Reference Ranges
During a recent visit to your health care provider’s office, you had blood drawn for lab tests and now you want to know if everything is “okay.” You’ve received a copy of your lab report or an email telling you that your test results are available to view online. So you log on to the secure site and download your results. In scanning the page, you see a result that is highlighted as being outside the reference range and you wonder what that means for you.
Some lab tests provide a simple “yes” or “no” answer. For instance, was the test positive for the bacteria that cause strep throat? Many other tests, however, are reported as numbers or values. Laboratory test results reported as numbers are not meaningful by themselves. Their meaning comes from comparison to reference values. Reference values are the values expected for a healthy person. They are sometimes called “normal” values.
By comparing your test results with reference values, you and your health care provider can see if any of your test results fall outside the range of expected values. Values that are outside expected ranges can provide clues to help identify possible conditions or diseases.
This website,, gives information about various tests, including the possible reasons test results may be “abnormal.”
Three important things to know about reference ranges:
- A normal result in one lab may be abnormal in another: You must use the range supplied by the laboratory that performed your test to evaluate whether your results are “within normal limits.” While accuracy of laboratory testing has significantly evolved over the past few decades, some lab-to-lab variability can occur due to differences in testing equipment, chemical reagents used, and analysis techniques. Consequently, for most lab tests, there is no universally applicable reference value. This is the reason why so few reference ranges are provided in the test information on this website,
- A normal result does not promise health: While having all test results within normal limits is certainly a good sign, it’s not a guarantee. For many tests, there is a lot of overlap among results from healthy people and those with diseases, so there is still a chance that there could be an undetected problem. Lab test results in some people with disease fall within the reference range, especially in the early stages of a disease.
- An abnormal result does not mean you are sick: A test result outside the reference range may or may not indicate a problem. Since many reference values are based on statistical ranges in healthy people, you may be one of the healthy people outside the statistical range, especially if your value is close to the expected reference range. However, the abnormal value does alert your health care provider to a possible problem, especially if your test result is far outside the expected values.
About Reference Ranges
Sources Used in Current Review
Barth JH. Editorial: Reference Ranges Still Need Further Clarity. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. 2990;46:1-2.
Boyd JC. Defining Laboratory Reference Values and Decision Limits: Populations, Intervals, and Interpretations. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2010;12: 83–90.
Ceriotti F. Prerequisites for Use of Common Reference Intervals. Clinical Biochemistry Review. 2007;28:115-121.
Ceriotti F, Henny J. Are my laboratory results normal? Considerations to be Made Concerning Reference Intervals and Decision Limits. Pediatric Reference Intervals. 2008;19:1-9.
Jones G, Barker A. Reference Intervals. Clinical Biochemistry Review. 2008;29 (Suppl i):S93-S97.
Phillips P. Pitfalls In Interpreting Laboratory Results. Australian Prescriber. 2009;32:43-46.
(2009) Determining Laboratory Reference Intervals: CLSI Guideline Makes the Task Manageable. Available online at Accessed August 2015.
(December 11, 2013) National Cancer Institute. Understanding Laboratory Tests. Available online at Accessed August 2015.
Graham Jones, Antony Barker. Reference Intervals. Clin Biochem Rev. 2008 Aug; 29(Suppl 1): S93–S97. Available online at Accessed August 2015.
(July 2012) Al-Borai A. Frequently-Asked-Questions on Reference Intervals and Biological Variation. Westgard QC. Available online at Accessed August 2015.
Sources Used in Previous Reviews
Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. 20th ed. Henry JB, ed. New York: Saunders: 2001.
Laboratory Medicine: Test Selection and Interpretation. Howanitz JH and Howanitz PJ, eds. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1991:6-8.
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. How to Define and Determine Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory: Approved Guideline. 2nd ed. Wayne, PA: 2000.
Sacher RA, McPherson RA, Campos J. Widmann’s Clinical Interpretation of Laboratory Tests. 11th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company; 2000:10-17.
The Science of Laboratory Diagnosis. Crocker J and Burnett D, eds. Oxford: Isis Medical Media; 1998: 391-4.
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Burtis CA and Ashwood ER, eds. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company; 1994: 454-464.
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, Bruns DE, eds. St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders; 2006. Pp. 425-437.
McClatchey, et al. Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Second Edition.
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, Fourth Edition.
Roberta Reed, PhD, Mary Imogene Bassett Hosp., Cooperstown, NY, (by Eric Seaborg), 6/7/01.
David Sundwall, MD, President of the American Clinical Laboratory Association, Washington, DC (by Eric Seaborg), 6/7/01.
Pennell Painter, PhD, Professor of Pathology, Technical Director of the Dynacare Tennessee Medical Laboratories at the University of Tennessee Medical Center at Knoxville (by Jason Kahn).
National Cholesterol Education Program website, available online through
Cornell University Veterinary School website, available online through