5.0 [2024-10-28]
New Feature:
- CEUs / credits editable now #174
- Continuing Education Report – New enhanced front-end report #242
- Continuing Education Report – Added Excel Export option #218
- Continuing Education Report – Configuration settings for Gutenberg Block #241
- Continuing Education Report – New filters for columns and data #243
- Continuing Education Report – New setting to include data from child groups in a group hierarchy #240 [2024-09-25]
- Fixed an issue where course data was not displayed when the “Enable Custom CEUs Rows” setting was enabled in Toolkit Pro under rare circumstances #235
- Licensing – Added an additional validation to ensure licensing calls only run when explicitly requested #229 [2024-09-11]
- Archived quiz results – Incorrect question count and percentages with third-party plugin overrides in a specific situation #219
- Archived transcript – Status column incorrectly displays date, causing archived courses to be excluded from filter #212
- Toolkit transcript – Use unique timestamp and course ID keys to prevent duplicate CEU data with archived records #214
- Licensing call – Creating a loop in a specific scenario #223
4.2 [2024-07-11]
- Licensing – Allow plugin to be pre-activated by defining
- Optionally show archive CEU course data in Uncanny Toolkit Pro’s User Transcript #200
- Quiz Question Analysis report – WP filters
- CEU Earned Shortcode – Returning empty string if the CEUs earned is 0 #195
- Hide other plugin notices on CEU pages #202
- Move license to Settings page #205 [2023-11-09]
- Credit Report – Ludicrous mode – PHP notice when no records are generated #190
- Blocks – Removed
dependency for WordPress v6.4+ #190 - Blocks – Available Credits & Credits Remaining – PHP Error when LearnDash is not active #d083
4.1 [2023-11-08]
- Credit Report – New performance options for better experience #122
- Credit Report – New Settings section to set report defaults #122
- Credit Report – Add “Reset” button to reset dropdown values #185
- Course records not migrating properly for Historical Records #182
- Credit Report – Dates are now displayed using LearnDash date/time display function #172
- Credit Report – CSV Export – Some uppercase email addresses are broken #168
- Credit Report – Multisite not showing users specific to the current site #163
- Deficiency Report – Required CEUs column displays no value when LearnDash is not activated #157
- User profile – Hide “Archived quiz results” if it’s empty #150
- Credit Report – Report showing UTC timestamp #147
- Improved PHP 8.2 compatibility #184
- “Try Automator” menu entry renamed to “Automation” #175
- Fix vulnerability in Automator’s 1-click installer #153
- Database upgrades #122
- Award Certificate – WordPress filters
to allow mail header overrides (BCC etc) #158
4.0 [2022-11-17]
New Feature:
- Historical data – CEU now keep historical records even if a course is reset #101
- Tin Canny Reporting – Quiz Question Analysis Report – Support for historical quiz completions
shortcode – Course ID validation added #120- Multi-Course certificate: Certificate link are now stored in the database #91
- Course Report – CSV export not populating columns #124
- Course Report – Incorrect time being displayed #116
- PHP 8.1 Deprecation:
: Passing null to parameter #3 ($limit) of type int is deprecated #127
Under the hood:
- Historical data – Record new quiz results in archive #101
- Historical Data – Copy existing records in historical tables #105
- Historical Data – Add “Generate historical quiz records” section under Generate Records tab #104
- Edit profile – Show historical quiz completion records #102
- In-plugin notifications system #129
- Uncanny Automator 1-click installer #39
- Multiple do_action hooks #114
- Fix core-js preventing webpack from generating the bundles #106
- CEU licensing – Licensing page updated #38
3.3.4 [2022-03-23]
- Credit report – CSV export exposes hidden timestamp #85
- View Certificate – PHP error on some environments #87
3.3.3 [2022-03-03]
- Improved appearance of deficiency report when no rollover date is set
- Improved PHP 8 compatibility #57
- Front-end assets sassdash and sass-svg cause core-js to freeze during compilation #73, #65
PHP error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function exists()
inaward-certificate.php #70
PHP notice: Undefined index: highest_group_credit_required #64
PHP notice: add_submenu_page was called incorrectly #35
3.3.2 [2021-11-19]
- Changes/fixes to ticket submission data
- Fatal error on remote get #58
3.3.1 [2021-10-04]
- Optimized query performance #47
- PHP warning – block_categories deprecated #55
- PHP error on quiz completion in some situations #43
- Multi-course CEU certificate not sent in some situations #36
- Certificates awarded by Uncanny CEUs now linked properly in Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash certificate widget module #33
- PHP error – Class ‘uncanny_ceu\stdClass’ not found on some sites #21
3.3 [2021-04-01]
- Added compatibility with LearnDash Certificate Builder plugin #13
