Uno de los problemas / conflictos / incidencias más comunes que tienen nuestros lectores es el bloqueo de sus áreas de administrador de WordPress.
Esto puede deberse a muchas razones diferentes, lo que hace que sea difícil para los principiantes diagnosticar problemas.
Afortunadamente, tenemos más de 16 años de experiencia diagnosticando y corrigiendo errores de WordPress, así que estamos aquí para ayudar.
En este artículo, le mostraremos qué hacer cuando está bloqueado del administrador de WordPress (wp-admin) para que pueda recuperar el acceso a su sitio.

¿Por qué no puede acceder al administrador de WordPress?
A menudo recibimos noticias de usuarios que no pueden acceder al área de administrador de WordPress. Esto es frustrante y puede paralizar tu productividad. No puedes escribir entradas, responder a comentarios o hacer cualquier trabajo en tu sitio web de WordPress.
Si tiene problemas para acceder al sitio de otra persona, póngase en contacto con el propietario o administrador del sitio para comunicárselo. Ellos podrán explicarte por qué no tienes acceso o colaborar contigo para resolver el problema.
Si usted es el propietario del sitio, puede seguir los pasos que le indicamos a continuación para diagnosticar el problema.
Hay unas cuantas razones por las que podrías estar bloqueado en el administrador de WordPress, así que echemos un vistazo a cada una de ellas una por una. Con suerte, a través de este proceso de eliminación, usted será capaz de encontrar la solución a su problema.
También puedes consultar nuestra guía práctica para diagnosticar incidencias en WordPress para averiguar cuál es la causa del problema y cómo corregirlo. También puede encontrar una solución en nuestra lista de los errores más comunes de WordPress y cómo corregirlos.
Consejo de experto: ¿Prefieres dejar que los profesionales se encarguen de diagnosticar los problemas? Nuestros servicios de soporte Premium de WordPress pueden diagnosticar y corregir tus errores de WordPress en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Ofrecemos soporte de emergencia 24/7 bajo demanda y soluciones únicas y asequibles para pequeñas empresas.
Dicho esto, vamos a echar un vistazo a algunos pasos que puede tomar cuando usted está bloqueado del administrador de WordPress. Puede utilizar los siguientes enlaces para navegar rápidamente al mensaje de error que aparece:
- Error Establishing Database Connection
- 500 Internal Server Error
- 404 'Not Found' Error
- 403 Forbidden Error
- 401 Unauthorized Error
- Limited Logins
- White Screen of Death
- Incorrect Password Issue
- Problems With Plugins
- Lost Admin Privileges
- Hacked WordPress Site
- Login Page Refreshing and Redirecting
- 'This Has Been Disabled' Error
- 'Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance' Error
- PHP Syntax Errors
- Your Site Is Experiencing a Technical Issue
Error al establecer la conexión con la base de datos

¿Ves la advertencia “Error al establecer la conexión con la base de datos” en todas las páginas de tu sitio? Este mensaje se muestra por varias razones, como una base de datos corrupta o problemas con su servidor de alojamiento web.
Si ve este error al intentar acceder, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el error al establecer una conexión con una base de datos en WordPress.
500 Error interno del servidor

Otro error de WordPress con el que puede encontrarse un principiante es el “Error interno del servidor”, o a veces “Error interno del servidor 500”. Este error aparece cuando algo va mal, pero el servidor no se ha podido identificar dónde está el problema.
Si aparece este mensaje al intentar acceder a WordPress, siga los pasos de nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el error 500 de servidor interno en WordPress.
404 Error “No encontrado
A veces, los usuarios cometen un error al cambiar la dirección de WordPress y la dirección del sitio en sus ajustes de WordPress. La siguiente vez que intentan acceder a su área de administrador, aparece el error “Error 404 – No encontrado”.

