Zodiac Love Compatibility: How to Find Your Best Love Match
When you start to get more serious with a casual fling, there are many things to consider. This includes emotional and physical connections, what you have in common, the things you disagree on and your long-term goals. You may also want to take zodiac love compatibility into account. Some might scoff at the idea of picking a partner based on their sign (it shouldn't be the only deciding factor on whether or not the relationship may last), but it can definitely be an indication of how well the two of you will get along.
That's because someone's zodiac sign can help give you a better understanding of who they are. Their sign may help paint a picture of their most notable personality traits and how they react in certain situations, two things that are worth paying attention to when it comes to establishing healthy relationships. Zodiac signs can also aid in determining things like sexual compatibility and marriage compatibility, so it makes sense that they would help you find your best partner as well. Again, this isn't the only thing you need to focus on, but it certainly can be helpful.
In this article:
- What is a Zodiac Sign?
- Are Zodiac Signs Important in a Relationship?
- How Does Zodiac Love Compatibility Work?
- Signs With the Highest Zodiac Love Compatibility
What is a Zodiac Sign?
There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Yours is determined by the placement of different planets and constellations at the time of your birth. "In modern astrology, when someone refers to their zodiac sign, they are typically speaking about their sun sign," explains Adama Sesay, professional astrologer and author at Lilith Astrology. "This is the sign where the sun was positioned at the exact moment of their birth. Your sun sign in your birth chart determines the zodiac season you were born in and influences your core identity, life force and sense of self."
Each zodiac sign is associated with its own set of traits and qualities. Knowing and understanding the qualities of your sign can be useful in so many different ways, explains Astrid Bly, premier advisor with California Psychics. "By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the zodiac and of your specific zodiac placements, you can deepen your understanding of yourself and your connections," Bly says.
How to Find Your Zodiac Sign
Finding your zodiac sign is as simple as knowing your birth date. Each sign is associated with a set of dates—usually a few weeks to a month—and you can look up a list of zodiac signs and find which one matches your birthday. You can do this by looking online or speaking to a professional astrologer for a more in-depth read. While there are moon signs and rising signs as well, the sun sign is the most commonly discussed and referenced, so that is probably what you want to focus on.
What Are the Different Elements in the Zodiac?
The 12 zodiac signs are categorized into four elements: fire signs, air signs, water signs, and earth signs. Each group has its own distinct traits, and so the signs in each group tend to be similar to each other.
Fire signs are made up of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and are typically bold, energetic and passionate. Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, signs that are typically clever, social and adventurous. Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces make up the water signs, which are known to be intuitive, emotional and sensitive. Lastly, the earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, whose qualities include being grounded, practical and stable.
Are Zodiac Signs Important in a Relationship?
Zodiac signs aren't supported by science and shouldn't be used as the sole factor when making big decisions. That said, they can play a part in finding a romantic partner you may be able to build a future with and looking at the dynamics of a relationship, Sesay says. "Your zodiac sign represents your vitality, life force, core self and ego," she notes.
Bly points out that having a better understanding of your zodiac sign not only helps you learn how to best express yourself but can also help you determine what's most important to you in a relationship (and life in general). "When taken in conjunction with your partner's zodiac sign, you can uncover how to better connect with your partner and why certain challenges (or certain points of connection) arise," she explains.
How Does Zodiac Love Compatibility Work?
Since each zodiac sign is associated with a set of traits, it makes sense that some might get along better with others. When it comes to zodiac romance compatibility, this means you would look at both your sign and the other person's sign and examine them to figure out how they would come together and impact a potential relationship. "Because each of the 12 zodiac signs has certain values, approaches and traits, signs that have complementary qualities usually will work together more easily than those that clash," Bly says.
To figure out your zodiac relationships with other signs, both Bly and Sesay recommend looking at the elements as well as the signs themselves. "Signs within the same element tend to be naturally compatible, while opposing or differing elements may require more effort," Sesay explains.
You can also look at the signs' positions on the wheel of the zodiac, Bly says. "Signs that are sextile to each other (60 degrees apart) tend to have qualities that, while not identical, are supportive of one another," she continues. "These signs give each other a boost and bring a vibrant and sometimes romantic energy when interacting with each other."
