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Mountians and Lake

Tribal Services

Serving Native American & Alaska Native Communities throughout the state of Washington to access culturally appropriate behavioral health resources.

If you are an Indigenous person and in crisis, we have Native counselors available 24/7 for confidential support. We see you. We are you.

Call 988 and dial option 4.

native hub logo

Native Resource Hub

The Native Resource Hub exists as a central resource point for those affiliated with the Native American and Alaska Native Communities. We are available statewide to assist in a variety of ways, giving special attention to culture and community connection.

The Hub has been developed in partnership with the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Advisory Board, the American Indian Health Commission, the Washington State Health Care Authority and the Department of Health.

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WA Department of Health logo
The Hub

What is the Hub
and who do we serve?

The behavioral health and crisis systems can be difficult to navigate at times, and we could all use support to connect with the services that we need. The Native Resource Hub is a resource line specifically for Native American/Alaska Native people.


The Hub was developed to support Indian health care providers, Tribal governments, families, and individuals looking for assistance navigating the complex behavioral health system. The Hub provides both Native and Non-Native resources to any person requesting them.

Any Indigenous person in Washington state can call the Hub for resources or support. The Hub is a statewide service available to meet the needs of the Tribal Affiliated community and coordinates with Tribal agencies, healthcare professionals, hospitals, and in- and outpatient programs. We recognize and serve all Indigenous people, regardless of geographic tribal affiliation.


We offer tribal resources available to the caller as well as resource information to outside entities for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, First Nations, and their descendants.

Services available:

  • Track bed capacity 

  • Follow up on Native and Strong Lifeline calls 

  • Coordinate care

  • Provide Native American specific resources

  • Contact for tribal DCR’s

  • Provide light case management (up to 2 weeks)

State of Washington Department of Children, Youth & Families — Virtual Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) Wrap Around Services:

  • Culturally specific parent education supporting physical, social emotional, and cognitive cultural health of children and families.

  • American Indian/Alaska Native parents and caregivers at risk for DCYF (pregnant, infant, toddler, and young children up to age 18).

  • Up to six months of service per family (case by case up to 12 months, 1-2 meetings a week, 2-3 hours each meeting)

  • On referral by DCYF: serving King, Pierce, and Spokane counties

  • The staff providing these services are Peer Support, PIP and VSS Core Certified

Information & Referrals

We are working hard to keep our networking and resources relevant and up to date to offer the most current support to our callers.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • alcoholics anonymous / detox / recovery resources

  • childcare resources

  • clothing resources

  • cultural resources (powwows, sweats, gatherings)

  • domestic violence resources

  • durable medical equipment support

  • utility & energy assistance resources

  • financial assistance resources

  • food pantry/hot food resources

  • health insurance resources

  • hot shower resources

  • housing resources/ homelessness prevention

  • inpatient treatment for Substance Use Disorder and Behavioral Health

  • connection to legal assistance

  • LGBTQIA+2S resources

  • support groups (grief and loss, parent, domestic violence, veterans)

  • therapy and counseling resources

  • transportation resources

  • vocational rehab

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Tribal Services at Volunteers of America Western Washington (VOAWW) is partnering with the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) and Tribal Communities in Washington state to provide information regarding healthcare resources.


Below is a link to a Tribal Services Profile which provides information on the following resource areas:  Geographic InformationMedical & Dental ServicesHarm Reduction ServicesLegal ServicesOutpatient & Inpatient Mental Health ServicesOutpatient & Inpatient Substance Use Disorders TreatmentCommunity Health Service, Cultural ProgramsElder ServicesYouth ServicesFamily ServicesEducation ServicesOther Public Health, Safety & Sanitation Programs and Social Services.

Tribal Services Profile:

Upcoming Tribal Services Profile:

Eastern Washington 





NATIVE Project (UIHO) 


South Sound, King, and South Cascades 







Squaxin Island 

Seattle Indian Health Board (UIHO) 

Join us in providing valuable resources to our Native relatives:

Get in touch

If this is a life-threatening emergency, dial 911.


If you or someone you know are in crisis or considering suicide, call 988. Counselors are available 24 hours a day.


Our Tribal Hub staff is available during normal business hours for support or to answer questions. Simply fill out the contact form or give us a call at 1-866-491-1683.

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Tell us how we did!

Your feedback is essential to our work and goal to improve access to resources for our Relatives. Fill out a short survey on your experience with the Native Resource Hub by clicking the button below.

native and strong

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Native youth ages 10-24

Native & Strong Lifeline

Native & Strong Lifeline

The Native and Strong Lifeline is a suicide, crisis, and help line specifically for American Indian and Alaska Natives. 


The Native and Strong Lifeline is fully staffed and operated by other Native people. This means that when you call the Native and Strong Lifeline, a Tribal Crisis Counselor will take your call.

We are here to listen. Any time.

Call 988, option 4

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Native youth ages 10-24. Native communities experience the highest rates of suicide amongst all racial and ethnic groups in the United States, and suicide rates among American Indian and Alaska Native communities rose by 118 percent between 1999-2017.

Suicide is preventable and your time here is sacred. The Native and Strong Lifeline is one way that we can help prevent suicide in our communities and make each other stronger. It will send a message that healing and getting help are normal and important parts of life.

The Native and Strong Lifeline serves all AI/AN, First Nations, Enrolled tribal members, and unenrolled descendants. This line is for all Indigenous people living in Washington state, regardless of their geographic tribal location.

Community members will now be able to receive confidential services during mental health emergencies with minimal involvement of police or hospitals. They will be served by other Natives who have a true understanding of their specific needs, keeping traditional elements of culture in mind on their journey to healing.

You will be connected with a trained Tribal Crisis Counselor. The caller can talk about any emotional crisis, not just suicide. The Tribal Crisis Counselor will use active listening to assess risk, determine if a person is in danger, and assist the person in feeling better and accessing resources. If the counselor believes the caller is in danger, they will work with the caller to create a safety plan that does not require calling emergency services. Less than 3% of calls result in dispatching 911 services. If you are calling about a friend or family member who is in distress, the person on the phone will walk you through how to help and provide resources.

No. The Native and Strong Lifeline will not be replacing any existing Tribally operated crisis lines.


The Native and Strong Lifeline is simply available to any Indigenous person wanting to speak to other Native people when they need support. For example, some people like to work with people outside of their Tribes when they need support or, if your Tribe’s crisis line is not available 24/7 you can call the Native and Strong Lifeline as an alternative. There are many reasons that a person may wish to call, and we are here to support you.

VOAWW Main Office

2802 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201

[email protected]


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