Newsletters from the World Bank Group

We engage the development community with real-world statistics
World Bank Group Weekly Updates
Infographics, digests and videos on the most interesting and important stories from the previous week - available in English, Spanish, French and Arabic.
Deactivated on 19-Aug-2024 - World Bank COVID-19 Response Monthly Newsletter
News on the latest World Bank supported COVID-19 projects, financing, regional information, and results.
Friends of IDA
A quarterly digest of the latest news from the International Development Association (IDA).
The latest updates on foreign direct investment projects supported by the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

Thematic & Program
News updates from specific sectors of development (e.g. Climate Change, Infrastructure)

Energy Sector Management Assistance Program
Stay informed on how the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) is reducing poverty and boosting growth, through environmentally sustainable energy solutions.
What Have We Learned? The Evaluation Podcast
What have we learned about global development? A show from the World Bank Group’s independent evaluation function, IEG.
Evaluation Insights
The latest evaluation evidence informing global development at the World Bank Group and beyond
World Bank Social Protection & Jobs Highlights
Receive latest news, blogs, events, success stories, approved projects and more from the World Bank Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice.
IFC Health Newsletter
Get bimonthly updates on advancing access to quality health care across emerging markets.
Civil Society Engagement
Monthly update on news, events and opportunities for engagement with civil society organizations.
Platform for Collaboration on Tax
The Platform for Collaboration on Tax (PCT) is a joint initiative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations, and the World Bank Group to strengthen collaboration on domestic resource mobilization. The PCT Newsletter provides information on upcoming PCT knowledge products, activities, and events.
Business Environment Explorer
Stay on top of reliable data and analysis on private sector development for economic growth! Get updates from the World Bank’s flagships - Business Ready, Enterprise Surveys and Women, Business and the Law projects, produced by the Global Indicators Group.
Law Justice and Development
Monthly update on news, events and opportunities for engagement with civil society organizations.
Skills4Dev Newsletter
The Skills4Dev is the Skills Global Solutions Group newsletter to help you keep up with the World Bank Group news on skills development. The newsletter features publications, blogs, events, and approved projects, among others.
Governance Update
Helping client countries build capable, efficient, open, inclusive, and accountable institutions. Receive monthly updates on all things Governance and quarterly special editions on GovTech.
Latin America & the Caribbean at Glance
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and stay informed about Latin America and the Caribbean. In each edition, we'll share news, events, latest reports, and stories from across the region.
The Think Africa Partnership (TAP) Newsletter
The Think Africa Partnership (TAP) is a multi-donor trust fund that supports economic transformation and growth across Africa by promoting better uptake of policy-relevant knowledge and data. This bi-annual newsletter provides updates to donors, partners, and beneficiaries of the partnership.
Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality
Get quaterly updates on how the Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality Trust Fund helps to expand evidence, knowledge and data needed to identify and address key gaps between men and women.
WEESA is a virtual knowledge-sharing platform that aims to facilitate regional exchange, dialogue, and capacity building on WEE and strengthen linkages between evidence and action. Members are researchers, decisionmakers, policymakers, and development practitioners interested in how to expand and accelerate WEE and gender equality in South Asia. WEESA offers a repository of curated WEE-related resources, organizes regular webinars, and events, and provides small grants for local organizations and researchers.
Leaders in Urban Transport Planning Program
Connect with a global network of urban transport policymakers and practitioners and learn more about how to get involved in the Leaders in Urban Transport Planning (LUTP) capacity-building program
S4YE is a global program that brings together donors, governments, foundations, private sector companies, NGOs and youth to support catalytic programs to increase the number of young people engaged in productive workS4YE is a global program that brings together donors, governments, foundations, private sector companies, NGOs and youth to support catalytic programs to increase the number of young people engaged in productive work.
GWSP Digest
A bi monthly newsletter with updates on global water security and sanitation.
IFC Education Newsletter
Get bimonthly updates on equipping people in emerging markets with skills to thrive in a 21st century economy.
Opening the World Bank Group to Parliamentarians
The Opening the World Bank Group to Parliamentarians newsletter provides a quarterly update on recent and upcoming engagements between the World Bank Group and parliamentarians at the country, regional and global levels. It serves to inform parliamentarians as well as World Bank Group staff about how they can partner to improve development outcomes. It also gives information on the latest publications and resources that may be of interest to parliamentarians in best serving their constituents.
Global Findex Findings
Insights and timely updates on financial behaviors from the Global Findex team
TERI’s Tunisian insights
Get quarterly updates on how the Tunisia Economic Resilience & Inclusion (TERI) Umbrella Program, through Trust Funds, is helping Tunisia achieve its development objectives and receive the latest news, updates, blogs, and featured stories from the field!
Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility – Global Infrastructure Hub
Monthly updates on PPIAF-GI Hub news and resources.
The Knowledge4Jobs digest is a monthly newsletter created jointly by the Jobs Group and the Labor & Skills Solutions Group in Social Protection and Jobs. Each month features a guest editor with robust knowledge in a specific field related to the broader jobs agenda of the World Bank.
Climate Support Facility News
Committed to fast-forwarding climate action? Sign up for a monthly update on the latest news, events, knowledge products, and impact stories from the Climate Support Facility.
Infrastructure Finance
Infrastructure finance news, tools, reports and best practices
Ideas for Impact - Institute for Economic Development
The Institute for Economic Development offers a one-stop shop for curated research and data insights on how to solve development problems. It’s also the place for think tanks, researchers, and experts to share ideas and learn. Sign up to this quarterly newsletter to receive exclusive research insights, events and workshops, updates on our activities, and more.
Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program Quarterly Digest
Be informed on regional developments, project impact, events, and publications around Adaptive Social Protection in the Sahel.
LSMS Highlights
The Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) focuses on strengthening household survey systems in client countries and on improving the quality of microdata to better inform development policies. The overarching goal of the LSMS is to foster the development and facilitate the adoption of new methods and standards in household data collection for evidence-based policymaking. The LSMS quarterly newsletter summarizes the latest publications, events, blogs and initiatives performed by the team.
Women, Business and the Law Newsletter
Women, Business and the Law (WBL) is a World Bank Group project collecting data on the laws and regulations that restrict women's economic opportunities. In this newsletter, the team shares the latest news about recent research findings, missions, and upcoming projects.
The Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) is a global partnership with a mission to support the adoption of national economic inclusion programs that increase the earnings and assets of the extreme poor and vulnerable households through country engagements, innovation and learning, and global knowledge sharing. The PEI newsletter provides updates and resources with the global partnership.
Forced Displacement Research Update
Research findings on forced displacement in areas of Gender, Jobs, Social Cohesion, Social Protection, Health, Education, and Food Insecurity to help development practitioners and policy makers design more effective programs to help refugees and their host communities.
World Bank Trust Funds and Partnerships in Action
The World Bank’s “Trust Funds and Partnerships in Action” newsletter aims to showcase work done by Trust Funds and Financial Intermediary Funds.
Trade Matters
Read for the latest research, expert insights and analysis on trade policy, logistics and facilitation from the World Bank’s leading trade and regional integration experts. Updated every two months.
World Bank Poverty and Inequality Newsletter
Stay up to date with the latest news, insights, research, and events on poverty and inequality from the World Bank Group.
World Bank - Education Global Practice e-Newsletter
Receive latest news, blogs, events, success stories, approved projects and more from the World Bank Education Global Practice.
Global Partnership for Social Accountability
What’s new in Social Accountability? Stay informed on the latest news, resources and upcoming events aimed at strengthening transparency and accountability beween governments and civil societies.
The Digital Economy for Africa Initiative
The World Bank Group Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A) flagship initiative supports the digital transformation strategy for Africa prepared by the African Union (AU). The DE4A initiative recognizes that the digital economy can help accelerating the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the World Bank Group’s twin goals.
Human Capital Projects Global News
#InvestInPeople! The Human Capital Project is about supporting all people to live productive and fulfilling lives. This newsletter will help you stay informed on global and country actions.
Sanctions Board Insights
Interested in integrity and sanctions? Learn about key developments at the WBG Sanctions Board as it considers allegations of fraud, corruption and other misconduct in WBG-financed projects. This biannual newsletter presents select data, decision summaries, and updates in Sanctions Board membership.
Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement Newsletter
Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement Newsletter and Literature Review is a monthly newsletter that brings you the latest research on a range of topics relating to forced displacement and helps you stay connected with the Center’s work and activities.

