The Right Wedding Ceremony Order for Nearly Every Kind of Nuptials
Your wedding ceremony order is likely not the first thing you think about postengagement, but there might be a night where you wake up in a cold sweat wondering: "Wait, what comes first, the rings or the vows?" Don't worry too much—your wedding ceremony outline is flexible, and you can embrace and buck tradition how you see fit. (Besides the legal essentials: a completed state-issued marriage license, an exchange of vows, a verbal agreement to enter a marriage contract and a proclamation that you're legally wed.) As long as you have a seasoned officiant to lead the proceedings and a creative wedding planner to help you execute and personalize the ceremony, it'll be smooth sailing.
Regardless, it's always good to have a baseline for how secular wedding ceremonies and nuptials in your culture or religion usually progress. We've assembled examples of a wedding ceremony timeline from many common backgrounds for your reference.
In this article:
- Printable Wedding Ceremony Outline
- Traditional Wedding Ceremony Order Outline
- Common Cultural & Religious Wedding Ceremony Orders: Christian | Jewish | Muslim | Hindu | Unitarian Universalist
- Common Questions
Printable Wedding Ceremony Outline
Fellow visual learners, this one's for you. This printable and (Pinterest pinnable) guide to the order of a wedding ceremony collects the must-know events of some of the most common cultural and religious nuptials. From the wedding ceremony processional to the wedding readings, you can see where everything slots in at a quick glance.
Traditional Wedding Ceremony Order Outline
You can use the terms "traditional wedding ceremony" and "non-religious wedding ceremony" interchangeably, since neither typically involves any religious traditions. If you're looking for a basic explainer of the typical parts of a wedding ceremony, this outline will come in handy.
1. Processional
First up in the wedding ceremony order of events: getting the VIPs—immediate family, wedding party and the couple—down the aisle. The procession starts with the officiant and follows with the groom (or whichever partner would like to go first for queer/nonbinary couples). They can walk down the aisle with their parents or alone. Next up: the groom's wedding party and honor attendants (best man). Then, the maid of honor, bridesmaids, flower girl and ring bearer head down to the altar, taking their places before the bride (or second partner) enters, escorted by a parent or alone. Though this is standard, you should feel empowered to customize the processional order as it makes sense to you.
Typically, the groomsmen stand behind the groom and the bridesmaids stand behind the bride, but some couples like to switch it up. Instead, the bridesmaids stand behind the groom and the groomsmen stand behind the bride. This way, both members of the couple can look to their people for smiles and support (without having to turn around). Some couples also stray from tradition by walking down the aisle together instead of separately. This choice symbolizes the couple continuing, not beginning, their life together.
2. Opening Remarks From the Officiant
An officiant's first few phrases is also called the invocation. Once everyone is in place at the altar, the officiant welcomes everyone to the wedding ceremony and thanks guests for being present as witnesses. Here is when the officiant might speak about marriage in general and your love story, if you choose.
3. Readings
Wedding readings or wedding poems are next in the wedding ceremony schedule. While these passages are pulled from holy texts in religious ceremonies, you can incorporate any lines and verses that speak to you as a couple. Look to poems, spiritual texts or even your favorite book or movie for inspiration. Many couples ask family members or friends to come up to the altar and recite their chosen readings after being introduced by the officiant. Additionally, if you're including a unity ceremony, like a sand ceremony or handfasting, that ritual will take place right after the readings.
4. Vow Exchange and Declaration of Intent
Ah, we've come to the best part: the vows. Whether you write your own or stick to the classic sentiments, this is where you speak about what you're promising to your partner. You can deliver your vows publicly or privately if you want more intimacy. Then comes the declaration of intent (aka the "I do"s). The legally binding part of the ceremony, this is when you and your partner verbally acknowledge that you're both choosing to be here and marry each other.
5. Ring Exchange
After the declaration of intent and vow exchange, you and your partner swap rings. The officiant first gives each of you the other's wedding ring. You can take a moment to say some kind words (we've got ring-exchange wording examples to help you out) about why the wedding ring is significant to you and your marriage, if you'd like.
6. Pronouncement and First Kiss
It's official! The officiant will pronounce you and your partner as newlyweds and say you can finally have your first kiss as a married couple.
7. Recessional
The recessional closes everything out. Generally, the recessional follows the reverse order of the processional, so the couple leads the way and the officiant is the last to leave. The officiant may exit down the center of the aisle or to the side after giving closing remarks and offering instructions to the wedding guests.
Common Cultural & Religious Wedding Ceremony Orders
If you're having a faith-based wedding, you might be overwhelmed trying to incorporate all of the significant traditions that make up your religion's wedding ceremony itinerary. Some might be a little more flexible, but others must-include elements that make the marriage official. Whatever your wants and needs, we're here to ease your mind. We've outlined the basic wedding ceremony structures of many popular religions, from the types of wedding officiants to any special readings and rituals.
Christian Wedding Ceremony Order
Wondering: "What's the order of a Catholic wedding ceremony?" Or: "How do Greek Orthodox folks get married?" Then you're looking for a Christian wedding ceremony order. There will be some differences depending on the denomination, but there's certainly a basic wedding program template you can follow for a typical Christian ceremony.
