Academic Misconduct

In pursuit of its teaching, learning and research goals, the University of Cincinnati aspires for its students, faculty and administrators to reflect the highest ethical standards defined by the center for academic integrity as “a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, courage and responsibility.” Although not all students are subject to a college honor code or pledge, every student is bound by the academic misconduct provisions of this code which are enforced, in part, to assure academic integrity.

Students at the University of Cincinnati are expected to uphold the highest level of academic integrity as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Academic misconduct violations of the Student Code of Conduct include:

  • Aiding and abetting misconduct
  • Cheating
  • Fabrication
  • Plagiarism
  • Violating Ethical or Professional Standards

Academic Integrity Sanction Resources

Through the academic misconduct process, students may receive educational sanctions to help them learn how to better engage with academic integrity in the future. See below to sign up for or get additional information around some possible educational sanctions for academic misconduct.

Decision Making Seminars

Decision Making Seminars are in person seminars offered throughout the semester by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. These interactive seminars cover topics such as values congruence, the impact of external influences on our decisions, and what to do when faced with moral grey areas. 

Plagiarism Module

This module, offered by The University of Cincinnati Libraries, helps participants understand the different types of Academic Misconduct, possible consequences of Academic Misconduct, and how to prevent future occurrences of Academic Misconduct. For this sanction to be complete, participants must take the quiz at the end of the module which produces a certificate that is considered proof of completion. The certificate must be emailed to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards at [email protected].