UNESCO (Q7809)
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specialised agency of the United Nations for education, sciences, and culture
- Unesco
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | UNESCO |
English | UNESCO |
specialised agency of the United Nations for education, sciences, and culture |
2 references
Funds, Programmes, Specialized Agencies and Others (English)
29 September 2017
16 November 1945
2 references
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (English)
0 references
Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (French)
0 references
UNESCO (English)
0 references
ONUÉSC (French)
0 references
130,000 United States dollar
to support the Grantee in organizing the annual Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
400,000 United States dollar
to support the global educational activities of the Global Education Monitoring Report (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
75,000 United States dollar
to improve the effectiveness of education financing in the Arab region post-COVID by promoting better and more transparent education sector data (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
150,000 United States dollar
To support the development and implementation of the third UNESCO World Higher Education Conference which aims to reshape ideas and practices in higher education for the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
300,000 United States dollar
for charitable and global educational activities of Global Education Monitoring Report, including the development and launch Regional GEM Eurasia Report on inclusive education (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
400,000 United States dollar
to support UNESCO in its trainings of journalists and judicial personnel regarding human rights in the international human rights frameworks, during the COVID-19 state of emergency (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
300,000 United States dollar
for charitable and global educational activities of Global Education Monitoring Report (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
85,000 United States dollar
to support regional capacity building and knowledge on educational issues under COVID-19 in the Arab region (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
50,000 United States dollar
to support UNESCO in its trainings of judicial personnel regarding human rights in the Inter-American framework, during the COVID-19 state of emergency (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
27,000 United States dollar
to support the development, publishing and dissemination of the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) publication focused on inclusive policies and practices (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
300,000 United States dollar
to boost the research capacity of the Global Education Monitoring report team to conduct thematic Sustainable Development Goals related progress assessment (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
100,000 United States dollar
to support the planning and facilitation of the International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education that will mark the 25th anniversary of the World Conference on Special Needs Education. The Forum will foster international dialogue around inclusion in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and produce a new global Statement on Inclusive Education (IE) (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
300,000 United States dollar
for charitable and global educational activities of Global Education Monitoring Report, including the development and launch Regional GEM Eurasia Report on inclusive education (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
25,000 United States dollar
to support joint agenda-building among different educational stakeholders through the convening of a meeting of the SDG4 reference group in the Arab world (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
100,000 United States dollar
to promote freedom of expression and journalist safety globally by raising awareness and encourage policy change (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
450,000 United States dollar
to support charitable and educational activities of Global Education Monitoring Report - Budget Support and Fellowship Scheme (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
