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How to change the default Gravatar on WordPress


Gravatarとは、Globally Recognized Avatarの略。プロフィールを作成し、アバター画像とメールアドレスを関連付けることができるウェブサービスだ。

WordPressサイトはすべてビルトインでグラビアをサポートしており、複数著者のWordPressブログでユーザーが投稿日: を書いたり、コメントを残したりすると、自動的にユーザーのアバターが表示されます。


The default Gravatar in WordPress



WPBeginner's comment section


方法1:初期設定のWordPress Gravatarを変更する(素早く簡単)


初期設定のグラビアを見るには、WordPressの管理エリアから設定 ” ディスカッションに移動する必要があります。

Changing the default Gravatars in WordPress



The built-in WordPress Gravatars



Clicking the 'Save Changes' button on the WordPress Discussion settings page

方法2:Thrive Commentsを使ってカスタムグラビアターをアップロードする(プラグインによる方法)


この方法では、Thrive Commentsを使用します。これはコメントプラグインで、ユーザーにブログ投稿にコメントしてもらい、サイトのエンゲージメントを高めるように設計されている。

カスタマイザー機能の他に、Thrive Commentsにはコメント欄をより楽しくエキサイティングなものにするツールが付属しています。例えば、ソーシャルメディアサイトのように「好き嫌い」を有効化することができます。

The Thrive Comments WordPress plugin

Thrive Commentsをプラグイン単体で購入することもできますし、Thrive Themes Suiteを購入することもできます。Thrive OvationsのようなThrive製品もすべて含まれており、コメントした内容をテスティモニアルに変えることができます。


プラグインをインストールして有効化した状態で、WordPress管理エリアからThriveダッシュボード “ Thrive Commentsに 移動します。そして、「スタイルのカスタマイズ」タブを開きます。


Choosing a custom gravatar in Thrive Comments




Selecting a gravatar image in the WordPress media library using Thrive Comments



Example of a comment after the Thrive Comments plugin is activated

Thrive Commentsのクールなところは、簡単にグラビアを遅延ロードできることです。


この機能を有効化したい場合は、Thriveダッシュボード “ Thrive Commentsに行き、’高度な設定’タブを開きます。そして、’コメントがビューポートに入ったときにアバター画像を読み込む’というボックスにチェックを入れてください。


Enabling lazy loading in Thrive Comments

Thrive Commentsを使用するためのヒントやトリックについては、以下のガイドをご覧ください:


Thrive Commentsを使用する以外に、コードを使用してカスタムグラビアターをアップロードすることもできます。WordPress ディスカッションページのグラバターリストに新しい画像を追加したい場合は、この方法をお勧めします。


その後、メディア ” 新規追加でWordPressサイトに画像をアップロードできます。ここでは、WordPressメディアライブラリから画像を選択するか、コンピューターから新しいファイルをアップロードすることができます。

How to upload a custom default Gravatar in WordPress



Uploading a default WordPress Gravatar






有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードのCode Snippets “ Add Snippetにアクセスしてください。

How to add a custom avatar snippet to your WordPress website


デフォルトのアバターにカスタム画像を使うこともできます。ライブラリで’Custom Default Avatar’スニペットを検索してください。


Showing a custom avatar using code



WPCode automatically adds the code, you just need to replace the image url



How to run PHP gravatar code across your website



How to activate the gravatar code snippet

このグラビアの使用を開始するには、設定 ” ディスカッションページに移動します。


How to change the default Gravatar in WordPress



An example of a custom defualt Gravatar, on a WordPress website



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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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117件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Teri

    You did it again! You helped me. Thank you so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome! Glad our guide was helpful!


  2. Francis

    Hi guys,

    Wonderful tutorial, you saved me from a big headache! Keep up the great work!!!

    Best regards,


    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad to hear our guide was helpful!


  3. Segun Solomon

    Thanks for this guide. It helps.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad it was helpful!


  4. WoodyP

    Hi, thank you for your article!
    is there a way to assign one image per role?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a recommended method at the moment but if that changes we will be sure to share.


  5. Patti

    Been working for 2 days trying to get rid of the Chef Hat in my theme.

    This worked! Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help :)


  6. Aardha

    This worked like a charm. Thanks!! Is there a way to have multiple default gravatar which can be assigned randomly to users ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need a plugin for a feature like that, if we find a plugin we would recommend we will certainly share.


