I would like to tell you about my Ph.D. journey, from its start to its successful end.
Women in Astrophysics
24. okt. 2022 00:00
17. juni 2021 00:00
Astrofysikere snakker om at det finnes over 200 milliarder galakser i universet. Hvordan klarer forskere å si noe om hvor mange stjerner som finnes, og hvor mye gass det er i de enkelte?
5. mai 2021 00:00
With a bag of disposable earplugs in one hand, I was about to enter the noisy large hall hosting two of the computers we were using at the time for some star simulations.
26. mars 2021 00:00
... og hvorfor det er helt feil spørsmål å stille.
9. mars 2021 00:00
...but we should write more of it!