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W3C CSS-SVG Effects Task Force (FX TF)

The objective of the CSS-SVG Effects Task Force (FX TF) is to jointly develop features for use in both CSS and SVG, in order to provide a single underlying model for authors and implementers, and to share resources such as test suites, tutorials, and other supplementary materials.

The current plan of record is to develop each specification with syntax for both languages: style properties and values for CSS; and elements attributes, properties, and values for SVG. SVG may also define related events and interfaces for some of the functionality.

This is a public group, which works on an open mailing list and which welcomes your feedback. Read more about CSS.

Upcoming Meetings

TPAC 2010

The CSS and SVG WGs will have a face-to-face meeting at the annual W3C Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meeting, held this year in Lyon, France, from 1 - 5 November 2010.