  7. David

    This is not working. WordPress does not allow to use local images. Please review your tutorial and update it accordingly.

  8. Murat Dinç

    Can I add an icon instead of Adding an image?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to check on Gravatar’s site for any current restrictions.


  9. Renz

    Thank you for this tutorial. was able to follow but my default picture wont show up

    • WPBeginner Support

      If our method was not able to assist, you would likely want to reach out to your theme’s support to ensure there isn’t a theme-specific setting preventing the change.


  10. Karen

    Okay, I found an easier solution for everyone that works well: just install the “WP User Avatar” plugin. Works like a charm and you don’t have to do anything with coding!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing your recommendation


  11. Mari Alonso

    This is great, thanks! I followed this by installing the plugin to add the code and then adding my 250×250 picture. It worked great, but now if anyone comments on my site, my picture, not theirs, shows up next to their name. My picture shows up everywhere and no one else’s. Any idea why?

    Thank you. :-)

  12. Divine

    This page was really helpful. I managed to change the custom image. Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our recommendation could help :)


  13. Lilly

    Thank you for this post!! I use All in one SEO and could never get it to work. Your post provided a good map and work around. However I am still getting 12 error msgs? are they possible related?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the specific errors. If you reach out to the plugin’s support they should be able to assist.


  14. Andreia Esteves

    Thank you for this post! But, what if I just want to change my personal avatar without using gravatar?

  15. Giga

    I want an option where the user can upload an image as per their requirements. What should I do for that ?

  16. Tommy Roche

    Thank you for this.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  17. Mahdi

    ty – its worked for me – but now default avatar loded from other site – how i can define that this image loaded from my host?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re likely using the Jetpack plugin and using their option to load images from their server. You can go into Jetpack’s settings to disable this function.


      • MAHDI

        i don’t have Jetpack plugin – how i can do it? without install new plugin?

        • WPBeginner Support

          If you mean you want your gravatar image to be loaded from your site when it is added to other sites, that is not an option at the moment.

  18. Daniel

    Perfect solution, thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome


  19. Divya S

    That was so informative!

  20. Brian

    Hey so I have sort of a peculiar yet distinct task that I need help with. My client has a blog on WordPress but then they post their blog to Twitter, next to the article is a gray blank avatar. She had requested that I find a way to put some sort of image in place of this but I am not sure how to go about doing this. I know she uses a Gravatar for the comment section but this instance is a bit different. Any advice on what I can do?

  21. Ryô

    Hello, the code works well, but I made some changes to my newly added avatar picture and I still see the first version when I refresh the page.

    Looking at the url of the picture it automatically added “” at the beginning (I don’t have jetpack or any cache plugins).

    I guess I can just change the name of my picture and update the code, but is it a way to get ride of wp cache?

  22. Satyam Patle

    Wow Thank you sir its helping me for Change custom Avtar

  23. Ana

    I have no problem changing the image on my gravatar but I cannot seem to change the words. Even though I select edit and rewrite them, the change doesn’t appear on my wordpress site. What am I doing wrong?

  24. anna

    Thanks for the nice explanation, Now I’m clear about setting up my gravatar in WordPress site.

  25. rashmi

    this is very useful

  26. Pat

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve looked everywhere on how to change the default avatar and you were the only ones who simple explained it and displayed how! Sometimes finding the answer in the haystack of information can be just mind blowing. You rock!

  27. manoj rai

    how set when user comment your post show him/her original profile. please help me. thanks

  28. Joy

    Hello, I’ve tried this in my child’s theme function and it just will not work. The image in the discussion settings and on the front-end appear broken. When I right click to view the path it displays:

    It affixes the before the link. Even when I tried to connect directly to the child theme stylesheet directory and pickup from the folder, ‘images/chicken_avatar.png’, it still affixed the

    Any ideas how to fix this? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Joy,

      We tested it again with a child theme and it worked as expected. We are not sure what may be causing the issue. You can follow the instructions again. Make sure you add the full image URL in the code.


      • Joy

        Hmm, not sure what I was doing wrong. I just gave it another go and it works. Thank you!

    • Andrew

      Joy: Mine Via Another WordPress Script, is Going to (…). Very Strange. :–)

      • Andrew

        It Still Shows Whwn Going to the Image Location, but I Changed the URL Code to (‘/custom-gravatar/mh-profile-photo-default.png’), Instead of ‘’). In Settings > Discussion It Shows My Admin Photo as the Default User Gravatar, but On User Profiles, It Views Properly! :–)

  29. Mayaprakash Pant


    The code worked perfectly fine for me. But this arises another problem:

    Same gravatar appears when everyone else including visitor comments on my blog.