Si esto te está ocurriendo, entonces puedes comprobar nuestra guía sobre cómo cambiar las URLs de tu sitio WordPress. No podrás usar el Método 1 porque no puedes acceder, pero los otros métodos deberían sacarte del problema.
Nota: Si puedes acceder a tu sitio pero ves el error 404 al ver una de tus entradas, entonces tienes un problema diferente. Puede aprender a corregir el problema en nuestra guía práctica sobre cómo corregir el error 404 en las entradas de WordPress.
Error 403 prohibido

Algunos usuarios informan de que aparece el error “HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden” al intentar acceder a wp-admin. Este error puede deberse a permisos de archivo incorrectos, a una mala codificación de los plugins de seguridad o a la configuración del servidor.
Si ve este error, nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el error 403 Forbidden en WordPress le ayudará a realizar un seguimiento y solucionar el problema.
401 Error no autorizado

Otro mensaje que puedes ver cuando estás bloqueado en el administrador de WordPress es el error 401. Este error a veces va acompañado de un mensaje que dice: “Acceso denegado debido a credenciales no válidas” o “Autorización requerida”.
Puede ver este mensaje si ha protegido con contraseña su carpeta de administrador de WordPress. También puede deberse a un plugin de seguridad de WordPress o a las medidas de seguridad adoptadas por su empresa de alojamiento.
Consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el error 401 en WordPress para conocer seis soluciones que le ayudarán a recuperar el acceso a su sitio web.
Accesos limitados

Por defecto, WordPress permite a los usuarios introducir contraseñas tantas veces como quieran. Los hackers pueden intentar aprovecharse de esto utilizando scripts que introducen diferentes combinaciones hasta que tu sitio web se resquebraja.
Para evitarlo, le recomendamos que limite el número de intentos fallidos de acceso por usuario. Sin embargo, esto podría significar que te encuentres bloqueado en tu propio sitio web cuando introduzcas la contraseña incorrecta demasiadas veces.
Si te encuentras en esa situación, entonces debes seguir los pasos de nuestra guía sobre cómo desbloquear Limitar intentos de acceso en WordPress.
Pantalla blanca de la muerte

¿Está viendo una pantalla blanca en su administrador de WordPress? Este problema se conoce a menudo como la pantalla blanca de la muerte de WordPress.
Esto ocurre cuando se agota el límite de memoria. Puede deberse a un plugin o tema con un código deficiente o a un alojamiento web poco fiable.
Si ve este error, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir la pantalla blanca de la muerte de WordPress.
Problema de contraseña incorrecta

No hay nada más frustrante que te digan que te has equivocado de contraseña cuando estás seguro de que no es así, e incluso has comprobado que el bloqueo de mayúsculas no está activado.
Esto puede ocurrir si has sido víctima de un pirateo informático, o puede que simplemente estés cometiendo un error honesto.
Peor aún, cuando intentas cambiar tu contraseña, nunca recibes el correo electrónico porque va a una dirección a la que ya no tienes acceso.
Por suerte, hay otra manera, y puedes restablecer tu contraseña de WordPress desde phpMyAdmin. Este método puede ser un poco abrumador para los nuevos usuarios, pero es su mejor esperanza para recuperar el acceso a su área de administrador.
Problemas con los plugins
Puede que no puedas acceder al administrador de WordPress debido a un plugin o tema defectuoso. Este puede ser el caso si no puedes acceder al administrador de WordPress después de instalar un nuevo plugin o si el mensaje de error menciona ‘wp-content/plugins/’.

Para recuperar el acceso a su sitio, tendrá que desactivar temporalmente sus plugins. Puede hacerlo mediante FTP o phpMyAdmin siguiendo nuestra guía práctica sobre cómo desactivar todos los plugins cuando no puede acceder a wp-admin.
Pérdida de privilegios de administrador
A veces, puedes acceder al administrador de WordPress, pero no ves ninguna de las funciones de administración. Por ejemplo, no tienes acceso a tus temas o plugins.
Esto puede ocurrir si sus permisos de usuario fueron modificados. Puede ser que los hackers hayan infectado tu sitio y luego hayan borrado tus privilegios de administrador.
En este caso, debe añadir un usuario administrador a la base de datos de WordPress a través de MySQL (phpMyAdmin).

