STD Testing in Shreveport, Louisiana

There are many locations near Shreveport where you can get free or low-cost STD testing. Some clinics accept insurance or provide a sliding fee scale for uninsured or self-paying patients.

Louisiana falls in the top ten for the highest rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. According to the CDC, Louisiana experienced the third-highest rates of chlamydia, fifth-highest gonorrhea, and congenital syphilis in the nation on a per capita basis in 2019.

You can get free HIV testing or STD testing for as little as $10 at the LDH Bossier Parish Health Unit. The LSU Health Sciences Center also offers free and confidential HIV testing and low-cost STD testing, and HPV and hepatitis B vaccines for adults. St. Luke’s Episcopal Medical Ministry mobile medical RV roaming around northwest Louisiana, which offers limited STD testing and medical referrals.

Find an STD Testing Location in Shreveport, Louisiana

To help you locate an accredited laboratory/testing center, a list of resources has been compiled and can be found below.

Consult with your health care provider about any lab testing that you may be considering. It is also important to follow up with your health care provider to discuss your results within the context of your medical history.

At-Home STD Testing

Testing for STDs at home is safe, convenient, and private. Performed regularly, it can help you stay healthy and avoid unknowingly transmitting STDs.

You have many options for at-home STD testing. The best at-home STD tests are FDA approved and evaluated for safety and accuracy with fast result turnaround times and support from health care professionals.

At-home STD testing kits should include instructions for collection and test registration, along with materials such as containers and swabs to collect and send your sample to the lab. Most at-home STD tests offer results in about five days through a secure online patient portal.

Community STD Testing Centers in Shreveport, Louisiana

Community-based STD testing organizations generate awareness and foster social change while providing access to testing and treatment.

If you’re concerned about visiting your regular doctor or can’t afford the cost of private testing, a community testing center may be able to help. While community testing centers may charge a fee for STD testing, it’s common to find free or low-cost testing from these resources:


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