125,000 United States dollar
to support charitable and educational activities of 17-23/11 Fostering freedom of expression, access to information and safety of journalists globally w a focus in Africa (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
150,000 United States dollar
to support charitable and educational activities of Global Education Monitoring Report: Accountabililty in education & Migration and Education (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
20,000 United States dollar
World Press Freedom Day International Conference 2-4 May 2016, Helsinki (Finland) (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
100,000 United States dollar
Support to the Global Education Monitoring Report (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
75,000 United States dollar
Strengthening the training of judges and other legal professionals in the Americas on freedom of expression, (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
100,000 United States dollar
Mobile Learning Week (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
100,000 United States dollar
Support for Consultative Committee of NGOs Meeting 2017 (English)
1 reference
Open Society Foundations - Awarded Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (English)
21 January 2025
15 November 2017
1 reference
2 references
0 references
7, place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris (French)
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
6 references
1 reference
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
16 January 2020
1 reference
L'art de l'écriture (English)
7 September 2021
Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, adopted in London on 16 November 1945 and amended by the General Conference at its second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth eighth sessions (English)
683 kilobyte
0 references
1 reference
13 February 2018
0 references
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
2 references
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
UNESCO latest news & coverage (English)
29 March 2021
1 reference
1 reference
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
16 January 2020
1 reference
Via P227 lookup with GND value from PM20 folder (English)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
0 references
Angelo Tamborra
II Appendice
0 references
Valier Marisetta Paronetto
III Appendice
0 references
1 reference
10 May 2018
12 February 2009
10 May 2018
31 May 2011
10 May 2018
27 May 2011
10 May 2018
16 May 2011
10 May 2018
16 May 2011
31 May 2006
10 December 2020
26 September 2009
10 December 2020
UNESCO en español
26 September 2009
10 December 2020
26 September 2009
10 December 2020
26 September 2009
10 December 2020
Wikipedia(182 entries)
- abwiki ИУНЕСКО
- afwiki Unesco
- alswiki UNESCO
- amwiki ዩኔስኮ
- anwiki Unesco
- arwiki يونسكو
- arywiki ليونيسكو
- arzwiki يونيسكو
- astwiki UNESCO
- aswiki ৰাষ্ট্ৰসংঘ শিক্ষা, বিজ্ঞান আৰু সংস্কৃতি সংস্থা
- azbwiki یونسکو
- azwiki UNESCO
- banwiki UNESCO
- bat_smgwiki UNESCO
- bawiki ЮНЕСКО
- bclwiki Organisasyon kan Nagkakasararong Nasyon para sa Edukasyon, Siyensya asin Kultura
- be_x_oldwiki Арганізацыя Аб’яднаных Нацыяў па пытаньнях адукацыі, навукі і культуры
- bewiki ЮНЕСКА
- bgwiki ЮНЕСКО
- bhwiki यूनेस्को
- bjnwiki Pahimpunan Pandidikan, Kailmuan, wan Kabudayaan Pasarikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
- blkwiki ယူနဲတ်သကို
- bnwiki জাতিসংঘ শিক্ষা, বিজ্ঞান ও সংস্কৃতি সংস্থা
- brwiki UNESCO
- bswiki UNESCO
- btmwiki UNESCO
- bxrwiki ЮНЕСКО
- cawiki UNESCO
- cdowiki Lièng-hăk-guók Gáu-ṳ̆k, Kuŏ-hŏk gâe̤ng Ùng-huá Cū-cék
- cewiki Дешаран, Ӏилманан, оьздангаллин гӀуллакхийн Вовшахтоьхна Къаьмнийн Кхоллам
- ckbwiki یوونێسکۆ
- crhwiki YUNESKO
- cswiki UNESCO
- cvwiki ЮНЕСКО
- cywiki UNESCO
- dawiki UNESCO
- dewiki UNESCO
- elwiki Εκπαιδευτική Επιστημονική και Πολιτιστική Οργάνωση των Ηνωμένων Εθνών
- emlwiki UNESCO
- enwiki UNESCO
- eowiki Unesko
- eswiki Unesco
- etwiki UNESCO
- euwiki UNESCO
- extwiki UNESCO
- fawiki یونسکو
- ffwiki UNESCO
- fiwiki Unesco
- fowiki UNESCO
- frpwiki Organisacion de les Nacions unies por l’èducacion, la science et la cultura
- frrwiki UNESCO
- frwiki Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture
- fywiki UNESCO
- gawiki EOECNA
- glwiki UNESCO
- gnwiki Unesco
- hawiki UNESCO
