In line with our mission statement, "To help people affected by carcinoid and other rare cancers through funding research for new treatments, providing financial support for patients and their families, and promoting awareness and education, "The Lois Merrill Foundation provides funding for the following grant:
Medical Assistance Grant
Provides carcinoid and other rare cancer patients with assistance in the payment of medical expenses. This grant is based on financial need and the average awards are less than $2,000 per applicant. Application instructions are included in each document.
It is important that each application is filled out completely prior to being submitted for review. Incomplete applications may be returned and their processing delayed.
Grant Submission & Review Schedule For 2024:
May 2024 - Applications will be posted for submission
FINAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: June 30 - Deadline for applications to be submitted (All applications due by this date)
Application Review - July 2024
Notification of Awards - August 2024
Application review July 2024
Notification of awards August 2024
Please send application and required information to the Lois Merrill Foundation at [email protected] or refer to our website at www.TheLMF.com
Rare Cancer Qualification: For the purpose of awarding Medical Assistance Grants, rare cancer will be defined as any cancer that has been classified as a rare cancer by U.S. governmental granting agencies. Examples include but are not limited to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) or the American Cancer Society (ACS). Preference will be given to patients suffering from carcinoid cancer, as that is our primary focus.
Does my cancer qualify as rare?
Provide us with a doctor's diagnosis letter with the application in May
The LMF will provide you with a determination by: June 1st
Qualifying applications are due by: June 30, 2024
The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
​A non-profit organization focused on encouraging and supporting research and education of carcinoid and related neuroendocrine cancers.
Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation
​A non-profit organization with a mission to discover cures for carcinoid cancer, pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer, and related neuroendocrine cancers. NTRF also works to eliminate the suffering of patients, families, and caregivers affected by neuroendocrine cancers.