This front end report for the Uncanny Continuing Education Credits plugin allows anyone with access to the page to look up course completions and earned credits for any user on the site. This is a great tool to provide third parties and even learners an easy way to validate their training and earned credits.
To set up this report, simply add the Continuing Education Report shortcode or block to any page or post. We recommend using a dedicated page for this report that has no sidebar to ensure readability. The shortcode or block will automatically add the search field and report table.
Block Name: Continuing Education Report
Report Search
To search for a user, enter at least 3 characters into the search field. The search will look at email addresses, first names, last names and display names to retrieve results. The 3 character minimum cannot be changed and was put in place to maintain some privacy and help to ensure people using the form don’t get matches for people other than those they know.
Enhanced Reporting
You may also enable the full enhanced report for this shortcode and block as outlined in the Continuing Education Credits Admin Report documentation. The shortcode and block will give you further control over the columns included in the report, as well as their ordering and labels, the ability to filter by date range, user, course and group, and the ability to export the report to CSV or Excel. Please note that access to this report is limited to Administrators and Group Leaders.
[uo_ceu_report enhanced="on"]
Enable the Enhanced toggle in the block settings.
Enhanced Report CEU Editing
By default the enhanced report will not allow editing of CEUs like the admin report. You may enable each available action to Add, Edit or Delete CEUs in the report individually.
[uo_ceu_report enhanced="on" add="on" edit="on" delete="on"]
Enable the Add, Edit and Delete toggles in the block Enhanced Report Settings.
Enhanced Report CEU Columns
You may add, remove, reorder and rename your columns in the enhanced report. When using the shortcode you may specify your columns with the columns parameter using a comma separated list of the column data key and label separated by two pipes.
[uo_ceu_report enhanced="on" columns="user||User,course||Course title,date||Date,ceus_earned||CEUs,new||New column"]
When using the block you have full control within the Enhanced Report Columns settings once the Customize report columns toggle is enabled.
Populating Custom Column Data
In order to populate custom defined columns you will need to use the uo_ceu_credit_report_table_data
filter. This filter will pass all of the table data for you to modify within a loop to add your custom data key to each user’s CEU data.
add_filter( 'uo_ceu_credit_report_table_data', 'site_prefix_custom_column_data', 10, 2 ); function site_prefix_custom_column_data( $table_data ) { foreach ( $table_data as $key => $data ) { // get_user_meta( $data['user_id'], 'user_meta_key', true ); $table_data[$key]['new'] = 'My custom data'; } return $table_data; }