      That is fine, the RSS feed by default is set up for sites that crawl your site rather than users to directly visit unless they’re adding it to their preferred RSS tool


  4. Aylin

    Hi there! My feed only shows my very 2 posts which I deleted later and not use at all. Now I have too many pages on my website but feed is not updated and subscribers do not receive updates. What can I do? Thanks fot he help.

  5. Caroline

    Thank you! I tried the feed validator tool and got this message: “Feeds should not be served with the “text/html” media type”.

    I clicked on the link but there are no instructions on what to do in WordPress. I also tried the RSS Fix but doesn’t help either! Do you know what I can do about this? Many thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      There are a few possible reasons, you may want to start by disabling your plugins to see if this error is caused by a specific plugin


  6. Wendela Kilmer

    After migrating to a new theme (Soledad) my “automatic RSS campaign” sent out by MailerLite shows my readers the latest published post in full PLUS three snippets of the same post with a link. No idea where to look to fix this to get rid of the three additional snippets.

    • WPBeginner Support

      For a starting point, you may want to check your MailerLite to ensure it is still set up properly. Your RSS may have looked like it updated when you updated themes.


      • Wendela Kilmer

        Yes, I checked with MailerLite immediately. They said it is all set up properly with my feed. The feed did not change. I’ve deactivated all my plugins, and nothing made a difference. I put in a support ticket with the PenciDesign about my new theme and they said they do nothing with RSS. I’ve checked my WordPress settings, and all is fine. It is a mystery, and I have no idea where to go from here.

  7. E C Nielsen

    Most of the 9 RSS feeds I’m subscribed to haven’t been working for some time, I get an error message that seems to be linked to Microsoft :( I tried this morning to see if I could fix the problem, only to have WordPress say I don’t have an account, even though I’ve successfully subscribed to these blogs for years! I don’t get it. I just want my feeds to work again. Help??

  8. Sylver

    i got this error when i try to import what should i do

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function set_magic_quotes_runtime()

  9. Anthony T.

    Thanks for the tip. For me my RSS Feed for my podcast was throwing the following error: XML parsing error: :1:1: not well-formed (invalid token)

    It ended up being a missed PHP close tag at the end of my functions.php file on the new theme I had installed. It actually may have been attributed to the favicon.ico refusing to be applied when trying to save the settings.

  10. Donato

    This worked for me!!

  11. imrane

    I tried thoses solutions but not worked with me.
    RSS page shows all the text and images of all the posts withous css.

  12. László Várkondi


    If curl_init or other curl functions disabled on server, it can be also a reason of RSS error in WordPress.

  13. Munna Hossain

    Great sharing. I have already fix RSS feed errors using this plugin. This is really an excellent plugin. Thanks for your article and many many thanks for your help.

  14. asad

    How to fix this broken link ????

  15. Michael Manago

    My RSS problems is none of the above. You can view it from my Entries RSS and Comments RSS found in my Meta Tags widget at my right side bar.

    What could be wrong with them?

  16. Wally

    The problem I have is conflict Mailchimp and 3W cache, mailchimp will not send newsletter out unless I temporary deactivate the 3W. I not able to find someone to help yet. I contacted both no response from both. and sound it has to do with RSS because when I want to create campaign the stage where it ask I get error.
    Thank you

    • Marie

      Hi Wally,

      Have you found a solution to your problem? because I seem to have something similar.

  17. Joseph

    Nice tips for RSS feed error. I got from Google to fix this error. Thank you for helping me now.

    Have a nice day. I will check back for more tips. God bless you.

  18. John

    Thanks for the help..
    Still I see 404 not found on links like :”/feeds​/1175639818555185176​/comments​/default”

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