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How to install and setup Facebook comments in WordPress





Facebook comments preview









まず、Lazy Social Commentsプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しい手順は、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法についての初心者ガイドをご覧ください。

注: このプラグインはWordPressの最新バージョンでテストされていないことに留意してください。しかし、評価のために私たちのデモサイトで使用したところ、問題なく動作しているようでした。詳しくは、古いWordPressプラグインに関するガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、WordPressの管理サイドバーから設定 ” Lazy FB Commentsのページにアクセスしてください。

Visit the plugin settings for Facebook comments




注: 開発者アカウントを作成する前に、Facebookアカウントへのログインをお忘れなく。

メタ情報開発者として登録したら、画面右上の「My Apps」リンクをクリックするだけです。

Click on the My Apps link


ここから「Create App」ボタンをクリックし、プロセスを開始する。

Click on the Create App button



Choose an app type




Provide an app name and email address


画面左上にAPP IDが表示されています。

App dashboard

次に、Facebookにアプリの使い方を伝える必要があります。そのためには、左のカラムから設定 ” 基本のリンクに向かいます。


Click Add platform button



Select Website as the platform



Type website URL

次に、APP IDをコピー&ペーストして、WordPressダッシュボードのプラグイン設定ページにある「FB Application ID」ボックスに入力します。


Type App ID

これで、上部のプラグイン名の横に新しい “Moderate Comments “タブが表示されます。次のセクションでFacebookコメントをモデレートする方法を説明します。


例えば、Load Commentsオプションを’On Scroll’に変更することができます。この設定により、誰かが投稿の最後に到達した時のみFacebookコメントシステムを読み込みます。これにより、ページの読み込み速度を向上させることができます。

Choose the option of loading comments on scroll from the dropdown menu


これで、WordPressサイトのどの投稿日: でも、Facebookコメントシステムが動作しているのを見ることができます。

Facebook comments preview




Click on the Moderate Comments link



Click on the Settings link



Use the moderation tool



Add comment moderators



Subscribe to WPBeginner


Lazy Social Commentsプラグインを使うことの欠点の一つは、WordPressのコメントカウント機能を追い越してしまうことです。そうすることで、コメントカウントのFacebookブランドバージョンを出力します。





まず、WPCode プラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法の初心者ガイドをご覧ください。

注: このチュートリアルでは、無料のWPCodeプラグインを使用することができます。しかし、コードスニペットのクラウドライブラリや条件ロジックなど、より多くの機能をアンロックするには、プラグインのプレミアムプランが必要です。

プラグインを有効化したら、管理サイドバーからCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetページにアクセスします。


Add new snippet



Choose HTML as the code type for the Facebook Comments count code snippet


<fb:comments-count href="<?php echo get_permalink($post->ID); ?>"></fb:comments-count> Comments


ここから、挿入方法として「Auto Insert」を選択し、サイト上でコードが自動的に実行されるようにします。

Choose an insertion method



Choose a code snippet location


最後に「Save Snippet」ボタンをクリックして、設定を保存します。

Save and activate the Facebook Comment Count snippet


Facebook comment count preview



私たちは、市場で最高のWordPressページビルダープラグインであるSeedProd プラグインを使用します。このプラグインを使えば、コードを一切使わずにゼロからテーマやランディングページを作成することができます。

まず、SeedProd プラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。詳しい手順については、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。


有効化した後、管理サイドバーからSeedProd ” 設定ページにアクセスし、ライセンスキーを入力してください。


Paste license key in the field

次に、WordPressの管理サイドバーからSeedProd ” ランディングページセクションに移動し、「新規ランディングページを追加」ボタンをクリックします。


Click the Add New Landing Page button



Landing page title and URL




Choose the Facebook comments block



Lazy Loading’トグルを’Yes’に切り替えることで、コメントを遅延ロードすることもできます。

Configure the Facebook Comments block Settings



Enter the Facebook App ID in SeedProd



Facebook Comments preview with SeedProd




Facebook Lets Users React to Posts With the Like Button

これらのリアクションを追加するには、ShareThis Reaction Buttonsプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。

有効化したら、WordPressのダッシュボードから「ShareThis」ページにアクセスし、「Enable Tool」ボタンをクリックする。その後、リアクションとして追加したい絵文字を選択します。

Click the Enable tool button



Choose reaction buttons placement



Reaction buttons preview


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Reader Interactions

112件のコメントLeave a Reply


    And can the WP Comment section be customized to look like that of Facebook if one needs to redesign it?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would require some work but you could certainly style your comment section to look similar to Facebook’s


  2. David


    I set it up according to this article. Comments work, but I can’t see the comments in moderation. Every column including “public” is empty. How can I delete published comments for example?