- hewiki אונסק"ו
- hifwiki UNESCO
- hiwiki यूनेस्को
- hrwiki UNESCO
- hsbwiki UNESCO
- htwiki INESKO
- huwiki UNESCO
- hywiki ՅՈՒՆԵՍԿՕ
- hywwiki ԵՈՒՆԵՍՔՕ
- iawiki UNESCO
- idwiki UNESCO
- iewiki UNESCO
- ilowiki UNESCO
- iowiki Organizuro di Unionita Nacioni pri Eduko, Cienco e Kulturo
- iswiki Menningarmálastofnun Sameinuðu þjóðanna
- itwiki UNESCO
- jawiki 国際連合教育科学文化機関
- jvwiki UNESCO
- kaawiki YuNESKO
- kabwiki Tuddsa n UNESCO
- kawiki იუნესკო
- kbdwiki Лъэпкъ Зэгуэт Организациэ еджэныгъэм, шъэныгъэм, културэм пылъ
- kbpwiki UNESCO ŋgbɛyɛ
- kcgwiki Sot-nta̱m Tat-a̱pyia̱, Sayen ma̱ng Taada Muná̱pyia̱ Bibyin Swanta
- kkwiki ЮНЕСКО
- kmwiki យូណេស្កូ
- knwiki ವಿಶ್ವಸಂಸ್ಥೆಯ ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ, ವೈಜ್ಞಾನಿಕ ಮತ್ತು ಸಾಂಸ್ಕೃತಿಕ ಆಯೋಗ
- kowiki 유네스코
- krcwiki Бирлешген Миллетлени окъуудан, илмудан эмда культурадан организациясы
- kuwiki UNESCO
- kwwiki UNESCO
- kywiki ЮНЕСКО
- ladwiki UNESCO
- lawiki UNESCO
- lbwiki UNESCO
- lfnwiki La Organiza de Educa, Siensa, e Cultur de la NU
- lijwiki UNESCO
- liwiki UNESCO
- lldwiki UNESCO
- lmowiki UNESCO
- lnwiki Lingómbá lya Botángísí Nzebi mpé Liyébi lya Bikólo Bínsɔ
- lowiki ອຸຍແນສໂກ
- ltwiki UNESCO
- lvwiki UNESCO
- maiwiki यूनेस्को (UNESCO)
- mgwiki UNESCO
- minwiki Organisasi Pandidikan, Ilmu Pangatahuan, jo Kabudayaan Pasarikatan Banso-Banso
- mkwiki УНЕСКО
- mlwiki യുനെസ്കോ
- mnwiki ЮНЕСКО
- mrwiki युनेस्को
- mswiki Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Sains dan Kebudayaan PBB
- mtwiki UNESCO
- mwlwiki Ourganizaçon de las Naciones Ounidas pa la Eiducaçon, la Ciéncia i la Cultura
- mywiki ယူနက်စကို
- mznwiki یونسکو
- napwiki Organizzazione d''e Nazzione Aunite pe ll'Aducazione, 'a Scienza e 'a Cultura
- nds_nlwiki UNESCO
- ndswiki UNESCO
- newiki युनेस्को
- newwiki युनेस्को
- nlwiki UNESCO
- nnwiki UNESCO
- nowiki UNESCO
- ocwiki UNESCO
- olowiki UNESCO
- orwiki ୟୁନେସ୍କୋ
- papwiki UNESCO
- pawiki ਯੂਨੈਸਕੋ
- plwiki UNESCO
- pmswiki UNESCO
- pnbwiki یونیسکو
- pswiki يونيسکو
- ptwiki Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura
- quwiki UNESCO
- rmwiki UNESCO
- rowiki Organizația Națiunilor Unite pentru Educație, Știință și Cultură
- ruewiki ЮНЕСКО
- ruwiki ЮНЕСКО
- sahwiki ЮНЕСКО
- satwiki ᱭᱩᱱᱮᱥᱠᱚ
- sawiki संयुक्तराष्ट्रशैक्षिकवैज्ञानिकसांस्कृतिकसङ्घटनम्
- scnwiki UNESCO
- scowiki UNESCO
- scwiki UNESCO
- sdwiki يونيسڪو
- shiwiki Tamaddast n timtta imunn i usgmi, tamassant d tadlsa
- shwiki UNESCO
- simplewiki UNESCO
- siwiki යුනෙස්කෝ
- skwiki Organizácia Spojených národov pre vzdelávanie, vedu a kultúru
- slwiki Organizacija Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo
- sowiki UNESCO
- sqwiki UNESCO
- srwiki Унеско
- stqwiki UNESCO
- svwiki Unesco
- swwiki UNESCO
- tawiki ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் கல்வி, அறிவியல், பண்பாட்டு நிறுவனம்
- tewiki యునెస్కో
- tgwiki ЮНЕСКО
- thwiki ยูเนสโก
- tlwiki UNESCO
- trwiki UNESCO
- ttwiki Мәгариф, фән һәм мәдәният сораулары буенча Берләшкән Милләтләр Оешмасы
- udmwiki ЮНЕСКО
- ugwiki بىرلەشكەن دۆلەتلەر تەشكىلاتىنىڭ مائارىپ، ئىلىم-پەن، مەدەنىيەت تەشكىلاتى
- ukwiki ЮНЕСКО
- urwiki یونیسکو
- uzwiki UNESCO
- vecwiki UNESCO
- vepwiki UNESCO
- viwiki Tổ chức Giáo dục, Khoa học và Văn hóa Liên Hợp Quốc
- vlswiki UNESCO
- warwiki UNESCO
- wuuwiki 联合国教育科学文化组织
- xhwiki I-UNESCO
- xmfwiki იუნესკო
- yiwiki אונעסקא
- yowiki UNESCO
- zghwiki ⵢⵓⵏⵉⵙⴽⵓ
- zh_min_nanwiki UNESCO
- zh_yuewiki 聯合國教科文組織
- zhwiki 联合国教育、科学及文化组织
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(11 entries)
- arwikinews تصنيف:يونسكو
- dewikinews Kategorie:UNESCO
- eowikinews Kategorio:Unesko
- eswikinews Categoría:UNESCO
- frwikinews Catégorie:UNESCO
- itwikinews Categoria:UNESCO
- nlwikinews Categorie:UNESCO
- plwikinews Kategoria:UNESCO
- ptwikinews Categoria:Unesco
- ruwikinews Категория:ЮНЕСКО
- srwikinews Категорија:Унеско
Wikiquote(9 entries)
- eowikiquote Unesko
- eswikiquote Unesco
- itwikiquote Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'educazione, la scienza e la cultura
- plwikiquote UNESCO
- ruwikiquote ЮНЕСКО
- srwikiquote Унеско
- tawikiquote ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் கல்வி, அறிவியல், பண்பாட்டு நிறுவனம்
- ukwikiquote ЮНЕСКО
- viwikiquote Tổ chức Giáo dục, Khoa học và Văn hóa Liên Hợp Quốc
Wikisource(3 entries)
- bnwikisource প্রকাশক:জাতিসংঘ শিক্ষা, বিজ্ঞান ও সংস্কৃতি সংস্থা
- eowikisource Kategorio:Unesko
- itwikisource Autore:UNESCO