Printable Resources
Download and print these flyers for display or distribution at your organization.
Click any image to open the PDF.
The complete affiliate name of Volunteers of America Western Washington, VOA Western Washington, or the abbreviation VOAWW should be used when recognizing the local organization.
Logo Usage
The PRIMARY logo should be used whenever possible. Leave a clear, defined space around the logo, so it can be easily read. Do not place on a dark or patterned background.
The ALTERNATE logo is to be used where a horizontal layout is not possible or desirable. Leave a clear, defined space around the logo, so it can be easily read. Logo should never be smaller than 1/2” in height. Do not place on a dark or patterned background.
Dark or light ONE-COLOR LOGO is for placing on the opposite color on which it will appear. Leave a clear, defined space around the logo, so it can be easily read. Do not place on a patterned background.
The stylized "V" ICON may be used in small spaces such as overlays on social media mentions or as an accent graphic in other projects. Leave a clear, defined space around the logo, so it can be easily read. Do not place on a patterned background.
Click on the desired image to expand in a new tab, then right-click to download. These high-resolution logo PNGs may be scaled to size as needed and used in accordance with these terms. Do not alter the logo in any way including but not limited to color, filter, crop, or rearrangement.
Need Help?
If you have questions about logo usage or need a specialized format, please send us an email.
Primary Logo

Alternate Logo