1. Traditionally in the processional, the parents of the groom follow the officiant, then the mother of the bride, groom, best man and maid of honor (walking together), groomsmen and bridesmaids (escorting each other), ring bearer and flower girl. Finally, the bride and father of the bride walk down the aisle.
2. The officiant welcomes the guests and makes their remarks.
3. Then come the wedding readings and vow exchange.
4. A brief prayer is spoken over the wedding rings before the bands are exchanged.
5. The officiant pronounces them newlyweds and the couple shares their first kiss as a married couple.
6. Finally: the recessional, which is in the reverse order of the processional.
To dive deeper into the wedding ceremony outlines of different Christian faiths, check out these detailed wedding ceremony programs below:
- Baptist Wedding Ceremony Order
- Catholic Wedding Ceremony Order
- Episcopal Wedding Ceremony Order
- Greek Orthodox Wedding Ceremony Order
- Lutheran Wedding Ceremony Order
- Methodist Wedding Ceremony Order
- Presbyterian Wedding Ceremony Order
- Quaker Wedding Ceremony Order
Jewish Wedding Ceremony Order
1. Ahead of the processional, the couple must sign the ketubah and the bedeken. A ketubah is a marriage contract that the couple signs before the ceremony in front of two appointed witnesses that aren't blood-related. The bedeken ritual entails the couple's friends and families watching as the groom places the wedding veil on the bride. This ritual comes from the story of Jacob in the Bible, who was deceived into marrying his intended's sister because her face was obscured by a heavy veil.
2. A traditional Jewish processional starts with the rabbi and cantor, followed by the bride's grandparents and the groom's grandparents. Next, the groomsmen (walking in pairs), best man, the groom escorted by his parents, the bridesmaids (walking in pairs), the maid of honor, and the ring bearer and flower girl (optional). Then comes the bride, escorted by her parents. For straight, Jewish couples, the groom and his party stand on the left, while the bride and her party stand on the right.
3. The couple arrives under the chuppah, a canopy representing love, home and support from loved ones. Then, the bride performs the circling ritual, circumventing the groom seven times to represent building a wall of love. (Modern Jewish couples have changed the tradition to both members of the couple circling each other three times, then making a circle together to show equity between them.
4. Next is the betrothal blessing. The rabbi blesses a cup of wine and the couple drinks from the cup.
5. The couple exchanges rings as the rabbi reads from the ketubah.
6. Now, the rabbi or other honored loved one recites the Sheva Brachot (Seven Blessings) over a second cup of wine, then the couple drinks from that cup.
7. Then, the groom stomps on a glass in a cloth bag—some think this tradition represents the fragility of human relationships—and everyone shouts "mazel tov," which means congratulations.
8. The couple starts the recessional. They're followed by the bride's parents, the groom's parents, the bride's grandparents, the groom's grandparents, the ring bearer and flower girl , the maid of honor and best man, the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Lastly, the rabbi and cantor exit.
Muslim Wedding Ceremony Order
The Muslim wedding ceremony, also known as the Nikah, is one of the shortest wedding ceremonies, only spanning 30 to 40 minutes. The ceremony is usually performed in a mosque and officiated by a religious leader, also known as an Imam.
1. Instead of a processional the way we might envision it, family members gather around each member of the couple to start the ceremony. The women usually sit by the bride, while the men surround the groom. Throughout the Nikah ceremony, the bride and groom aren't allowed to see each other.
2. The Imam appoints the father of the bride as the bride's Wali or guardian. This special role entails looking out for the bride's best interests during the next ritual: the mahr.
3. The mahr is a ceremonial presentation of cash, gifts and other offerings to the bride from the groom.
4. Once the gifts are exchanged, the Ijab-e-Qubool ritual starts. First, the Imam asks the bride "Qubool Hai?" three times. This phrase means: "Do you give consent?" To accept, the bride must say "Qubool Hai" three times in an assertive and positive tone. After, the Imam will question the groom in the same way.
5. Next, the bride and groom sign the Nikah Nama while two witnesses look on. This Islamic marriage contract details the duties of the couple.
6. The Imam recites readings from the Quran, which act as the couple's wedding vows.
7. Lastly, the couple is showered with duroods (blessings) from their guests.
Hindu Wedding Ceremony Order
Hindu weddings are elaborate affairs that span the course of several days, which means the order of a Hindu wedding ceremony includes more events than most.
1. First is the baraat (or groom's processional). The groom makes his way to the venue, traditionally riding on a white horse, escorted by his family and friends.
2. The Milni ceremony, which represents the union between two families, is next. During this ritual, the bride's parents and friends welcome the groom with rose water and shagun (tokens of good luck). The bride's mother applies the tilak, or red dot, on the groom's forehead.
3. The groom and his close family are then escorted to the mandap, a raised four-poster structure with a canopy, and a priest blesses the marriage ceremony, asking Lord Ganesh to remove all obstacles in the newlywed's lives.