- Credit report now loads all records by default #9
- PHP notice: Deprecated: Non-static method ceu_value_meta_box_callback() should not be called statically #19
- Credit display issue on Learner Transcript (Uncanny Toolkit Pro) when the user has no LearnDash course completions #1
3.2.1 [2021-02-10]
- Support for manual entries where credit value = 0
- Support for display of custom CEUs in Learner Transcript module of Uncanny Toolkit Pro (requires Uncanny Toolkit Pro 3.7 or later)
- PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function uncanny_ceu\learndash_get_users_group_ids() when LearnDash is not active
- PHP Notice: missing required permission_callback argument
3.2 [2021-01-13]
- New system to generate credit and completion records for historical LearnDash course completions
- Removed hyperlinks from custom titles in Credit Report
- Only show courses that have assigned credits when adding manual credits
- Allow support for decimals when adding custom credits
- Times in Credit Report match WordPress time instead of server time
- Several text domains corrected for translatable strings
- Last names incorrectly truncated in Credit Report export
- Replace some references to “CEUs” with the plural CEU label from the plugin Settings page
3.1 [2020-12-17]
- Ability to add custom credits for users from the Credit Report
- Ability to delete credits from the Credit Report
- Ability to trigger multi-course and multi-credit certificates from custom credits
- Improved performance of user selection in Credit and Deficiency Reports
- Text domain of internal string
- Better support for PDF rendering on sites with LearnDash 3.2.0+
- WordPress 5.5+ compatibility related to REST API routes without a permission_callback
- Earned credits showing properly in the Dashboard module of Toolkit Pro
3.0.7 [2020-10-28]
- Added: Hook for Uncanny Automator integration
3.0.6 [2020-07-27]
- Fixed: PHP Notice: register_rest_route was called incorrectly in WordPress 5.4.2 and newer
3.0.5 [2020-03-19]
- Updated: EDD updater class
- Updated: Reduced the delay before CEUs are awarded after course completion to 10 seconds
- Updated: Courses completed by an admin via the edit user page now awards CEUs
- Fixed: CEU certificates not being emailed due to TCPDF folder location change in LearnDash
- Fixed: WordPress Notice – add_submenu_page was called incorrectly
- Fixed: PHP notices and warnings displayed in Query Monitor plugin
- Added: Support for LearnDash 3.1
- Fixed: Name appearing twice in CSV exported from course and deficiency reports
- Updated: Added email column to Course and Deficiency Report CSV export
- Fixed: Date column in CSV export now formatted correctly
- Fixed: Credit values are no longer rounded on Learner Transcript (Learner Transcript requires Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro)
- Added: Total row for CEUs column in Learner Transcript (Uncanny Toolkit Pro)
- Fixed: Credit Rollover Date no longer accepts invalid date values
- Fixed: Date filters on reports now properly sync’d with stored completion dates
- Added: Basic Gutenberg block support
- Added: Uncanny 3.0 plugin architecture (tabs for Help, License Activation, etc.)
- Updated: Visual design and filters of all admin reports
- Updated: Visual design of front-end report ([uo_ceu_report])
- Updated: Course completion time is now recorded from learndash_course_completed action
- Updated: Support for optional CEU column in Learner Transcript module of Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro
- Updated: Improved support for differences between WordPress and server timezones
- Updated: Improved support for plugin translation
- Fixed: Visibility of __sleep method for PHP 7 compatibility
- Fixed: CEUs not properly included in “CEUs Earned Since Rollover” section on user profile page
- Fixed: Logic for calculating credits in current rollover period
- Added: Utilized uo_course_completion_time from Pro toolkit to save same time across multiple modules
- Added: Column for course CEUs earned in the Learner Transcript module of Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro (requires Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit Pro plugin)
- Updated: Settings page design
- Updated: Moved Certificate Email Settings to Settings page
- Updated: Changed from current_time(‘timestamp’) to time() for consistency
- Fixed: CSS conflict with Events Calendar Tickets
- Fixed: CEU certificate rendering issues
- Update: Plugin now reports dates and times exclusively in the WordPress site time zone
- New Feature: Added Required Credits for users and groups
- New Feature: Added Required Credit shortcodes: [uo_ceu_days_remaining] and [uo_ceu_credits_remaining]
- New Feature: Added Required Credit Deficiency Report
- New Feature: Added Required Credit email reminders
- Initial Release
Please note that this is not a support forum. If you are experiencing issues on your site, please open a support ticket instead. Site-specific support questions submitted as comments will be unanswered.