Copyright © 2013 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
The namespace name
is intended
for use with the PROV
family of documents that support the interchange of provenance on the
web. Please
read the overview first. The terms within this namespace
are defined in these specifications:
The index below provides links directly to the definition of the terms within the above specifications. English language definitions are provided. However, in some cases we omit the definition when the context of a document is needed for understanding. In all cases, the specifications above are the definitive source. For machine interpretable definitions, content negotiation is supported for multiple formats including:
curl -sH "Accept: text/turtle" -L
curl -sH "Accept: application/rdf+xml" -L
curl -sH "Accept: application/xml" -L
The OWL ontology can also be accessed directly in RDF/XML and in Turtle
formats using the URIs
This document is intended to comply with W3C policy for XML namespace names.
We suggest the use of prov
as a prefix for this
PROV-DC: | Accept |
PROV-O: | actedOnBehalfOf |
PROV-XML: | actedOnBehalfOf |
PROV-DM: | actedOnBehalfOf |
PROV-N: | delegationExpression |
PROV-O: | Activity |
PROV-XML: | Activity |
PROV-DM: | Activity |
PROV-N: | activityExpression |
PROV-O: | activity |
PROV-XML: | activity |
PROV-O: | ActivityInfluence |
PROV-O: | Agent |
PROV-XML: | Agent |
PROV-DM: | Agent |
PROV-N: | agentExpression |
PROV-O: | agent |
PROV-XML: | agent |
PROV-O: | AgentInfluence |
PROV-XML: | Alternate |
PROV-DM: | Alternate |
PROV-O: | alternateOf |
PROV-XML: | alternateOf |
PROV-DM: | alternateOf |
PROV-N: | alternateExpression |
PROV-Links: | asInBundle |
PROV-O: | Association |
PROV-XML: | Association |
PROV-DM: | Association |
PROV-N: | associationExpression |
PROV-O: | Attribution |
PROV-XML: | Attribution |
PROV-DM: | Attribution |
PROV-N: | attributionExpression |
PROV-O: | Bundle |
PROV-XML: | Bundle |
PROV-DM: | Bundle |
PROV-N: | bundle |
PROV-O: | Collection |
PROV-XML: | Collection / collection |
PROV-DM: | Collection |
PROV-N: | Collection |
PROV-O: | Communication |
PROV-XML: | Communication |
PROV-DM: | Communication |
PROV-N: | communicationExpression |
PROV-O: | Delegation |
PROV-XML: | Delegation |
PROV-DM: | Delegation |
PROV-N: | delegationExpression |
PROV-O: | Derivation |
PROV-XML: | Derivation |
PROV-DM: | Derivation |
PROV-N: | derivationExpression |
PROV-Dictionary: | derivedByInsertionFrom |
PROV-Dictionary: | derivedByRemovalFrom |
PROV-AQ: | describesService |
PROV-Dictionary: | Dictionary |
PROV-Dictionary: | dictionary |
PROV-Dictionary: | DictionaryMembership |
PROV-AQ: | DirectQueryService |
PROV-O: | EmptyCollection |
PROV-XML: | EmptyCollection / emptyCollection |
PROV-DM: | EmptyCollection |
PROV-N: | EmptyCollection |
PROV-Dictionary: | EmptyDictionary / emptyDictionary |
PROV-O: | End |
PROV-XML: | End |
PROV-DM: | End |
PROV-N: | endExpression |
PROV-O: | Entity |
PROV-XML: | Entity |
PROV-DM: | Entity |
PROV-N: | entityExpression |
PROV-O: | entity |
PROV-XML: | entity |
PROV-O: | EntityInfluence |
PROV-O: | generated |
PROV-O: | Generation |
PROV-XML: | Generation |
PROV-DM: | Generation |
PROV-N: | generationExpression |
PROV-Dictionary: | hadDictionaryMember |
PROV-O: | hadMember |
PROV-XML: | hadMember |
PROV-DM: | hadMember |
PROV-N: | membershipExpression |
PROV-O: | hadPrimarySource |