    How to solve this?

  30. Gabrielle

    Hi, i added and sucesfully saved input(type = url) for each user profile, on ly localhost installation.
    I’m trying to change original code from WP Codex wesbsite:

    add_filter( ‘avatar_defaults’, ‘new_default_avatar’ );

    function new_default_avatar ( $avatar_defaults ) {
    //Set the URL where the image file for your avatar is located
    $new_avatar_url = get_bloginfo( ‘template_directory’ ) . ‘/images/new_default_avatar.png’;
    //Set the text that will appear to the right of your avatar in Settings>>Discussion
    $avatar_defaults[$new_avatar_url] = ‘Your New Default Avatar’;
    return $avatar_defaults;

    To something that will replace default avatar url foreach user with value from custom input field(if its not empty), any help?
    I know there are plugins that allows subsciribers to upload gravatar images, but i don’t want to allow them doing that, i want to give them a chance to put url to their own images

  31. Manish B

    I am not able to show avatars next to comments. I am using Hitchcock WordPress Theme.

  32. Claire Benneth


    Actually I’ve been looking for this solution for my blog for 3 months!
    Thanks again!

    Claire xo

  33. Jen Hardy

    I have the Gravatar set up in WordPress, but when the e-mail goes out to my followers for my blog, the mystery man is there. Looks really bad at the top of my e-mail. Any suggestions?


  34. Syed Hamza

    Here are two folders of images in Cpanel.
    1. /public_html/wp-includes/images
    2. /public_html/wp-content/themes/divi/images

    In which folder where I upload the image.

  35. Manoj

    I can’t see my avatar even after setting in comment box but i see it about me.

    • Manish B

      I am facing the same issue.

  36. Michael

    I’m looking for a plugin, or SIMPLE code solution that will allow me to create a number of ‘default’ gravatar/avatar images that are color coded based on the member’s gender/orientation. Obvious ones like blue for male, pink for female, but I’ll likely add lavender for transgender and possibly others. Basically, the decision about the ‘default’ avatar that appears for the member (until they upload an image) would at least let people browsing the site know if the person they see posting (or online) is male / female / transgender / etc.. Any ideas?

  37. Me

    Is there code to force the default avatar to be blank? I have it set to blank in the WP settings, but it’s still showing up as mystery man. Is there code to either delete mystery man entirely so it’s not even an option. Or to make sure it’s blank and not mystery man? Thanks!

      • Me

        Thanks! I tried that already. When I do that, the avatars also disappear from the author box (I’m using Starbox). I’m at a loss. I’ve even checked my WP tables, and it shows the default avatar is set to blank. I can’t figure out how to get rid of mystery man…

  38. Michael

    How would one go about rotating a set of images in that Gravatar thumbnail spot? Meaning: if I had 5 different images, to have them randomly appear for users without Gravatars, so there was a variation of the 5?

  39. Angelica Costa

    If anyone is facing issues with child themes, just use:

    $myavatar = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/img/favicon.png’;

    It works.

    • Mark

      This was a life saver!

  40. Gina Smith

    Thanks for the information!

  41. Keely

    Wow – found this post 2 years after my first post and got it working this time :)
    Thanks WP Beginner

  42. chris007

    okay i get the whole idea but how you put your personal pciture of you into the gravatar that what i’m trying to figure out..

    • Thomas

      Goto Gravatar website and sign in with WordPress. Then you can upload your avatar and tie it to one or more of your emails.

  43. Karan Rawat

    It works. Thanks Bookmarked your blog!

  44. Chuks Emmanuel

    Thank you Syed Balkhi. it really worked for me. just keep the good work going.

  45. Adrian O'Farrell

    Hi, just checking what happens next

  46. Simen Eggen

    Thank you so much :) it’s working :D

  47. Sadia

    Thank you so much for these instructions. For some reason, things were wonky when I used a .png file, but a gif worked easy peasy!

  48. Katelyn

    I am having the same issue as Keely. I am using a child theme so get_bloginfo does not work. When I check the URL of the broken image it displays the path to the parent theme. Is there a way to get this to work with a child theme?

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