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About the Online Code Charts

These charts are provided as a convenient online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. Proper Unicode support requires considerably more than providing glyphs for characters, and requires consulting the Unicode Standard, including the Unicode Character Database and the Unicode Standard Annexes. There are several other types of charts, see the links on the left.

Blocks and Scripts

The list of code charts is divided into two separate sections, one covering scripts and the other covering punctuation, symbols, and notational systems. Each section of the map is organized so related scripts and symbols are grouped together, as described below.

The Unicode character code charts are divided into character blocks, such that many scripts require the use of several blocks. In such cases, all blocks related to a script are listed together. The links from the block names are to the most recent version of the corresponding character code chart.

Conventions in the Code Charts Index

Script Group Multi-block Script Single Script Block Partial Block
Groups scripts by region; groups symbols, punctuation and other by major classes. Represents a single script (or symbol type), usually with a link to the main block on the subhead. Represents a single block closely associated with the block or subhead shown on a light blue background above it. Designates a range of characters within a block, with a link to the block, and not specifically to the range.

Script and symbol groups are arranged in an order that provide the best fit for the table. The order of presentation may change as additional code charts are added. The names of blocks may be an abbreviated or otherwise modified form of the official block name. In some cases, a subhead may simply be a name which covers the content of several closely related blocks. The names of ranges are freely chosen and may change.

Key to the Unicode Code Charts

Symbol Meaning Examples
Character name alias ※ LATIN SMALL LETTER GHA
= Informative alias(es) = barred o, o bar
Informative note • lowercase is 0275 ɵ
• Portuguese, Estonian
• this is a spacing character
Cross-reference → 0283 ʃ  latin small letter esh
Canonical decomposition mapping ≡ 0075 u 031B ◌̛
Compatibility decomposition mapping ≈ 006E n 006A j
~ Standardized variation sequence ~ 2205 FE00 zero with long diagonal stroke overlay form

For a full explanation of all the conventions and symbols used in the Unicode code charts, including the special layout used for the CJK unified ideographs, see About the Code Charts in the core specification. See also the discussion of Character Decomposition Mapping in UAX #44, Unicode Character Database. For the specification of syntax used in the Unicode names list, see NamesList.html. Documentation and a complete list of the normative character name aliases can be found in NameAliases.txt.

Search and Index

To look up a character by character code, use the lookup field at the top of the page. For an alphabetical index of characters and blocks, use the Unicode Character Name Index. To look up information on a Han ideograph, use the searchable Unihan database.

Access to Specific Versions

Version-specific code charts are only created for new blocks or blocks changed by the addition of new characters; these charts show the new characters with yellow highlighting, For each version, for example Unicode 15.0, there is a list showing all of the affected blocks, with the number of new characters added, and with links to the corresponding version-specific charts for each block.

Use the table of links to Version-Specific Charts in the navigation bar to the left to look up the code charts which changed in a particular version of the Unicode Standard.

Starting from Unicode 4.1.0, archived versions of the code charts provide the complete character code charts for a given version of the Unicode Standard. For example the directory https://www.unicode.org/Public/6.0.0/charts/ contains the archived code charts for Unicode 6.0.0. These charts do not indicate which characters were added in a particular version.

For versions of the standard prior to Unicode 3.0, scanned versions of code charts from the hardcopy book editions can be found via the links in the Archive of Unicode Versions.

Version-specific or archived code charts are not updated with errata fixes.

Translated Code Charts

From time to time, translations of particular versions of the Unicode Code Charts may be posted. For example, see the French Code Charts. The goal of such translations is to help the readers of the target language to better understand the identity of those characters in the standard by translating the names for characters or other annotational material in the code chart, or by providing additional annotations in the target language, such as additional local aliases for character names.

Any translations of the Unicode Code Charts have informative status only. Their content is not formally reviewed and approved by the Unicode Technical Committee, and they do not constititute part of any particular release of the Unicode Standard. However, such charts must meet certain criteria. Any character shown in such a translated chart must use the correct code point for that version. Glyphs shown must not deviate from the normative chart, other than insubstantial changes resulting from the production process that do not affect the identity of the character. Translated names for characters should be unique, but have no normative status and are not subject to the same stability guarantees applicable to the normative character names.

Charts and Ancillary Data for ISO/IEC 10646

The Unicode web site also hosts charts and ancillary data for ISO/IEC 10646 to assist in the publication of that standard. Currently, the code charts and ancillary data files are available for ISO/IEC 10646:2017, 5th Edition.

In the future, content corresponding to earlier editions or amendments may be added, as well as content corresponding to future editions of ISO/IEC 10646.

The code charts for ISO/IEC 10646 are produced with the same tools and names list files used to produce the code charts for the Unicode Standard, so the conventions for symbols used in the code charts are identical. The ancillary data contains source information for large repertoires such as CJK unified ideographs, Tangut ideographs, and Nushu characters. The data files also contain descriptions of 10646 character collections, an ordered list of character names, and various tabular information better represented in plain text data files. The code charts and ancillary data files are directly referenced by the ISO/IEC 10646 standard.

See the code charts and data pages for ISO/IEC 10646 for any details regarding exactly which parts of the code charts and data have normative or informative status specific to that standard.

See the WG2 Home Page for further information about ISO/IEC 10646 and for links to the full text of 10646, accessible as a publicly available specification from the ISO site.

Other Charts

In addition to the character code charts formatted in PDF, there is additional chart material available about characters in the latest Unicode version, formatted as HTML tables. These additional charts make use of Unicode characters directly, rather than embedded images, so require good font support on your viewing platform for best display.

These additional charts list Unicode characters grouped by script (Script Charts), list Unicode characters in block order, with links into the annotated names list (Names List Charts), and show casing relationships (Case Mapping Charts) and normalization relationships (Normalization Charts). Also, there are charts which show the default ordering of Unicode characters according to the Unicode Collation Algorithm (Collation Charts). See the individual charts for notes about their use and conventions.


For an up-to-date list of errata to the Standard, including errata to the code charts, see Errata and Updates. If you find what you suspect is a glyph error in the charts, or an incorrect annotation in the names list, you may use the online contact form to report it.

Known Issues

Note that the code charts are produced with hundreds of fonts. Many of those fonts are Unicode-encoded, but many are not. There is no guarantee that any particular glyph shown in the code charts is using a Unicode value as its glyph code. One should not attempt to copy/paste characters out of the PDF code charts—the code charts are not intended for or valid as an input method via copy/paste. Please do not report as an error any mismatch of glyph code for a character copy/pasted out of the code charts.

Proposed Additions to Unicode

Information on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found at Proposed Scripts and Proposed Characters. A placeholder for additions of entire scripts or blocks for may be tentatively entered into the list of code charts and marked with the version number of the target release. Any such information is tentative and subject to change.

Terms of Use

Unicode Code Charts are protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained prior to any reproduction, modification, or other use not permitted by the Terms of Use.

The Unicode Consortium specifically grants ISO a license to produce such code charts with their associated character names list to show the repertoire of characters for that standard, as a normatively referenced, integral part of that standard.

Unicode uses most fonts under restricted license from the original font designer who contributed the font. You may not extract, copy, modify, or distribute fonts or font data from any Unicode Products, including the Unicode Code Charts, without license from the font owner.

The authors, contributors, and publishers have taken care in the preparation of the code charts provided here, but make no express or implied representation or warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility or liability for errors or omissions or for consequential or incidental damages that may arise therefrom. All code charts are provided “AS-IS” without charge as a convenience to users.