Sitio WordPress pirateado
Si sospecha que su sitio ha sido pirateado, debe tomar otras medidas.
Un sitio web pirateado puede tener un aspecto diferente, mostrar contenidos distintos o reproducir automáticamente música u otros medios. Peor aún, puede estar infectando a sus visitantes con virus, por lo que debe actuar con rapidez.
Puedes empezar con nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo corregir tu sitio WordPress hackeado. Le mostraremos cómo identificar el hackeo, restaurar su sitio desde una copia de seguridad y eliminar cualquier malware.
Después, debes proteger tu sitio de futuros ataques. Te mostramos cómo hacerlo en nuestra guía definitiva sobre seguridad en WordPress.
Actualizar / redireccionar la página de acceso

Otro tipo de error de acceso se produce cuando la página de acceso de WordPress se actualiza constantemente y vuelve a la pantalla de acceso.
Esto puede ocurrir debido a valores incorrectos para los campos URL del sitio y URL de la página de inicio en la tabla de opciones de WordPress. También puede deberse a una mala configuración de los ajustes de enlaces permanentes o de las redirecciones establecidas en el archivo .htaccess.
Para corregir este problema, compruebe nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el problema de actualización y redirección de la página de acceso de WordPress.
Error “Se ha desactivado”.
Cuando intenta acceder a su área de administrador de WordPress, ¿ve el error ‘Esto ha sido desactivado’? Este mensaje aparece cuando te has equivocado de dirección de administrador.
Una práctica común de seguridad de WordPress es cambiar la URL de acceso del administrador por defecto ( a algo personalizado. Esto puede ayudar a prevenir que hackers y bots martilleen tu URL de acceso intentando acceder.
Si olvidas que la URL ha sido cambiada y vas a la antigua, entonces verás este mensaje de error. Si has olvidado la dirección correcta, entonces deberías marcar / comprobar nuestra guía práctica para principiantes sobre cómo encontrar tu URL de acceso a WordPress.
Error “Brevemente no disponible por mantenimiento programado”.

¿Estás viendo el error ‘Brevemente no disponible por mantenimiento programado’ en WordPress? Este error suele aparecer al actualizar el núcleo, los plugins o los temas de WordPress.
Pero si su sitio de WordPress no termina la actualización, entonces se queda atascado en el modo de mantenimiento.
Para corregir el problema, debería comprobar nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir el error Brevemente no disponible por mantenimiento programado en WordPress. La guía también explicará por qué se produce el error y cómo evitarlo en el futuro.
Errores de sintaxis PHP

Los errores PHP pueden ocurrir después de pegar un fragmento de código de un tutorial o sitio web de WordPress. Un código incorrecto puede hacer que tu sitio web deje de funcionar correctamente y que no puedas acceder.
A menudo, los principiantes utilizan el editor integrado de WordPress desde su escritorio. Esta característica es útil, pero puede llevar al desastre si no sabes lo que estás haciendo.
Por eso escribimos nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo pegar fragmentos de código de la web en WordPress.
Nota: En muchos casos, es más seguro utilizar un plugin de fragmentos de código como WPCode en lugar de introducir directamente código personalizado. Para más detalles, puede consultar nuestra guía sobre cómo añadir código personalizado de forma segura en WordPress.
Si está bloqueado en el administrador de WordPress debido a un fragmento de código, entonces tendrá que corregir el problema manualmente usando un programa FTP como FileZilla para acceder a sus archivos. Si no estás familiarizado con FTP, entonces marca / comprueba nuestra guía para principiantes sobre FTP.
Una vez que se haya conectado a su sitio de WordPress mediante el software FTP, deberá seguir nuestra guía sobre cómo corregir errores de sintaxis en WordPress para corregir o eliminar el código que ha añadido.
Su sitio está experimentando una incidencia técnica

A veces, al intentar acceder a su área de administrador de WordPress, puede ver una pantalla blanca o un mensaje que dice: “El sitio está experimentando dificultades técnicas. Por favor, marque / compruebe la bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico del administrador del sitio para obtener instrucciones’.
Deberá acceder a su cuenta de correo electrónico de administrador y abrir su bandeja de entrada.
Deberías recibir un correo electrónico automático de WordPress que te indicará qué tema o plugin está causando problemas en tu sitio. También le enlazará para que pueda acceder / acceder a su administrador de WordPress.

