Confirm Your Enrollment

To confirm your enrollment, select which campus you are admitted to.

We are excited that you are committing to Utah State University and look forward to having you join the Aggie family!

$200 Enrollment Deposit (applies to your first semester bill)

All incoming undergraduate students* pay a nonrefundable $200 enrollment deposit to confirm their intent to enroll at Utah State. This allows the university to project the right number of classes and resources for the coming year. The deposit covers:
  • $50 New Student Services fee
  • $150 prepayment of tuition and fees for your first semester

*Students attending the Eastern, Moab, and Blanding campuses do not pay the deposit and will confirm their enrollment via the Enrollment Confirmation form prior to the semester they attend.

Paying the Enrollment Deposit:

  • Secures your spot at USU.
  • Allows you to begin orientation and register for classes once those processes open.
  • Accepts USU scholarships offered by the Admissions Office including the Utah State Promise (if paid by the scholarship acceptance deadline for a given semester).
  • Allows you to sign a contract for on-campus housing on a first-come, first-served basis.

Spring Semester
(students beginning January 2025)
Pay Deposit

Summer Semester
(students beginning May-July 2025)
Pay Deposit

Fall Semester
(students beginning August 2025)
Pay Deposit

Postponing the Deposit for Financial Hardship

We are committed to providing access to our incoming students. A deposit postponement, granted in cases of financial hardship, allows you to confirm your enrollment without paying the deposit and accepts USU scholarships offered by the Admissions Office. If you are approved to postpone, you will pay the deposit as part of your first bill after your financial aid has been disbursed. A $50 new student services fee will be added to the first semester bill. Note: International students are not able to postpone their deposit, except for student athletes with an aid agreement.

Postpone Enrollment Deposit

Exceptions to the Enrollment Deposit


Students who do not need to pay the enrollment deposit:

  • Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Non-degree seeking and workforce development students.
  • Students attending the Eastern, Moab, and Blanding campuses do not pay the deposit and will confirm their enrollment via the Enrollment Confirmation form.

Students who do not need to pay the enrollment deposit but should submit the deposit postponement form: 

A $50 new student services fee will be added to the first semester’s bill.

  • Veterans using Chapter 31 or 33 VA benefits.
  • Students using Vocational Rehab to pay for schooling.
  • NCAA athletes who have signed an athletic aid agreement.


If you defer your admission to a future semester, you have the option to pay the nonrefundable enrollment deposit now, which will streamline your enrollment in the future. Otherwise, you can pay it prior to your first semester. If you pay the nonrefundable deposit now, we will hold it until your return.

Yes, paying the deposit will confirm your attendance for the semester you plan to begin at USU.

Scholarship and financial aid recipients should still pay the $200 deposit as a commitment to USU. If this represents a financial hardship, they may submit a postponement. If you pay the deposit and your scholarship and financial aid covers more than you owe, you will be issued a refund during the first week of classes.

Refer to the Postponing the Deposit for Financial Hardship section on this webpage.

The enrollment deposit can only be paid online. If your card is being rejected, we suggest trying a new or incognito browser, using a different card, or contacting your bank to ask why the transaction is being declined.

You will receive a confirmation email after paying the deposit. You will also be allowed to begin New Student Orientation and sign an on-campus housing contract.

The $50 New Student Services Fee shows up as a separate charge on your account, and will be paid by your $200 deposit. Your deposit will appear on your account the same day tuition charges are assessed (June for fall semester, November for spring semester). You do not need to pay that $50 fee separately.

Payment of the deposit is only available online.

If you have an athletic aid agreement, you should postpone the deposit using the postponement form, and indicate that you are an athlete with an aid agreement. All other athletes are required to pay the enrollment deposit (or postpone it in cases of financial need).

You can print a receipt by following these steps:
  • Log back into the deposit system
  • Then click on the “deposit history” tab at the top
  • Change the date range to when it was paid
  • Use the blue button at the top of the page to “Print”

Deposit Deadlines

Priority Deposit Deadlines

  • Summer Semester: February 15
  • Fall Semesters: April 1
  • Spring Semester: November 1

Paying your enrollment deposit before the priority deadline allows you to sign a contract for on-campus housing, which is optional and available on a first-come, first-served basis. (The housing waitlist begins each year on April 1 and allows students who have not yet signed up for housing the opportunity to do so, based on availability). The priority deposit deadline is also the date you need to begin orientation in order to be prepared to register for classes the day registration opens. While meeting the priority deadline is ideal, you can confirm your enrollment until classes begin.

Scholarship Acceptance Deadlines:

  • Summer/Fall Semesters: May 1
  • Spring Semester: December 1

Scholarships may be canceled if a student has not confirmed their enrollment by the acceptance deadline or the deadline provided on the award notice. Confirm your enrollment by paying or postponing the deposit, or deferring your admission.