    Thank you


    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to go into the plugin’s settings for the link to your comment moderation.


  3. Samantha Collier

    Thank you for these instructions. I’ve tried to install Facebook comments for a long time and this is the first time it’s worked.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was able to help :)


  4. Lisa Marie

    Thanks so much for this! Your site is incredibly helpful! I appreciate what you all do sooooooooo much!!!!!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our articles have been helpful :)


  5. Boris

    Awesome, Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  6. Daniel

    Thanks. The plugin is very useful indeed.
    It seems that the Plugin has changed its name to “Lazy Social Comments”, and is being supported by other people.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we’ll be sure to look at updating this :)


  7. malika

    thanks for sharing useful information !

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  8. Joseph Parker

    As per my personal experience, Facebook Comment is one of the best ways to increase your visitors to comment on a post or interact with existing comments.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing your personal experience :)


  9. Ricky

    Post comment error handle on same page ?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If the plugin is having an error, if you reach out to the plugin’s support they should be able to assist :)


  10. priyank

    really helpful. I tried the mentioned plugin and it totally worth it

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was helpful :)


  11. Muhammad Arslan

    That plugin has been closed on author’s request. Please update the post.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we will certainly take a look into updating the article.


  12. Mohammad

    The Facebook plugin mentioned has been disabled by its author. Please update.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we will certainly take a look into alternatives for Facebook Comments


  13. Jakobe

    this plugin has been discontinued, what do you reccomend?

  14. Prashanth

    Was able to add the facebook comments plugin successfully. But, the default wordpress comments section is also showing below. How do I remove it?

  15. Prashanth

    Which plugin do you use for social sharing, that is below the posts (has the share counter too)

  16. Rajendra Zore

    You may want to update this article as the plugin author of Facebook Comments has stopped supporting it & prompting to switch to the Spot.IM Comments plugin instead.

  17. Raj

    Dear Wpbeginner. Nice article. Installed FB comments. everything working fine. Is there any waty to enable “Also post on Facebook” selecxt box?

  18. Hosana

    You need to review this article! The plugin you’re referring to is no longer being updated and is days away from breaking (when the older FB API will be deactivated). The developer started up which I guess he’ll have his hands full with.

    Also I don’t really see any other good plugins for this, they all have a small install base, unsolved issues to which they aren’t responding, no proven compatability with latest wp version, …

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Hosana,

      Thanks for the suggestion we will look into it. You can also try to reach out to plugin developers for support.


  19. zhul

    but how to change text color?
    i used dark themes and i can’t see any comment

  20. Elizabeth

    Is there a way to turn off the comments on certain posts?

  21. sam

    how to mirror the facebook comment on facebook page with facebook comment on wordpress blogpost and vice versa?

  22. Jenn

    Thanks, this article was very helpful! I followed your instructions, and everything appears to be working on my site.

  23. Chankey Pathak

    This plugin does not work anymore.

  24. Uchiha

    Im having trouble using this into my wordpress site. Please help me

  25. Nilesh

    Hey, great article and very useful. Can you link the comments to a Facebook post or page?

  26. Patrice

    The facebook comments plug in is working on my site however I still see the wordpress comments. How do I remove the wordpress comments?

    • David chriss

      Hi Patrice,

      You Can Disable Default WordPress Comment By Using This Plugin Disable Comments

      Details:- Requires: 4.0 or higher
      Compatible up to: 4.6.1
      Last Updated: 2 months ago
      Active Installs: 900,000+

      If you have another Question Feel Free To Reply To This Email
      Or You Can Read This WP Beginner Article

      I Hope I Help Some One Today :-)

      Best Regards,
      David Chriss

      • Charne Cronje

        Hi David, Hope you are well, Has this plug in for facebook comments been updated for the new wordpress 4.7.2? And perhaps you might also know of a pinterest plugin that doesnt just show the pictures but also the description below, which works with the latest version of WordPress.

        Thank you


  27. Sara

    Hi. I want to know if it’s possible to make the comments on my fanpage’s articles appear directly on my website’s articles and vice versa. Thanks!

  28. Zaharadeen Elfakkawy

    Anytime someone tried to comment they get ‘message failed’ error. Pls what’s the solution for thia

    • David chriss


      Even me I Have That Common problem Please WP Beginner Help Us Or Any One can Help Us Please.