Lastly, if you know the person's moon sign (which is based on where the moon was at the time of their birth), you can use that along with the sun sign to determine compatibility. "The moon and sun should be in harmony for it to be compatible," explains astrologer Tara Jade Nichols. "If someone's moon sign is in the same sign as the other person's sun sign, it is highly likely the marriage will be long-lasting."
Signs With the Highest Zodiac Love Compatibility
To get a better idea of how you and your partner will vibe in a relationship, consider the compatibility of your sun signs and elements (and moon signs if you know what they are). The idea of which sign you're most compatible with may change depending on the astrologer, but in general, the matches below are usually considered some of the best.
Aries (March 21–April 19)
As the first sign in the zodiac, it makes sense that an Aries always likes to come out on top. This sign is known for being bold, confident and ambitious and is not one to shy away from a challenge. When it comes to a relationship, Aries needs someone who tends to be as independent as them. "They should understand the importance of individuality, as well as not being stagnant or bored in relationships," Nichols says, explaining that as her reasoning for why freedom-seeking Aquarius could be a good match.
An Aries will also work well with other fire signs who also love to explore and seek out adventure. "These relationships are full of passion, with a flame that neither party is inclined to let die out," Bly says. "They're both doers, willing to pursue their mutual happiness and keep the spark alive."
Best matches: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo
Taurus (April 20–May 20)
A Taurus is both hard-working and laid back, known for their love of the finer things in life. This is a sign that pays attention to all of the little details and can sometimes be a bit materialistic. As an earth sign, they are also grounded, loyal and dependable, which is why they tend to seek out other earth signs. "They know the importance of taking their time, they're loyal to the bone and they are willing to make a long-term commitment," Nichols says.
That said, a Taurus may also mesh well with a water sign, like Cancer. This is because a Taurus gets along with someone who can support their love of occasional indulgence, Bly explains, saying that a Taurus' "naturally grounded nature" can support and calm a water sign's "more emotional and reactive qualities."
Best matches: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
Gemini (May 21–June 21)
Geminis are known for being social butterflies who are very curious and intelligent. A true air sign, Geminis love to learn and explore, and they are constantly out and about. They do value some alone time, but Geminis also prefer to be with others—they're versatile enough to fit in with both extroverts and introverts. They are a strong match with other air signs because they seek out someone who is equally sociable. Geminis look for someone who can "bring an energy that most other signs can't match," Bly says, noting that Libras are an especially good match for them.
However, Geminis may also pair well with a fire sign, like a Leo. This is because fire signs tend to be similarly communicative, outgoing and social, which is something a Gemini needs in a relationship.
Best matches: Libra, Leo, Aquarius
Cancer (June 22–July 22)
As a water sign, Cancer is highly intuitive and emotional. Cancers are also known for being homebodies who really value family time and intimate relationships over large social circles. They tend to be creative and very in tune with their emotions (they have a lot!). Cancers connect with other water signs, like Pisces and Scorpio, because they may work best with people who are similarly sensitive, intuitive and emotional, Nichols says.
An earth sign, like Taurus, is also a good partner for Cancer since they can help ground them. "Cancer feels secure with a loyal and trustworthy Taurus," Nichols says. "They feel safe to be vulnerable in expressing their emotions with this grounded sign."
Best matches: Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio
Leo (July 23–August 22)
Leos live to be the center of attention. They are fearless, overly confident, passionate and dramatic, with tons of ambition. While they don't mind being in the spotlight, they also have a lot of love to give. They tend to look for partners who can match their bold energy, making them a good match with other fire signs, like Sagittarius and Aries. "They help bring out a child-like playfulness in each other," Nichols says, and Bly explains that when fire signs get together, things get very passionate.
An air sign, like a Libra, can also be a good zodiac romance for a Leo because they can help balance each other out a bit. They are both social, have a lot of love to give and can bring out each other's best qualities.
Best matches: Sagittarius, Aries, Libra
Virgo (August 23–September 22)
Hard-working and determined are two qualities that really describe a Virgo. As an earth sign, they are practical and logical (to a fault!), always making sure everything gets done in a timely manner. Virgos are organized, smart and reliable, making them a good fit with other earth signs, like Capricorn and Taurus. "Their practical outlooks on life allow them to support one another through all life's ups and downs," Nichols says. "They don't overreact; instead, they are down to earth and appreciate living an abundant life."
