To diagnose a disease or condition affecting the central nervous system such as meningitis, encephalitis, bleeding around the brain, cancer, or autoimmune disorder
To diagnose a disease or condition affecting the central nervous system such as meningitis, encephalitis, bleeding around the brain, cancer, or autoimmune disorder
When your health care provider suspects that your symptoms are due to a condition or disease involving your central nervous system
A sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collected by a health care practitioner from the lower back using a procedure called a lumbar puncture or spinal tap
You will be instructed to empty your bladder and bowels prior to sample collection. It will be necessary to lie still in a curled-up fetal position during the collection and to lie flat and still for a time period after the collection.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, watery liquid that flows around the brain and spinal cord, surrounding and protecting them. CSF testing is performed to evaluate the level or concentration of different substances and cells in CSF in order to diagnose conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).
CSF is produced and secreted by the choroid plexus, a special tissue that has many blood vessels and that lines the small cavities or chambers (ventricles) in the brain. The total CSF volume is 3-5 ounces (90-150 mL) in adults and 0.3-2 ounces (10-60 mL) in newborns. CSF is continually produced, circulated, and then absorbed into the blood. About 17 ounces (500 mL) of CSF are produced each day. This rate of production means that all the CSF is replaced every few hours.
A protective, semi-permeable barrier separates the brain from the bloodstream. This blood-brain barrier allows some substances to cross and prevents other substances from crossing. Importantly, it helps keep large molecules, toxins, and most blood cells away from the central nervous system. Any condition that disrupts this protective barrier may result in a change in the normal level or makeup of CSF. Because CSF surrounds the brain and spinal cord, testing a sample of CSF can be very valuable in diagnosing a variety of conditions affecting the central nervous system.
Although a sample of CSF may be more difficult to obtain than, for example, urine or blood, the results of CSF testing may reveal more directly the cause of central nervous system conditions. The following are some examples:
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing may be used to help diagnose a wide variety of diseases and conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). Some examples include:
CSF testing usually involves an initial, basic set of tests performed when CSF analysis is requested:
A wide variety of other tests may be ordered as follow-up depending on the results of the first set of tests or the suspected diagnosis. The specific tests that are ordered depend on your signs and symptoms and the disease your healthcare practitioner suspects may be the cause. Each of these tests can be grouped according to the type of exam that is performed. For more, see Details on CSF Tests below.
CSF testing may be ordered when your health care practitioner suspects that you have a condition or disease involving your central nervous system. It may be ordered when:
CSF testing may be ordered when you have some combination of the following signs and symptoms, especially when accompanied by flu-like symptoms that intensify over a few hours to a few days and fever:
CSF usually contains a small amount of protein and glucose and may have a few white blood cells.
Any condition that disrupts the normal pressure or flow of CSF or the protective ability of the blood-brain barrier can result in abnormal results of CSF testing. For detailed explanations of what various test results may mean, see the section below, Details on CSF Tests
The lumbar puncture is usually performed while you are lying on your side in a curled up fetal position but may sometimes be performed in a sitting position. It is important that you remain still during the procedure. Once you are in the correct position, your back is cleaned with an antiseptic and a local anesthetic is injected under the skin. When the area has become numb, a special needle is inserted through the skin, between two vertebrae, and into your spinal canal. An “opening” or initial pressure reading of the CSF is obtained. The healthcare practitioner then collects a small amount of CSF in multiple sterile vials. A “closing” pressure is obtained, the needle is withdrawn, and a sterile dressing and pressure are applied to the puncture site. You will then be asked to lie quietly in a flat position, without lifting your head, for one or more hours to avoid a potential post-test headache.
The lumbar puncture procedure usually takes less than half an hour. For most patients, it is a moderately uncomfortable procedure. The most common sensation is a feeling of pressure when the needle is introduced. Let your health care provider know if you experience a headache or any abnormal sensations, such as pain, numbness, or tingling in your legs, or pain at the puncture site.
The lumbar puncture is performed low in the back, well below the end of the spinal cord. There are spinal nerves in the location sampled, but they have room to move away from the needle. There is the potential for the needle to contact a small vein on the way in. This can cause a “traumatic tap,” which just means that a small amount of blood may leak into one or more of the samples collected. While this is not ideal, it does occur a small percentage of the time. The evaluation of your results will take this into account.
Headaches are relatively common after a lumbar puncture and can occur immediately or up to a day or two after the sample collection. Lying flat after the procedure can help avoid and treat the headaches. Other potential treatments include drinking water (to stay hydrated), caffeine, and pain medication. Follow your healthcare practitioner’s recommendations and let them know if the pain persists.
Yes. Sometimes it will be performed to introduce anesthetics or medications into the central nervous system. Sometimes, one or more lumbar punctures and removal of CSF may be used to decrease CSF pressure.
CSF is often the best sample to use for diagnosing conditions affecting your central nervous system because this fluid surrounds your brain and spinal cord. Central nervous system infections or diseases are most easily and rapidly identified by CSF testing, as these conditions typically lead to changes in the makeup of the spinal fluid. Tests on blood and urine may be used in conjunction with CSF analysis to evaluate your condition, however the evaluation of these specimens alone cannot be relied on to establish the presence of disease in the central nervous system.
Other laboratory tests that may be ordered along with or following CSF testing include:
To help diagnose a central nervous system-related illness, a healthcare provider may want to know about recent vaccinations, sickness, contact with others who are ill, places you have traveled, signs and symptoms, and their duration.
Pressure of the CSF can be measured when opening (starting) and closing (finishing) the collection.
The appearance of the sample of CSF is usually compared to a sample of water.
Chemical tests detect or measure the chemical substances found in spinal fluid. Many of the substances in CSF are also in blood and the relative amounts in CSF and blood are often compared. Normally, levels of certain substances in CSF, such as protein and glucose, mirror the levels in blood.
If any of the initial tests are abnormal or if your healthcare practitioner has reason to suspect a specific condition, then additional testing may be ordered. This may include one or more of the following:
Normal CSF has no or very few cells present and appears clear. A small drop of CSF is examined using a microscope, and cells are counted manually (or in some cases counted using an instrument). If the number of white blood cells present is very few (for example, 5 or less in an adult), the laboratory may or may not identify them or perform a cell differential (see below).
If white blood cells are numerous (such as greater than 5), a differential will most likely be done to determine the different kinds of white blood cells that are present. If cancer is suspected or has been previously diagnosed, a differential is always performed.
There may be an increase in the different types of WBCs with a variety of other conditions, including brain abscess, following seizures or bleeding around the brain, metastatic tumor, and inflammatory disorders such as sarcoidosis.
Normally, CSF does not contain any bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites.
If meningitis or encephalitis is suspected, select tests may be performed to detect and identify microbes. The selection of testing is frequently done based on signs and symptoms, the health of your immune system, and possible exposure to certain pathogens. Some of the more frequently performed tests are listed below.
Other CSF tests for infectious diseases that are less commonly ordered include:
Sources Used in Current Review
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2018 April 24). Lumbar puncture (spinal tap). Mayo Clinic. Available online at Accessed on 8/15/19.
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Shelat, A. et. al. (2017 May 15, Updated). Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) collection. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Available online at Accessed on 8/15/19.
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Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. 22nd ed. McPherson R, Pincus M, eds. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier: 2011.
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Pagana, Kathleen D. & Pagana, Timothy J. (© 2007). Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference 8th Edition: Mosby, Inc., Saint Louis, MO. Pp 613-621.
Wu, A. (2006). Tietz Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, Fourth Edition. Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, Missouri. Pp 320-321, 1550.
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