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The NIH Intramural Program has paused the recruitment of IRTAs, CRTAs, and Visiting Fellows in all training programs pending guidance from Health and Human Services. Check back daily for updates.

The NIH Intramural Research Program is home to nearly 5000 trainees and fellows with many different research interests and career goals. We are a diverse and vibrant community with training programs at all educational levels. We invite you to learn more about our research training programs and hope to see you on campus!

There are many benefits to training at the NIH, including outstanding research and core facilities, extensive career development and well-being programs through the NIH OITE, as well as additional resources through the Institute Training Offices, Scientific Interest Groups to foster trans-NIH collaborations, on-campus seminars and research symposia, and active trainee and fellow-led organizations to help you find community.

These intramural training programs are coordinated by the NIH OITE in collaboration with the IC training offices. Programs for medical students and physician-scientists are coordinated by the Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education.

Programs by educational level