Simplemente haga clic en el enlace y podrá acceder al administrador de WordPress en modo de recuperación. A continuación, tendrás que desactivar el plugin o tema que causa los problemas en tu sitio.
Sin embargo, es posible que no reciba este correo electrónico con el enlace de acceso. En ese caso, consulta nuestra guía sobre cómo utilizar el modo de recuperación de WordPress.
Esperamos que este tutorial te haya ayudado a corregir el problema de ‘bloqueo del administrador de WordPress’. Puede que también quieras aprender a elegir el mejor alojamiento para WordPress o comprobar nuestra lista de plugins imprescindibles para hacer crecer tu sitio web.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Jiří Vaněk
As for the 403 error, I have also dealt with the problem many times that the blocking was on the hosting provider’s side. Why? Some providers protect themselves against bruteforce attacks and thus have deployed GEO IP protection for the administration, where they use the htaccess file to limit access to the administration only from certain countries. If a person is in a foreign country or uses a VPN, he will not get into the administration. Therefore, it is sometimes a good idea to contact your webhosting provider afterwards.
Now there’s an even NEWER error message that redirects you to this page (/mod-security-error/rule-13051.html):
“WordPress Login Temporarily Disabled
We apologize for the inconvenience! You are seeing this message because your site has recently been targeted by attackers attempting to gain access to your WordPress Dashboard. In order to protect your site your WordPress Login page has been temporarily disabled.
Unfortunately, you will be unable to login to the Dashboard until the block expires.”
WPBeginner Support
That appears to be an error from your mod security for protecting from brute force attacks. If you reach out to your hosting provider they should be able to assist with that error
There has been a critical error on your website.
Get this message when I try to login to admin and this it what shows when I go to the webpage – it’s totally down.
WPBeginner Support
The message you are seeing is a different error, you can see our guide on fixing that error below!
“This feature is forbidden temporarily for security reason. Try login again.” this is the issue shown while iam entering the wp-admin url. Why is that issue happening?
WPBeginner Support
For that error, you would want to check our recommendations under the 403 section as it sounds like that may be a security plugin’s rewording of a 403 error.
Janet Lewison
I can’t log in to my admin area as I get the’ invisible captcha is not enabled message’. What can I do please?
WPBeginner Support
That sounds like a plugin may be causing you trouble. In that case, you would want to follow our guide on disabling your plugins when you’re unable to log in below:
Mehwish Abdul Rehman
my admin dashboard is opened but when I click any of the functionality like (click on pages to view all the pages) it shows the error page not found…I am unable to configure the problem
WPBeginner Support
You could try the recommendations in our article below or follow our troubleshooting guide.
Hello, when going to my homepage it says “You have been blocked by site administrator” but all the other pages works totally fine. Can you help?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to start by following our troubleshooting guide steps below:
Atarhe Okejotor
I tried accessing my WP dashboard for my blog I get a “This has been disabled” error. Please what can I do to resolve this?
WPBeginner Support
For that error, you would want to take a look at our troubleshooting guide below:
Hi, I changed the link of my wordpress website to ‘https’ to activate our ssl certificate. Now, everytime i attempt to log it, google comes up with a ‘this site cannot be reached’ page. Is there a way to fix this?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to take a look at our guide below for common solutions to the issues from moving to https and you can also reach out to your hosting provider for assistance:
Everytime I try to login to my wordpress URL, it get redirected to a domain I previously used. This means I cannot login because I set up a new site for the previous domain and it should no longer be associated. I suspect that the change maybe something that I did within wordpress (changing the permalinks?) But I cant login because it keeps redirecting- help!!!
WPBeginner Support
In that situation, we would recommend first reaching out to your hosting provider and they can normally assist.
I have a wordpress site where the ReCaptcha code got changed, but I was logged out before the code could be updated site-side. Now I’m locked out with a broken ReCaptcha. Any ideas?
WPBeginner Support
You would disable the plugin adding that. You can take a look at our guide below for a starting point:
Steve Garson
I´ve been locked out from my wordpress admin, I cannot access the login page. I just get an error page that says a plugin has a Fatal error.
WPBeginner Support
You can disable the plugin following our guide below:
You would need to reach out to the plugin’s support to let them know about the error for them to resolve it.
I´ve been locked out from my wordpress admin as I cannot even access the login page – i´m only being redirected to my “Under construction”-page.
Have tried mysite/wp-login.php and mysite/login and mysite/admin and from different browsers and different IP´s/internetconnections but nothing works. What should i do?
Thanks for help!
WPBeginner Support