A Virgo may also do well with a water sign like a Scorpio, a pair that Bly refers to as "two kindred spirits." This is because they are both more on the private side, something she says helps them develop trust in each other.
Best matches: Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio
Libra (September 23–October 23)
Libras are represented by scales, which is a symbol of how they always seek out equilibrium and balance. Libras are also known for being charming, social and compassionate, with a versatile personality that can connect well with both extroverts and introverts. This is part of the reason they are a great match with other air signs, especially Gemini. "They can see both perspectives to any issue and are both communicative to a fault," Nichols says, calling them the "social butterflies of the zodiac."
Their social nature can also make them a good match with a fire sign, like a Leo. Libras need someone who will want to go out and find fun as often as they do, and a Leo definitely qualifies.
Best matches: Gemini, Leo, Aquarius
Scorpio (October 24–November 21)
As a water sign, Scorpios are known for being intuitive and emotional. Scorpios are also mysterious, often misunderstood, and more sensitive than they appear. They are known to have the most intense psychic abilities of any zodiac sign, making them complicated (in a good way!). Because of the intensity of a Scorpio's emotions, they are compatible with earth signs that can help balance them out and ground them, like a Taurus. "Level-headed Taurus can handle the depth of Scorpio's emotions," Nichols explains, noting that earth signs can help support a Scorpio and their intense feelings.
A Scorpio may also find compatibility with another water sign, like a Pisces, Cancer or another Scorpio. While their relationship will be intense, they will also find that emotional connection and understanding they are both seeking.
Best matches: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
Known for being super adventurous and brave, a Sagittarius is not trying to sit still, and they need a partner who can really understand that. A Sagittarius is bold, energetic and outgoing, making them a great match with other fire signs, like an Aries. "Both are easily bored by others, but life is exciting and fun fanning the flames of fiery passion," Nichols explains, noting that a Sagittarius and another fire sign can "egg one another on to embark on crazy daredevil experiences."
A Sagittarius is also a good match with an Aquarius. Although not quite as outgoing and bold as a Sag, an Aquarius has a similarly adventurous and curious spirit that can help them keep up. "This is the sort of zodiac pairing that is likely to meet on a chance outing and just click," Bly says.
Best matches: Aries, Aquarius, Leo
Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
Capricorns are confident and dedicated, an earth sign that is always trying to work its way to the top—in fact, Capricorns are known for being perfectionists. They are ambitious and always ready to go after what they want, not stopping until they get it. But they can also be emotional and skilled at handling other people's emotions, making them a good fit for a water sign like Cancer. "They have defined roles for each other," Nichols says. "Cancer is the caretaker who loves validating emotions. Capricorn is the protector who wants to provide for the family."
Since they are so hard-working, Capricorns may seek out someone similar, and that's where another earth sign comes into play. Capricorns can find relationship compatibility with zodiac signs Virgo or Taurus, who understand their loyalty and practicality.
Best matches: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo
Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
An Aquarius is often known as a humanitarian who wants to help make the world a better place. While they can be a little introverted, Aquarius can also be a bit social, down to have a good time, and adventurous and curious. This is what makes them a good fit with a fire sign like a Gemini or Sagittarius. "They are known to have intellectually stimulating debates," Nichols says. "They adore breaking outside societal and cultural norms."
An Aquarius and another air sign, like a Libra, may also have a zodiac sign love match compatibility since they are both intelligent and social. They can understand each other and have similar mental energy.
Best matches: Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra
Pisces (February 19–March 20)
As a water sign, a Pisces is intuitive, sensitive and emotional. They feel everything and are very empathetic, so much so that they may get too caught up in someone else's emotions. Pisces care deeply about others, which is one reason they are compatible with other intense water signs, like a Scorpio. "Neither wants boundaries between each other; instead, they desire to become one," Nichols says. "They can literally be telepathic, reading each other's thoughts with a simple glance."
Pisces and Scorpios can understand each other deeply, but Pisces are also compatible with a more grounded sign, like a Capricorn or Taurus. "Grounded and practical Capricorn can help bring dreamy, head in the clouds Pisces back down to Earth," Bly says.