PROV-XML: | hadPrimarySource |
PROV-DM: | PrimarySource |
PROV-N: | PrimarySource |
PROV-AQ: | has_anchor |
PROV-AQ: | has_provenance |
PROV-AQ: | has_query_service |
PROV-XML: | id |
PROV-O: | Influence |
PROV-XML: | Influence |
PROV-DM: | Influence |
PROV-N: | influenceExpression |
PROV-Dictionary: | insertedKeyEntityPair |
PROV-Dictionary: | Insertion |
PROV-O: | InstantaneousEvent |
PROV-O: | Invalidation |
PROV-XML: | Invalidation |
PROV-DM: | Invalidation |
PROV-N: | invalidationExpression |
PROV-O: | Location |
PROV-XML: | location |
PROV-DM: | location |
PROV-N: | location |
PROV-DM: | Membership |
PROV-XML: | Membership |
PROV-Links: | Mention |
PROV-Links: | mentionOf |
PROV-O: | Organization |
PROV-XML: | Organization |
PROV-DM: | Organization |
PROV-N: | Organization |
PROV-XML: | other |
PROV-Dictionary: | pairEntity |
PROV-Dictionary: | pairKey |
PROV-AQ: | pingback |
PROV-O: | Plan |
PROV-XML: | Plan/plan |
PROV-DM: | Plan |
PROV-N: | Plan |
PROV-O: | PrimarySource |
PROV-XML: | PrimarySource |
PROV-DM: | PrimarySource |
PROV-N: | PrimarySource |
PROV-AQ: | provenanceUriTemplate |
PROV-O: | qualifiedInsertion |
PROV-Dictionary: | qualifiedRemoval |
PROV-O: | Quotation |
PROV-XML: | Quotation |
PROV-DM: | Quotation |
PROV-N: | Quotation |
PROV-XML: | ref |
PROV-Dictionary: | Removal |
PROV-O: | Revision |
PROV-XML: | Revision |
PROV-DM: | Revision |
PROV-N: | Revision |
PROV-O: | Role |
PROV-XML: | role |
PROV-DM: | role |
PROV-N: | role |
PROV-AQ: | ServiceDescription |
PROV-O: | SoftwareAgent |
PROV-XML: | SoftwareAgent |
PROV-DM: | SoftwareAgent |
PROV-N: | SoftwareAgent |
PROV-DM: | specializationOf |
PROV-XML: | specializationOf |
PROV-O: | specializationOf |
PROV-XML: | specializationOf |
PROV-DM: | specializationOf |
PROV-N: | specializationExpression |
PROV-O: | Start |
PROV-XML: | Start |
PROV-DM: | Start |
PROV-N: | startExpression |
PROV-O: | Usage |
PROV-XML: | Usage |
PROV-DM: | Usage |
PROV-N: | usageExpression |
PROV-O: | used |
PROV-XML: | used |
PROV-DM: | used |
PROV-N: | usageExpression |
PROV-O: | value |
PROV-XML: | value |
PROV-DM: | value |
PROV-N: | value |
PROV-O: | wasAssociatedWith |
PROV-XML: | wasAssociatedWith |
PROV-DM: | wasAssociatedWith |
PROV-N: | associationExpression |
PROV-O: | wasAttributedTo |
PROV-XML: | wasAttributedTo |
PROV-DM: | wasAttributedTo |
PROV-N: | attributionExpression |
PROV-O: | wasDerivedFrom |
PROV-XML: | wasDerivedFrom |
PROV-DM: | wasDerivedFrom |
PROV-N: | derivationExpression |
PROV-O: | wasEndedBy |
PROV-XML: | wasEndedBy |
PROV-DM: | wasEndedBy |
PROV-N: | endExpression |
PROV-O: | wasGeneratedBy |
PROV-XML: | wasGeneratedBy |
PROV-DM: | wasGeneratedBy |
PROV-N: | generationExpression |
PROV-O: | wasInfluencedBy |
PROV-XML: | wasInfluencedBy |
PROV-DM: | wasInfluencedBy |
PROV-N: | influenceExpression |
PROV-O: | wasInformedBy |
PROV-XML: | wasInformedBy |
PROV-DM: | wasInformedBy |
PROV-N: | communicationExpression |
PROV-O: | wasInvalidatedBy |
PROV-XML: | wasInvalidatedBy |
PROV-DM: | wasInvalidatedBy |
PROV-N: | invalidationExpression |
PROV-O: | wasQuotedFrom |
PROV-XML: | wasQuotedFrom |
PROV-DM: | Quotation |
PROV-N: | Quotation |
PROV-O: | wasRevisionOf |
PROV-XML: | wasRevisionOf |
PROV-DM: | Revision |
PROV-N: | Revision |
PROV-O: | wasStartedBy |
PROV-XML: | wasStartedBy |
PROV-DM: | wasStartedBy |
PROV-N: | startExpression |
<[email protected]>