Regional & Country
The latest development news from specific countries and regions
World Bank Mongolia Newsletter
Get monthly updates on news, events and opportunities for World Bank in Mongolia - available in English or Mongolian.
Western & Central Africa Quarterly Update
A quarterly digest of the latest news, data, publications and job offers from the World Bank in Western and Central Africa.
World Bank in Indonesia
Get the latest updates from our work in Indonesia - available in English
The Africa Knowledge in Time for COVID-19 newsletter shares virtual discussions, blogs, policy notes and other analytical pieces by leading academics, public intellectuals and World Bank experts on the public health, economic and social dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa.
News, videos, and success stories about regional connectivity in South Asia. The newsletter and a companion website are published by the World Bank’s South Asia Regional Integration, Cooperation, and Engagement team.
World Bank in Thailand
Get the latest updates from our work in Thailand.
World Bank East Asia & Pacific Newsletter
Quarterly updates of the latest news, data, publications and job offers from the World Bank East Asia & Pacific
World Bank Tokyo Office eNews
Weekly updates on news, seminars and opportunities from World Bank Tokyo office. Available in Japanese.
CAWEP Newsletter
Get quarterly updates on news and activities implemented under the Central Asia Water and Energy Program – available in English and Russian.
World Bank Tokyo Office – English
Get seminar information and news from World Bank Tokyo office in English.
Europe and Central Asia Research Notes
ECA Research Notes newsletter focuses on important policy issues and trends in Europe and Central Asia region.
World Bank in the Philippines
Get the latest updates from our work in the Philippines.
Global Tax Program
The Global Tax Program (GTP) supports advisory services and technical assistance focused on strengthening tax institutions and mobilizing revenues fairly and efficiently at the international and domestic levels. Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) is a central pillar of the global 2030 Financing for Development agenda, reflecting the financing needed in many developing countries to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Research & Operations
Updates from various World Bank disciplines (e.g. Research, Publications, Impact Evaluations).
Accountability Matters
The World Bank Accountability Mechanism's quarterly newsletter provides updates on cases, events and activities of the AM and the two units it houses – the Inspection Panel and the Dispute Resolution Service.
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund Newsletter
The strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF) monthly newsletter provides short updates on research that measures the impact of programs and policies.
Interest Bearing Notes Newsletter
IBN (Interest Bearing Notes) is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Development Team in the World Bank's Development Research Group.
World Bank Group Publications
Get updates on research and publications from across the World Bank Group
Policy Research Working Papers
The latest insights from the world’s largest working-paper series focused on development economics and developing countries.
Development Research
A monthly summary of the latest research from the World Bank's principal research department.
Center for Financial Reporting Reform Newsletters
Get updates on CFRR programs and activities.