If you have a coming soon plugin, you should be able to deactivate it using our guide below:
Gazi Sharin Mostafiz
I have a woo-commerce website. But when I want to login or logout a popup showing on top. I want to remove this popup sign in box. Please help me if anyone knows the solution.
WPBeginner Support
It sounds like you password protected your wp-admin area, we have a guide on this below:
Sakshi Singh
I was working on user registration and login forms using User Submission form plugin. I have enabled the captcha option but unfortunately didn’t set any method. Now, when i am trying to login into my website it’s giving an error “ERROR:Captcha code error, please try again” but their is no option for any type of captcha in my login form, so now i am unable to login anyhow.
Plz help..
WPBeginner Support
For troubleshooting errors, you would want to follow our guide below and disable plugins on your site:
Mary Cheung
Please please help me!
so i tried to update wordpress and pressed [update all]
Loaded for about 30 mins, now i have HTTP ERROR 500 on the admin panel.
WPBeginner Support
For that specific error message you would want to go through our guide here:
Isabelle Teran
How much time do I have to wait until I can have access again?
WPBeginner Support
If you resolve the underlying issue, you should not have to wait to log back into your site.
omer raza
I have tried almost everything to log in my WordPress dashboard but it’s not allowing me to log in. I have changed the password in the wp-users table, cleared browser cache and cookies as well but still, it is showing the same error(invalid username or password).
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to your hosting provider and they should be able to see if there are any errors that could be blocking the password change.
Md Mukarram Hossain
Nothing you described matches as the scenario as I faced with my site. I or others can enter my wp dashboard only with the role of administrator. Other users (editor, contributor…) cannot access dashboard. Is there any solution to this problem. Waiting for your reply.
WPBeginner Support
To begin finding the reason for that error you would want to go through the steps in our guide here:
I changed the Url for both WordPress and bluehost now my account has been locked. Is there a way to unlock it
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to BlueHost and they should be able to help you
Dahlia Harari
After editing text and publishing I am having a very weird issue.
The website is online but when I went to my website all that I see is just the menu on the screen.
What can I do to fix this problem?
Any help would be most appreciated
WPBeginner Support
If you are just starting out and didn’t set a static home page then you should start seeing content when you publish posts on your site.
Abdulrazaq Yahaya
Good afternoon.
I want to ask that if you want a developer to help you to design your website either partially or impartially, what position would you post him to, administrator or what?
WPBeginner Support
Most developers would normally need admin access to be able to see everything and fix issues with the site and the back end of the site.
Philip Sambell
I update my WP site plug-ins today and then the site crashed and displays this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /wp-content/plugins/swiftype-search/vendor/react/promise/src/functions.php on line 17
I cannot access my site at all, can anyone help please?
WPBeginner Support
That appears to be an error with your swiftype plugin, you can disable the plugin and try to log in using the method in our article here:
I have WordPress (latest version), Installed Locally with MAMP on my mac, and everything seems fine UNTIL, I activate a plugin. Once I activate this plugin, the entire thing crashes and I can’t do anything but to erase wordpress and reinstall it again. I literally can’t access anything on my dashboard, or any of the options such as plugins, etc. The whole thing is just frozen.
I don’t get any error or Syntax message, I simply can’t do anything at all.
Can someone please help me fix this issue?
Thanks and have a wonderful day!!!
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to the plugin’s support and let them know about the issue, you could also try the recommendations in our article here:
Abhishek Singh
I have been locked out of wp-login.php on my pc only, after i overrided it by login via google plus but i can access wp-login.php through other devices…. please reply ASAP so that i can access it on my pc too
WPBeginner Support
If you’re not using a security plugin on your site then you would want to reach out to your hosting provider. If you do have a security plugin you can disable it using the method in our article here:
I was locked out of my wp admin panel after installing a premium theme, I guess it was as a result of many free themes and plugins I previously installed, I have been trying to get my ftp details from wordpress so I can troubleshoot from filezella,but it has not been ssuccessful.
WPBeginner Support
For your FTP information, rather than reaching out to WordPress, you would need to reach out to your hosting provider and they would be able to give you that information.
I was attempting to update some pages on my website, and was eventually locked out of my website. Now, all I get when I go to the website, from any browser, is the following error message-
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/content/77/7030077/html/wp-content/plugins/redirection/redirection.php on line 100
I have no idea how to access my website and correct this error. Please help…
WPBeginner Support
