1 of 4 / Baby Nutrition
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Infant Nutrition: The First 6 Months
Your baby is about to go through a growth spurt. Expect your baby to double his or her birth weight by about age 5 -6 months.
Is My New Baby Eating Enough?
One of the most common worries new parents have? Whether their little one is eating the right amount.
Baby Feeding Schedule
Since your infant can't actually say "I'm hungry,” you’ll want to learn to look for cues that it's time to eat.
Baby Nutrition in the First Year
In addition to breast milk or baby formula, here are solid foods you can introduce to your baby’s diet at each development stage.
2 of 4 / Bath & Body Essentials
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Baby Maintenance: Bath, Nails, and Hair
If you're unsure about the baby grooming basics, here's a handy guide to help make hygiene as easy as loving your baby.
Baby Skin Care: Tips for Your Newborn
Chemicals, fragrances, dyes, detergents, and baby products can cause newborn skin irritation, dryness, chafing, and rashes.
Newborn Baby Skin Care Products
Your newborn needs dye-free, fragrance-free baby skin care products. If there's a newborn in your family, here are a few tips.
Taking Care of Baby's Sensitive Skin
Whether your baby is 6 days, 6 weeks, or 6 months old, there’s always one constant: They have delicate skin.
3 of 4 / Baby Development
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Milestones for Your Baby's First Year
Your baby will grow rapidly during their first year. Your little one will reach development milestones at their own pace.
Umbilical Cord Care
The umbilical cord is the tube-like structure that carries food and oxygen from a mother to their baby while pregnant.
How Well Can Newborn Babies See?
Babies are born with a full visual capacity to see objects and colors. However, newborns cannot see very far.
How Well Do Newborns Hear?
Newborn babies can hear fairly well, but not perfectly. The middle ear is full of fluid and this impairs hearing to an extent.
4 of 4 / Better Sleep
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Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night
During the first 2 months, your newborn's need to eat overrules their need to sleep.
How to Set Good Sleep Patterns for Your Baby
It’s a fact: Newborns simply can’t sleep through the night -- so neither can you.
What Is a Bassinet?
Bed bassinets are popular for their portability and low cost. Your baby can sleep in one for the first few weeks.
How to Choose a Crib Mattress
Choosing the right mattress is essential for keeping your baby safe while they slumber.
Suggested Reads about Health & Baby
Video on if Your Baby's Skin Has a Reaction
Baby skin is more likely to get a rash than adult skin. Find out ways to handle the reaction.
Video on How to Swaddle a Baby: Step-by-Step Instructions
Mastering the art of swaddling can help your newborn feel safe and secure. These step-by-step instructions will help you get started.
NICU Babies Dressed Up for Fun
Newborn babies dressed up in precious costumes? Count us in. Watch as one NICU created a heartwarming moment.
3 Diaper Bag Must-Haves
You don’t have to haul around the latest hefty diaper bag for your baby. Here’s a list of some essentials.
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