Test Quick Guide

The platelet count test is a lab test that measures the number of platelets you have in your blood. Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are tiny, round cell fragments that circulate in your blood. They are essential for the formation of blood clots, masses of blood the body forms to stop bleeding.

Platelets are one of three main components of the blood along with red and white blood cells.

Platelet count testing can detect when platelet levels are too low or too high. Low platelet levels make it difficult for the body to form blood clots, which can cause excessive bleeding. High platelet levels can cause too much clotting. Blood clots in the blood vessels can become lodged in the lungs, intestines, brain, or heart, and this can result in serious medical conditions.

About the Test

Purpose of the test

The purpose of a platelet count test is to assess your blood’s ability or inability to clot. While platelet counts are often included on multi-test panels such as the complete blood count, this test can also be done on its own.

The platelet count may be conducted by your doctor as part of routine blood testing. Platelet counts are also ordered to:

  • Diagnose a platelet disorder
  • Assess the risk of bleeding before surgery
  • Monitor you during medical treatments such as blood thinners or chemotherapy

The platelet count is used to diagnose disease and help determine the cause of excess bleeding or clotting. Both high and low platelet counts can have associated risks that can range from not causing any noticeable health problems to being very serious and life-threatening.

A platelet count test is also used to monitor if you have been diagnosed with a clotting condition. Regularly conducting a platelet count allows doctors to check the effectiveness of medications that increase or decrease the blood’s ability to form a clot.

What does the test measure?

A platelet count measures the platelets in your sample of blood with the results reported as a number of platelets per microliter. Measuring a platelet count typically involves analyzing a blood sample using automated laboratory technology. In some cases, automated results need to be confirmed using a peripheral blood smear, a method of manually measuring the number of platelets in a blood sample.

When should I get a platelet count test?

Your doctor may recommend you take a platelet count test during a check-up as part of a broader screening panel such as a complete blood count. They might also recommend platelet count testing if you have symptoms associated with abnormal platelet levels. Low or high platelet counts may or may not cause signs and symptoms. It’s important to speak with your doctor any time you notice health changes that concern you.

Symptoms of low platelet levels

Bleeding is the main sign and symptom of a low platelet count. Early signs of a low platelet count can occur in any part of the body and may include (but are not limited to):

  • Purple, reddish, or brown bruising, occurring easily and often
  • Small red and purple dots on the skin
  • Abnormally prolonged bleeding, including from minor cuts
  • Bleeding from the nose or mouth
  • Atypically heavy vaginal bleeding, especially during menstruation
  • Excessive bleeding during dental work, including flossing or surgery
  • Blood in the urine or stool, or bleeding from the rectum

Symptoms of high platelet levels

Signs of high platelet levels are primarily related to blot clots and bleeding. They may include:

  • Weakness or dizziness
  • Unexpected headache
  • Chest pain
  • Tingling of the hands and feet
  • Pain, swelling, warmth, and/or tenderness in one or both of the lower extremities

In some instances, extremely high platelet counts may result in signs and symptoms that mirror low platelet counts. Signs and symptoms of high platelet levels include:

  • Bleeding from many sites of the body at once
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion and changes in memory or behavior
  • Fever

Monitoring platelet levels

Your health care provider may also order a platelet count test when monitoring other health conditions. If you have been diagnosed with a disease that puts you at risk for high or low platelets, or if you have had abnormal results on past platelet count tests, your doctor may test you for platelet levels periodically. This allows your doctor to monitor your overall health and assess the effectiveness of treatment.

Types of Platelet Tests

Standard platelet tests measure the amount of platelets in your blood, as well as their average size. More advanced blood count tests check for additional metrics to give you a fuller picture of your overall health.