It looks like your redirection plugin may be encountering an error, you should be able to disable it using our guide here:
to allow you to log back into your site.
Jetpack has blocked my IP address to the login page. However, the IP address that is shown is not mine, but originates in San Jose, Calif. I’m in Glens Falls, NY. I was instructed to send a link to my email address so I could try getting in.
Fortunately, only one of my sites is being attacked. But it is an important one, so I’m just a little freaked by this. I sure would appreciate any advice that would help me resolve this!
WPBeginner Support
With Jetpack blocking your UP address, you would want to reach out to Jetpack’s support and explain the situation and they should be able to assist.
Bibhash Roy
From today, I am getting this error message in wordpress after I started making changes to integrate and work with Woocommerce.
This is the message “You have reached the maximum number of requests that is permitted to make per hour. The current rate limit window resets on……”
Many things are not working in the WP Dashboard after I got this message. Google search did not provide much clue.
Why I am getting this message? Is WP or Woocommerce responsible for this? What is the fix?
WPBeginner Support
You may want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure that is not a limit set by them causing that error.
I have come across an issue with the login attempts since I have activated my Loginizer plugin. I have been unable to login as an admin into my WordPress. I tried changing my password in my phpadmin, but it failed too. I tried login with the password and id from my Cpanel still it shows error in login id or password, please suggest me a solution.
WPBeginner Support
You can disable the plugin using the method in:
I am trying to install WordPress on localhost and keep getting the message ‘Sorry, that isn’t a valid email address. Email addresses look like [email protected].’. Any email I try (all valid and working) gets the same response! Can you advise please? Thanks
WPBeginner Support
You may want to ensure there are no spaces or similar in front of the email you are attempting to use. If you’re trying to reset a password due to being locked out you would want to take a look at:
My browser crashed whilst I was attempting to change the URL of my site on wp-admin and now I’m unable to access the log in page or see the site.
When I type in the URL of the site, I get the error message: This site is currently undergoing maintenance, and will be back shortly.
When I type in the /wp-admin URL it shows me to a log in screen and I enter my details only for it to return the error message: This site is currently undergoing maintenance, and will be back shortly.
Is anyone able to help?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to take a look at our tutorial for that error here:
Cynthia Gonnella
I’m being told I don’t have any wordpress sites.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Cynthia,
You may have a website built with a different website builder. Try to find out which one and then search on how to migrate from that website builder to WordPress.
WordPress is hosting my blog. I’m now being told I don’t have any sites yet I logged in and wrote a post on October 3. When I use admin in my url I’m taken to a political site. I have my receipt of payment to wordpress but when I’m logged in there’s no record of a payment. I’m not sure how to fix this. Thank you for responding.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Cynthia,
Please contact support. They would be able to help you out.
After editing and publishing my new blog hosted with Bluehost, the front end of my website still shows a coming soon page. I don’t know what else to do.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Teboh,
Login to your Bluehost hosting account dashboard and then click on ‘My Sites’ in the left column. Take your mouse over to your site and then select Manage site. On the next scree, click on the Settings tab. Here you will find the option to turn off ‘Coming Soon Page On My Site’.
Kelly St Claire
I have an inactive wordpress site (about a year) and I cannot log in to the admin panel. I’m trying to either change it and start using it again or closing it out.
My issue was that I couldn’t remember the password and when I tried to reset it it would accept none of my email addresses.
Can someone please help? I’ve been searching for the answer and can’t find anything about not having access through email.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Kelly,
Seems like it is a website. In that case you may want to contact their support and they will be able to help you out.
I locked myself out by installing a re-captcha plug-in, enabling it for log-in screen and then logging myself out. Unfortunately my log-in screen is created by another plug in and they don’t seem to be compatible. The log-in screen does not show the recaptcha and then when I try to log in it says incorrect details. Any ideas?
So people from my work asked me to update the website but the guy who made it is gone and they can’t reach him. So I made a new website but now we can’t bring down the old one. Is it possible to do so without having the login? Cause they own the business but didn’t do the website…
WPBeginner Support
Hi Eliza,
You will need to connect to your hosting account dashboard. This is where the old website’s files are stored. You may contact the hosting company and ask them for help. There are online tools that you can use to find out where the old website is hosted.
