Madrasa - Kreatív vállalati és oktatási HTML webhelysablon
MonsterONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó
Változási napló
Date : 27.03.24
- Footer section facebook logo align center.
- Spelling mistake check and solve.
- Changed all date to 2027
- Banner button size change in smaller screen.
- Why Choose Us section icon responsive.
- Make Course section -- price responsive. Remove media qury from responsive.css file. Aplly styles in style.css.
- Make responsive gallery page img hover.Remove old and Write new style in style.css.Remove unnecessary media query.
- Make responsive Blog page. Changed in responsive.css and style.css file.
- About page instructor responsiveness changed in small screen.
- Changed blog titles.
- Home -- Watch us section video modal and button responsive. Changes made in style.css,index.html, main.js and responsive.css.
- Changed common overlay color for showing Breadcrumb text clear.
- Checked with html,css validator. Found error and solve.
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