To determine the cause of viral meningitis or encephalitis or illness causing a fever that occurs during the warmer months of the year; to investigate the source of epidemics and track their spread
To determine the cause of viral meningitis or encephalitis or illness causing a fever that occurs during the warmer months of the year; to investigate the source of epidemics and track their spread
When you have symptoms suggesting an arbovirus infection, such as fever, headache, stiff neck, muscular weakness and a diagnosis of encephalitis and/or meningitis
A blood sample drawn from a vein in your arm or cerebrospinal fluid collected from a spinal tap
Arboviruses (arthropod-borne virus) cause viral infections that are transmitted between humans by mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects, such as ticks. Arbovirus testing detects either antibodies produced by the body’s immune system in response to a specific arbovirus infection or it detects the virus’s genetic material in blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
Found throughout the world, arboviruses are an important cause of viral meningitis and encephalitis. In temperate climates, they tend to cause occasional seasonal epidemics. In tropical climates, they may be found year-round, whenever mosquitoes are active.
These viruses are spread when a mosquito, or sometimes another insect carrier (vector) such as a tick or sandfly, bites an infected bird or other small animal and becomes infected, then bites a human and passes it on. Arbovirus infections are usually not directly passed from person-to-person. Sometimes, an infection may be transmitted through a blood transfusion, organ transplant, sexual contact, from a pregnant woman to her baby, or from a mother to child through breast milk.
Arbovirus testing is used along with a person’s signs, symptoms, and history of exposure and travel to detect and confirm an acute arbovirus infection and to distinguish between an infection and other conditions that may cause similar symptoms.
Depending on the virus causing the infection, people infected by an arbovirus may have only mild to moderate flu-like symptoms that resolve within a few days to a few weeks. In some cases, a sudden onset of high fever may be accompanied by a rash (dengue fever), jaundice (yellow fever), or severe joint pain and debilitating symptoms. Depending on the virus, a person may develop severe symptoms that may be life-threatening and require hospitalization.
There are hundreds of different arboviruses, but most are not common. Examples of arboviruses include:
Virus/Illness | Insect Carrier | Found In: |
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) | Mosquito | Eastern U.S. |
Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) | Mosquito | Western U.S. |
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) | Mosquito | South and Central America, rarely U.S. |
Chikungunya Fever (CHIKV) | Mosquito | Africa, Asia, some in Southern Europe and the Caribbean |
Ross River Virus | Mosquito | Australia |
Yellow Fever | Mosquito | South America, Africa, rare epidemics in U.S. |
Dengue Fever | Mosquito | South America, Asia, tropical tourist destinations, Caribbean |
Zika Virus | Mosquito | Primarily in Caribbean, South America, Africa, Asia |
Japanese Encephalitis | Mosquito | Asia |
West Nile Virus | Mosquito | Throughout U.S. |
St. Louis Encephalitis | Mosquito | Eastern and Central U.S. |
Powassan Encephalitis | Tick | Eastern U.S. |
LaCrosse Virus | Mosquito | South America, Central America, Asia, Central and Eastern U.S. |
Rift Valley Fever | Mosquito, Tick, Sandfly | Africa and Middle East |
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever | Tick | Asia, Africa, Europe |
Colorado Tick Fever | Tick | Europe, U.S. |