I am in desperate need. I cant get back into my wordpress account and everywhere i go for my site it show the 404 file or directory not found
What do I do?!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Emma,
Please see our guide on how to fix 404 errors in WordPress.
Is it possible to get locked out when I’ve tried to log in for too many times? I was creating a code for a modal type login and had to log in and out several times to check. Would that be one of the possible reason why I’ll be locked out?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Eymiel,
By default, WordPress doesn’t stop users from attempting to login. You can try as many times as you like. However, you can use plugins like Limit Login Attempts to change this.
Stephen Stack
I work for a medical supply manufacturer. We had our site designed by a web development company. The relationship has ended. We were never given the admin user name and password. Is there anyway where we can get access to the admin features? The developer won’t respond to our calls or messages.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Stephen,
If you have access to the web hosting account for the website then you can use that to recover WordPress password using phpMyAdmin. If you don’t have access to the hosting account, then you cannot access the website.
Hello, I just did the move / migration from local to online using all in one migration WP. The website is online, it works but urls dont work my website is still under construction – – – – I can no longer access to wordpress ! – – – – I know I have to use id and password I used working in local but because it was saved in my internet browser I didnt have to enter it each time and I completely lost / forget it ! ANd I dont think changing it on localhost/phpmyadmin/ can be a solution because the migration has been done (?) PLEASE help me to find a solution – save my life — the website is for a client – it’s an urgency. Thanks
WPBeginner Support
Hi Karin,
You can still reset password by launching phpmyadmin on hosting account’s cpanel dashboard.
I just switched my website over from yesterday. Everything was working fine or so I thought. Today I tried to log into my site via the /wp-admin/ page, but it is telling me that my e-mail, username, and password are all invalid. I tried to reset the password, but it told me there was no account linked to the address or the username.
I KNOW I am using the right information. I have tried to login on my phone, through the app, and on my computer. The only way I can get to the dashboard is by going to BlueHost and clicking on “My Sites.” It doesn’t even give me the option to log into WordPress from there.
I am so frustrated. PLEASE HELP!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Lindsay,
Please try our WordPress troubleshooting guide to find out what’s causing the issue and how to fix it.
I changed phone #’s so I cannot get back into my worpress account as everything they wanna send me is on my phone?!
Now what?
Word press has no email help?!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Roberto,
You are probably using Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog. has a support forum where you can reach out and explain your issue.
Did you manage to resolve this? I’m having the same problem and I don’t know what to do! I can’t find my back up codes and the verification messages aren’t coming through to my old phone!
syed umraz
I am not able to access website admin page (wp-admin) which is built on wordpress. it shows 404 not found when i typed mywbsite/wp-admin/. Please assist
Azizul Hoque
Every time i wish to access my wordpress dashboard which is installed in a namecheap hosting whenever i put my user ID and password then this message appears : You have been locked out due to too many invalid login attempts. Can anyone give me a solution
I have a weird issue with my wordpress account.
I logged out and now that I want to log in again it says that my username and email don’t exist in wordpress, what can I do about it?
Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
Hi John,
Please see our guide on how to deactivate plugins when not able to access WordPress admin.
I am having a very weird issue.
I have dpwnloaded a plug in for my website which shows my website in under construction mode.
I kind of lost my password, and when i go to the lost password it redirects me to the under construction page.
Also I am using site ground hosting.
So i am completely blocked out i am not able to recover my wp dashboard
WPBeginner Support
Hey Sumayya,
You can deactivate plugin using FTP.
I cannot access my blog nor login to wp panel, but when I use a different Internet connection it works. So how to solve this if it has something to do with a particular connetion?
Same happened to me. I can’t access wp-admin page from my intetnet connection but when I use other internet connection or VPN, it opens. Please give me a solution.
same with me… is related to the internet. with data is ok and other people can access. but i can access other wordpress accounts I have without problem… the issue is with one particular account
I’ve locked myself out of my site. I had it offline on a local host while I was building it. All was fine it was the day to upload and do a paypal sandbox text. I uploaded all files to my host server, all good. But when I went to my website it wasn’t there just the host screen. I watch some videos on YouTube to get advice and one said change the URL in your WordPress dashboard. So I did and now when I got to login to my WordPress site it says it’s not there. Any help would be most appreciated