Best Overall Platelet Count Test
Quest – Complete Blood Count

Price: $29
Type: In-person
Sample: Blood
Tests for: Red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, red cell distribution width, platelets, mean platelet volume, white blood cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
Results timeline: A few business days

Quest’s Complete Blood Count includes the number of platelets per microliter in your blood sample, as well as a mean platelet volume measuring their average size — this is related to your physical performance, blood clotting, and risk of inflammation. The test measures much more, as well. Your full report includes the following metrics:

  • Red blood cell (RBC) count: A low RBC count may indicate anemia. Conversely, a high RBC count could be a sign of kidney or liver disease, urinary tract infection, or other urinary disorders. The blood count also includes a tests measuring the average size of your RBCs, and their size range throughout your body.
  • White blood cell (WBC) count: Since WBCs stave off bacteria, their presence in the urine can indicate a kidney or urinary tract infection. WBC presence is also an early sign of leukemia in some cases.
  • Hematocrit: Hematocrit refers to the percentage RBCs make up in your total blood supply. Abnormally low or high red-to-white blood cell ratios may indicate adverse health conditions.
  • Hemoglobin: Hemoglobin is a protein that gives blood its red color and ferries oxygen from the lungs to tissue throughout your body, removing excess carbon dioxide in the process. The blood count includes a mean corpuscular hemoglobin test that measures the average amount of hemoglobin in your blood cells, and a mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration measuring the average amount of hemoglobin relative to the blood cell’s size. A low hemoglobin count can indicate conditions such as anemia.
  • Neutrophil count: Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that react to stress. A high neutrophil count is normal after strenuous physical activities, but can also indicate infection or inflammation.
  • Lymphocyte count: B cell lymphocytes create antibodies that stave off bacteria, viruses, and toxins. T cell lymphocytes destroy cells that have been infected with viruses or diseases like cancer and HIV. A full count of both can indicate various health conditions.
  • Monocyte count: Monocytes are large cells that become either macrophages or dendritic cells. Macrophages essentially act as custodians of your blood by consuming harmful microbes, disposing of dead cells, and triggering immune responses when you’re sick. Dendritic cells catch antigens produced by pathogens and relocate them to immune cells that fight them. A high monocyte count can indicate various medical conditions.
  • Eosinophil count: Eosinophils are WBCs that fight diseases and stave off bacterial and parasitic infections. A high count can make you more susceptible to allergic reactions and inflammation.
  • Basophil count: Basophils create antibodies that stave off fungi, tick-borne diseases, and worms. Their presence may indicate one of these conditions, and a high count can also lead to allergic reactions and/or inflammation.
  • As you can see, the full blood count provides numerous insights into your overall health. The test is reasonably priced and only requires one blood sample, but you’ll need to visit one of Quest’s labs to provide an in-person sample. No fasting is required. Most people receive their results within a few business days.

Finding a Platelet Count Test

How can I get a platelet count test?

Typically, a platelet count test is done by a licensed professional in a health care setting using a blood sample. The test can be conducted on its own or as part of a complete blood count test that is done in a doctor’s office, clinic, laboratory, or hospital.

A platelet count test is normally prescribed by a doctor. Talk with your health care provider if you have symptoms that could be related to abnormal platelet levels or if you are interested in a platelet count test.

You can order a platelet test online with a blood draw at a local lab.

Can I take the test at home?

Currently, there are no at-home testing options available for the platelet count. A medical professional conducts platelet counts and they are analyzed by a laboratory from a blood draw sample in a health care setting.

How much does the test cost?

The cost of a platelet count test depends on whether or not you have insurance and if that insurance plan covers the test. Some other factors that affect the price are the setting of the blood draw and the lab to which the sample is sent.

For details on the expected cost for a platelet count that you may be responsible for, check with your doctor or insurance provider about any associated copays or deductibles.

Taking a Platelet Count Test

The platelet count test requires a blood sample ordered by a doctor that is collected in a medical setting by a licensed professional, such as a phlebotomist.

Before the test

No special preparation is required prior to a platelet count test unless specified by your health care provider. They may order the platelet count by itself, as part of the complete blood count, or along with other blood tests.

If you are receiving more than one blood test, your provider may ask you to not eat anything for a certain amount of time prior to your test. Contact your health care provider for detailed instructions if you have questions or concerns about any test preparation.

During the test

A blood sample for a platelet count is taken from a vein in your arm or forearm by a phlebotomist, a health care professional trained in drawing blood. They tie a tourniquet around the upper part of your arm to increase the blood pressure in the vein so it is easier to find.

