







💡プロからのヒント: SeedProdのようなドラッグ&ドロップ式のページビルダーを使用している場合、「最新の投稿」ブロックをページで使用することができます。
WordPressダッシュボードで、外観 ” ウィジェットに行き、「最新の投稿」ウィジェットブロックをサイドバーに追加する。



方法3:Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnailsプラグインを使用する。
そんな時に便利なのが、Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnailsプラグインだ。このプラグインはサムネイルだけでなく、様々な機能を備えており、しかも無料だ。
まず、WordPressRecent Posts Widget With Thumbnailsプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要がある。
次に、外観 ” ウィジェットページに行き、’Recent Posts With Thumbnails’ ウィジェットブロックを追加する。

Recent Posts With Thumbnailsウィジェットには多くのオプション設定があります。WordPressサイトに最近の投稿を表示する方法を完全にコントロールできます。


WordPress の投稿やページに最近の投稿を表示するには、「最新の投稿」ブロックを使うのが最も簡単な方法です。しかし、Gutenbergを無効化し、クラシックエディターを維持することを選択した場合は、代わりにショートコードを使用することができます。


// Define our WP Query Parameters
$the_query = new WP_Query( 'posts_per_page=5' ); ?>
// Start our WP Query
while ($the_query -> have_posts()) : $the_query -> the_post();
// Display the Post Title with Hyperlink
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
// Display the Post Excerpt
the_excerpt(__('(more…)')); ?></li>
// Repeat the process and reset once it hits the limit
カテゴリー: 投稿日: WordPressで投稿を推薦するエキスパートガイド
- カテゴリー:WordPressで人気投稿を表示する方法
- WordPressのベスト人気投稿プラグイン(比較版)
- WordPressで関連投稿を表示する方法(ステップバイステップ)
- WordPressのベスト関連投稿プラグイン(比較版)
- カテゴリー:WordPressで古い投稿をプロモートする実証済みの方法
- カテゴリー:WordPressで再訪問者に新規投稿を強調表示する方法
- WordPressでランダム投稿を表示する方法(簡単チュートリアル)
- カテゴリー:WordPressで最もコメントされた投稿を表示する方法
- WordPressで特定のカテゴリーからの最近の投稿を表示する方法: 特定のカテゴリーからの最近の投稿を表示する方法
- ブログのトラフィックを増やす方法 – 簡単な方法
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Jiří Vaněk
I would like to post these recents at the end of each article. But there are already more than 1000 of them. It doesn’t make sense to do it manually. Is it possible to take the php code, insert it into WPCode and use the embed code at the end of each article? Will it work like this?
WPBeginner Support
If you wanted to you could certainly do that
Is any way to use shortcode like [bws_latest_posts tag=”something”]?
WPBeginner Support
There are some options in the plugin settings to limit the categories but at the moment the plugin does not have a modifier like that for the shortcode.
Thanks for lots of great advice!
I have been spending days so far, to solve a challange here:
Im using the Twenty Twenty-Three template.
Using Gutenberg.
Created a 2nd column where i would like to place a list of the latest posts by CURRENT author, incl. thumbnail, except etc.
I can only find this solution in plugins with widgets, and as far as I understand this Gutenberg thing, widgets cant be used here.
Any idea how to solve this?
WPBeginner Support
If you are manually adding it to each post, there is a latest posts block that gives the option to limit the posts listed by author and a few other sorting options that you can use as well!
How to enable a link to more pages/posts? The widget only says up to 100, but how to paginate etc if there are 1000 or more?
WPBeginner Support
We do not recommend having more than 100 posts in a widget due to that being difficult for most users to read through for its space. If you are displaying that many posts we would recommend displaying it on a page or something similar.
Jack Yasgar
When I use the WordPress Latest Posts Gutenberg Block, it displays all the texts of the posts. In the preview when I add it to the page, it looks fine, with the “Read More”, but when you actually preview or publish the page, all the text is displayed and it looks terrible. This is on Version 5.9.1. Any suggestions or is it just a bug?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to check the settings for your widget as that should be where you can customize how your widget is displayed. If it is not following those settings then you would likely want to reach out to the support for your theme in case it is overriding your settings.
Is it possible to display posts that are specific for a certain ‘Category’ as a Recent Post?
WPBeginner Support
The simplest method would be to add a category to your menu and that would link to a category page that would list your most recent posts in that category.
I’m using ‘Display Posts’ and love it. I run a gardening website so if a post is called ‘How to Grow Beetroot’, is there any way by using Display Posts that the only part of the title that is displayed is ‘Beetroot’?
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
The plugin by default does not change your post titles. You would want to reach out to the plugin’s support if you wanted that functionality
I can’t seem to get the Read More to appear in the published version. It appears in the editor but when I publish, it is gone. I’m using Astra theme.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to check for if you need to enable excerpts with your specific theme for it to display how you are wanting.
