Sources Used in Current Review
Aizawa, Y. and Hokari, A. (2017 January 19). Autoimmune hepatitis: current challenges and future prospects. Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2017; 10: 9–18. Available online at Accessed on 02/18/17.
Wolf, D. and Raghuraman, U. (2016 February 18, Updated).Autoimmune Hepatitis. Medscape Drugs and Disease. Available online at Accessed on 02/18/17.
(© 1995–2017). Smooth Muscle Antibodies, Serum. Mayo Clinic Mayo Medical Laboratories. Available online at Accessed on 02/18/17.
Sloan, J. et. al. (2014 March 4, Updated). Anti-Smooth-Muscle Antibody. Medscape Drugs and Diseases. Available online at Accessed on 02/18/17.
Starkebaum, G. (2015 January 20, Updated). Anti-smooth muscle antibody. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Available online at Accessed on 02/18/17.
Slev, P. and Tebo, A. (2016 December Updated). Autoimmune Hepatitis – Hepatitis, Autoimmune. ARUP Consult. Available online at Accessed on 02/18/17.
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