      Please Help Us

    • Amit Jain

      Dear Team, What is the name of social share plugin you are using as i wish to install the same. It looks quite simple and sober. Regards, Amit Jain

  29. sohib sanam

    thanks for share the update about facebok comment

  30. Stelaras

    Do you know how i can change the position that the plugin is placed?

  31. Ahmad Farisi

    Thx … but how to set notification to our facebook account if there is a new comment ?

  32. Mahdi

    Hi Everyone, I was looking for a plugin who’s importing my facebook old comment from my facebook fanpage to my wordpress.

    I tried this one but it’s not working, can anyone tell me how it works ?

    I used another methode by commenting the embed comment and looks not really fine

  33. Justin Enjo

    Hi WPBeginner – Quick question about Facebook Comments… How does it effect your SEO? Is it better to keep default WordPress comments or maybe Jetpack comments so that the comment content stays attached to your blog rather than fb? thanks.

  34. Pram

    I can’t find the plugin?

  35. Aman

    This plugin is installed on my site and I have also activated coments mirroring for my page but still comment mirroring is not happening?

    Do you know the way around to do this?

  36. Daniela

    Hello very well explained!! But I have a problem! The comments should show also on my fan page write? …..
    ……I did everything and I get my comments on my wordpress but not SHOWING on my facebook page why?? Help !!!!!! Thanks a lot. Daniela

  37. Vikagutt

    I can’t get the plugin to work in Internet explorer. I can see from other threads on the net that others have the same experience. Some say that header.php should be modified, but I can’t figure out where in the file.
    What to do?

  38. Tabetha

    I set up this plugin with a test app. Right before I was due to launch the website, I had to switch over to the new app that was set up for the business the website was built for. When I changed the app ID to the new app, all of the comments kept going to the old app I set up for testing purposes. Even after I deleted the old app, deleted and reinstalled the plugin and verified that the correct app ID was being used in the api call.

    Now, I have no way to moderate the comments because that old app is deleted and all the new comments are going to that old app even though the app ID I have in the plugin settings is for the new app ID.

    Any ideas?

  39. Steve

    ..that facebook plugin is not updated since 11 months. Moreover, the plugin is made by some developer, and not Facebook. It does not feel very safe to use that plugin. Do you have any alternatives?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Sometimes plugin authors don’t feel the need to update a plugin because there is nothing changed or broken.


  40. Rizwan

    Hi.. When i hyperlink another post from my wordpress blog to new post. All hyper links get shown below with ping back option. I don’t want them to show. Any advice?

  41. mahendra

    great post !!! i have been searching for how to install facebook comments to my site. now i am going to use it on my site
    thank you alot .

  42. Paolo Euvrard

    ok, that’s all fine, I’ll switch to that from now on.

    In order to disable the WordPress comments:
    Settings >> Discussion >> uncheck “Allow people to post comments on new articles”

    This applies to new posts that you will publish from now on.

    To disallow comments from already publish posts:

    Posts >> select them all and “Edit” under bulk actions and hit apply >> choose “do not allow” next to comments and hit update posts.

  43. Autarka

    hey guys,

    regarding to your plugin issues…

    you need ipv6 addresses… without switching from ipv4 to ipv6 it isn´t working…

    kindly, autarka

  44. Mithilesh

    Not getting where to upload the plugin.

  45. nacontact

    Hey, nice article, but I have some questions.

    This blog here:
    When you comment his facebook publication, it’s automatically commenting his blog, keeping the theme of the blog. When he comments his blog, it’s automatically commenting the facebook thread.
    Any idea on how to do that?


    • Ramon

      I would like exactly the same! Can’t find how to. Did you find the answer to this and would you want to enlighten me? What I’ve been Googling so far is things like:
      “auto publish to facebook grab retrieve comments”

      Thank you so much!

      • Sara

        I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

  46. Cynthia Spencer

    I’m hoping it will help out with the user interaction on my site!

  47. vimala

    But that just seemed to take me in a circle, and i never got what I needed.

  48. Kenneth Adair

    There is NO Create App ID button here:

    “Simply visit the Facebook Apps page and click on the create new app button. You will need to provide a name for your app and click on the Create App ID button.”

  49. Mark

    I just set it up and It’s pulling in 1200+ comments, but I’ve only just created my FB page and I have not comments on it yet. The stuff is from all over the place. How do I get it to just show my FB page’s comments

    • Rob

      I have exactly the same problem and will remove these coments now as it looks so fake. Anyone can see it is not genuine. What a disappointment! There are no instructions either about this, as far as I can see.

      • Esref

        Fake content is a big problem :(

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