Hi, When I click on the “Read more..” on a post on Recent Posts, it does not to go to that specific post page rather it loads the home page.
Appreciate if you can help on this.
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on what method you are using for possible issues and solutions.
This was really helpful thanks. Just a correction to note, in the last code snippet the comments are using // but they’re not actually in the php so they will show up if you use this code as-is.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for pointing that out, we’ll update the code to fix this
Michael Robinson
Hi, I”m still lost. My posts still don’t show up on my homepage, I have content blocks set up on my homepage and using Guterberg to set up the content. When I publish the post. It does not show up on my Homepage feature posts grid. There is something I am not getting.
WPBeginner Support
You may want to clear any caching on your site to ensure your caching is not preventing the changes from being seen.
My blog shows bulleted post, how do I stop it from being an unordered list, and make it in grid?
WPBeginner Support
You can use the new latest post block and use the built-in grid option in the block’s options
Hello Friends,
My query is what is the short code to display all the content of a post?!
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on why you want to do that. If you want the entire content of a post to be visible to a user it would normally be best to link to the post you want to show so your users can read from the source.
Miracle Lawrence
My blog shows bulleted post, how do I stop it from being an unordered list, and make it in grid?
WPBeginner Support
For making your posts appear in a grid, you would want to take a look at our article here:
Hello – I am trying to figure out why the Recent Posts widget (the basic one) is excluding my most recent post. I would like that to show. Is there custom CSS I could add to make it show? or can I edit the code?
WPBeginner Support
The most common reason for something like that would be if you have caching or similar on your site that is preventing the widget from updating, you would first want to clear your cache. We have an article on how you’re able to do so here:
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on how you want it styled but you could create a tabber widget for what I believe you’re wanting:
Thank you for the useful post.
I have a question. What if I want to display recent posts on front page categories wise. Like recent posts should appear on the front page under a particular category.
Is it possible?
Awesome as always. When I found wpbeginner is sharing on this topic I was like . But my question is placing post widget on homepage is beneficial or it’s just easy to navigate? Can it help with seo perspective? Can it help with the ranking? Your response highly appreciated
WPBeginner Support
Making your site easier to navigate can improve your SEO as well as making it easier for your users to continue navigating through your site.
Rajiv Dave
Thanks for recent post articles. I was trying so much but now its so easy to work just adding adding it. Thanks for sharing
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article was helpful
aditya tomar
thank you so much. this helped me a lot. thank you thank you
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
When I tried to edit the page that’s supposed to display blog posts, the editor disappears wit this notice: “You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts”. Does anyone have this same problem as me?
WPBeginner Support
The Blog page is automatically generated by your theme so you will not have the option to edit it directly unless you have a theme specific setting to edit it.
Nikos Tzortzis
HI…..i just started using WP and i need some help! i want to publish articles from 3 different categories to 3 different pages.how can i make a page point to an article category?
Is there a way to customize the way post titles are displayed? I don’t want to display the full title of the post or page, just the keywords… much like you shorten the slug for your url. Actually this is exactly what I’m looking for, to display the slug as a link, and not the entire page title. Ideas?
Bryan Free
Great article, When I use the Recent post widget and set it to only display a category my sticky posts do not work. Have you encountered this before or know of a solution?
Hi, thanks for this complete article.
I have a doubt, if I have my wordpress integrated with Magento, can I use magento within the short code to put the last entries in my magento house?
Mankirat Deep Kaur
The short code to display recent posts with thumbnails does not work… only shows the posts title not the thumbnails… how to fix this.??? please reply…:(