4. Then the bride's procession, also known as Kanya Aagaman, begins with her approaching the mandap, typically escorted by her male family members (often her uncles).
5. The bride and groom then exchange brightly colored garlands in a tradition called the jaimala or varmala, where the members of the couple accept each other as life partners.
6. The kanyadaan is next. The bride's father or parents give the bride away to the groom.
7. The Laaja Homam ritual follows, during which the bride pours rice into the agni (sacred fire) with help from a male family member and the groom. This tradition symbolizes prosperity and the joining of families.
8. Then comes the Mangal Phera, where the couple walks around the agni four times to represent the four goals of life.
9. The Mangalsutra takes place, and the bride and groom tie their scarves (dupattas) together to represent commitment. After, the groom places a necklace on the bride that symbolizes her new status as a married woman.
10. The couple circles the agni again during the Saptapadi, which means "seven steps," a ritual that represents the seven principles and promises the couple will make to each another.
11. The last step in the Hindu wedding ceremony order is for the couple to receive final blessings from their loved ones, especially their parents, and get showered with rice or flowers as they recess up the aisle.
Unitarian Universalist Wedding Ceremony Order
The Unitarian Universalist community is very flexible when it comes to what elements you can include in the ceremony order for your wedding, since they accept all ideologies.
1. The couple and wedding process down the aisle, similar to nonsecular ceremonies.
2. The minister or lay chaplain will start with opening remarks and welcome the guests to the ceremony. The minister will then address the couple's family and friends and speak to why everyone has gathered to celebrate the to-be-weds. The minister then addresses the couple and touches on why they're ready for marriage.
3. The next step is the affirmation of intentions, which entails the minister asking the couple if they're present of their own will and want to marry their partner.
4. One of the couple's loved ones will then give a reading to signal the start of the community vow. During the community vow, the minister asks the guests to vow to support the couple, and they must respond with "we do."
5. The couple then exchanges vows.
6. Immediately after the vows is the ring exchange. As it takes place, the minister explains to the couple that their wedding bands are symbols of unbroken love.
7. The unity ceremony is up next, but the type of unity ceremony the couple chooses to incorporate is up to them. (It can be a unity flower ceremony, sand ceremony, unity candle or other option.)
8. The couple now signs a register before they are legally pronounced as a married couple.
9. After the couple signs, the minister recites a blessing for the couple and their new marriage together, announces the couple as married and heralds the first kiss.
10. The newlyweds and their wedding party then recess in whatever order they choose.
Common Questions About the Wedding Ceremony Order
So you know the answer to your most burning question: "What is the order of a wedding ceremony?" But maybe you still need more insight on how you should go about planning your wedding ceremony timeline. (Pro tip: this is one of the many instances why it's clear why you should hire a wedding planner.) In the meantime, we've invited experts to weigh in on some of the most common FAQ surrounding wedding ceremony order.
Is it okay if I change my wedding ceremony order?
Not only is changing your wedding ceremony order okay, it's encouraged by many officiants. For example, the traditional wedding processional order is heteronormative and, as such, has to be tailored to suit LGBTQ+ couples. Maria Northcott, wedding officiant and founder of A Sweet Start, believes it's okay to shake things up—your ceremony should represent you and your partner as a couple, after all. "For all aspects of your ceremony, tradition is no longer the guiding force," Northcott says. "In its place are creativity, customization, personalization and finding the options that feel right for you as a couple."
How should my partner and I plan an interfaith ceremony order?
If you're having an interfaith wedding, Minister Toya with Waning Moon Weddings suggests that you work with a professional and experienced wedding officiant. You should hire someone that "will know things like the flow of service, how each element fits into the script, how long rituals may take, etc." Having an interfaith officiant will help, but the pro also encourages couples to compile a list of elements from their religion's traditional ceremonies and then weave everything together. This way, you and your partner have a jumping-off point before meeting with your officiant.
"I help blend interfaith couples' different religions in a way that's respectful, personal and beautiful," says Sofia Laveaux-Crawford, wedding officiant and owner of Signature Weddings and On-Call Notary. "Many religions have more similarities than differences, so it's not too difficult to pull the most important aspects and join them together."
Should I work with an officiant or wedding planner while planning my ceremony order?
Yes, you should definitely work with your pros when it comes to planning your ceremony order. Many officiants offer ceremony writing support, so don't be afraid to reach out when you don't have the right words. "Couples should work with their officiant so they can truly connect with the ceremony, and it's not just me talking at them," says Laveaux-Crawford. Officiants will put in the work to account for both the couple's love story and their cultures to create a ceremony that strikes the right chord. Northcott emphasizes that "professional wedding officiants have so much experience orchestrating this aspect of the ceremony, so lean on us for guidance and advice."
When should couples start planning their wedding ceremony outline?
Many wedding pros suggest couples start planning their wedding ceremony outline within 30 days of their wedding day. This gives soonlyweds enough time to glean inspiration and flesh out what traditions mean the most to them to incorporate. During this planning period, you and your partner should talk through every detail, from how you want to be pronounced to what readings resonate.
Chapelle Johnson contributed to the research of this story.