They will cleanse your skin around the vein with an antiseptic wipe and insert a needle to draw blood from the vein. Next, they attach a vacuum tube to the needle to help pull blood from the vein and, if drawing blood for multiple tests, they may attach several different tubes.

There may be a brief stinging sensation when the needle is initially inserted into your arm. This pain usually does not last long, and the test itself can be completed in under one minute.

After the test

After the procedure is complete, the phlebotomist will apply folded gauze and an adhesive bandage over the site to reduce bleeding, as well as remove the tourniquet and needle.

The main risk associated with blood draws is local bruising at the site of the needle puncture. This bruising may last longer than usual if you are experiencing low platelets. Because low platelet counts reduce the clotting potential of your blood it may be suggested to keep the bandage on for a specified period of time.

The phlebotomist may ask you to stay at the facility for a few minutes so they can monitor you for dizziness before you return to normal activities including walking and driving.

Platelet Count Test Results

Receiving test results

The results from a platelet count can be available in a few minutes or up to a few days after the blood sample arrives at the laboratory, depending on the equipment that is used.

If not available immediately, a copy of your results may be sent to you by mail or through an electronic health portal. It is also possible that your health care provider may call you to discuss the results, retest, or schedule an appointment to review them together.

Interpreting test results

Results are interpreted in comparison with the test reference range, the results range that is considered to be normal. Platelet test results that fall outside of the reference range indicate that platelet levels may be too low or too high.

The reference range for platelet counts gives a wide range of normal results. This reflects the range in platelet levels that allows most people to function without adverse health issues. Specific reference ranges vary from one laboratory to the next, and your results are considered in the context of your overall health risk factors.

The American Board of Internal Medicine lists a typical platelet count reference range as 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter.

Platelet counts tend to be slightly higher in certain populations, including:

  • Females
  • Younger people when compared with older people
  • Non-Hispanic Black individuals when compared with white individuals

Your doctor may consider retesting if you have significant decreases or increases in your platelet numbers from one test to the next even if they are within the normal range as this may indicate a potential problem.

If you have a platelet count test result that is lower than expected, your doctor will consider whether another condition may be causing or contributing to a decrease in platelets. Some causes and risk factors associated with low platelet counts are:

  • Certain cancers
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Autoimmune diseases and conditions
  • Certain medications
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Genetic condition
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Pregnancy

Other conditions can cause or increase the risk for high platelet counts:

  • Rare genetic conditions
  • Bone marrow conditions
  • Certain cancers
  • Iron deficiency or hemolytic anemia
  • Inflammatory disease
  • Infections such as tuberculosis
  • Adverse medication reactions
  • Severe blood loss
  • Recovery from low blood platelet counts caused by heavy alcohol use or vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
  • Physical activity

Depending on the results of your platelet count test, it is possible that your doctor will order follow-up tests to learn more about your overall health. Commonly ordered follow-up tests include:

  • Complete blood count: If your platelet count does not match the context of your symptoms and other test results, your doctor may reorder a complete blood count panel to confirm the results prior to more extensive evaluations or interventions.
  • Peripheral blood smear: Automated instrumentation is most often used to measure blood counts, including platelet counts. A peripheral blood smear involves manually analyzing the blood sample under a microscope and can be used to confirm an abnormal result on an automated platelet count.
  • HIV or HCV test: Low platelet counts are often seen if you have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Follow-up testing may be used to rule out or confirm the existence of HIV or HCV as the cause of low platelets.

Other tests may be conducted to diagnose the cause of abnormal platelets. Testing depends on the specific conditions that are suspected. If you receive an abnormal platelet count result, your doctor can help you understand what follow-up testing is recommended for you and why.

It may be helpful to ask your doctor the following questions about your platelet count results:

  • Was my test result abnormal? If so, was it abnormally high or low?
  • What does my platelet count indicate about my health?
  • Are there any diagnoses to be made based on my platelet count results?
  • Will any follow-up tests be needed?
  • Will I be prescribed medication based on my results?



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