I am intending on adding the latest posts on my homepage, but I want a different section for the latest post to display on it’s own;
and another section under this designed differently for the latest posts that range from 2-5. (The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th post).
What is the shortcode php for this to add to my theme template.
Many thanks.
James Gielow
I have post shortcode on my page:
I’ve tweaked it a little bit as follows:
[display-posts posts_per_page=”100″ include_excerpt=”false” image_size=”large” wrapper=”div” orderby=”comment_count”]
I’m noticing that the spacing in between the posts is cutting off the titles and it makes the page look sloppy. What code can I add to add a little space after each post preview?
thanks in advance!
WPBeginner Support
Hi James,
You can adjust spacing between posts using CSS.
Thanks! I was struggling with adding recent posts to a page. Your guide saved me a lot of time
Thank you for this tutorial!
WPBeginner Support
You are welcome
Love the idea, the only thing I don’t like is the display.
So it’s great how it has the thumbnail, title, excerpt, etc but the way the title and excerpt are positioned…I think they should be inline with the thumbnail, not at the bottom of it…it looks awkward and unappealing…any way to make it inline?
Please help me with this
How to display recently post in a post on phone version?
Reply please… Thanks
If I am using 2 database. 1 for main site and 2nd for blog then how to add recent post on home page ?
Hi, I put [display-posts posts_per_page=”5″ post_type=”page”] on my post, but not working, can you help how to find the problem?
Great writeup. I want to display the recent post on a page. awahere am I suppose to paste the code?
Clark Keng
this article can help me thank you : )
Id abdou
gereat … thanks a lot .
How to show thumbnail of 1st post bigger and others smaller…..
You could perhaps use :first-child CSS to do this.
Thank you for this post. Really helped a lot.
But then I have a problem. When I click on one of the recent posts – it directed me to the static page and not the post itself. Kindly help me resolved this issue. Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
Try updating your permalink structure. Simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the save changes button without changing anything.
Ellen Allard (Gluten Free Diva)
So glad to have found you!
I’m confused – I can’t seem to get my most recent blog post to appear on my blog page. Can you advise please? Thank you so much!
best, Ellen Allard, Gluten Free Diva
Tim Zeman
So I was able to get the 5 latest post to show in the right sidebar but when I click on a post to read it I get the following error on Home Page Oops something went wrong
How do I get the selected post to display?
John Mason
Are links to the recent posts widget dofollow links?
Val Archer
Hi – thanks million for this manual method, very grateful. Please can you tell me how to add a thumbnail image to it? I’m referring to the method starting:
// Define our WP Query Parameters
To display a thumbnail image u can ues
Andrew Wilkerson
Hi Val, Hope your doing well, I was just scrolling through this article and saw your name and thought straight away I know that name! It’s a small world.
I made one of your sprouters in the late 90’s I think it would have been.
Funny thing is I was just thinking about building another one a few days ago!
Crazy how things happen sometimes!
Weird that I then just stumbled across your comment on here today in 2018 while I’m working on my website for something totally unrelated.
I remember I really enjoyed reading about your life and the move to Sth Africa, your cures for tooth aces etc. I’ll have to have another look into it all again soon when I have time, anyway just thought I’d say Hi.
Hello, I used the same shortcut in my site but it not show my recent posts at all, what is the probelm?
WPBeginner Support
This article shows several ways to display recent posts, which one you tried on your website?
Hey, how to display recent posts from another wordpress site?
WPBeginner Support
You can fetch them using RSS feed. Please see, how to fetch feeds in WordPress.
On my recent posts on the sidebar, when I click a specific post it brings me to the latest post and then displays everything. How do I get it so that when I click a specific post it only shows that post?
Is there a code I can add to activate pagination using the Recent Posts Extended widget?
Currently I have my home page widgetized so I’m using the widget.
alin dragoescu
Please let me know if it’s posible to show the post list in dropdown?
Nick NEvsky
Hi! Great plugin, thank you!
Is it possible to have the author listed, instead of the post name?
The version I downloaded does not include the ability to display thumbnails…cant see the option anywhere. I am using version 0.9.9
Any clues?