Ingatlan – Ingatlan és ingatlan Joomla 4 és Joomla 5 sablon
MonsterONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

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##April 2023 Joomla and Extensions Updated. Carousel conflict issue was fixed on Joomla 4 version Legacy Code removed Improved Loading time
##April 2024 Joomla 5 and SPPB 5 Support added. All known issues fixed PHP 8.2 support added Font Awesome 6 Conflict fixed Offcanvas Menu issue fixed
4 Reviews for this product
The installation using the quick install was seamless. I love discovering how Page Builder works. It makes it so much easier to customize the template. I reached out to the author with a question on how to do something and received a reply that day. They've been very helpful and I'm very pleased I purchased this template from them. Will definitely look to PoetsOfCode for future templates.
thanks a lot :)
O tema Joomla para administração de imóveis que adquiri apresenta um layout totalmente responsivo, leve e visualmente impressionante. Através dele, pude construir uma presença digital robusta para a imobiliária na web. O site tem funcionado de forma excelente ao longo dos dois anos de uso, sem apresentar problemas significativos. A experiência com os recursos do tema Imóveis e Propriedades tem sido predominantemente positiva.
A única ressalva é a ausência do recurso de imóveis semelhantes. Essa funcionalidade é crucial para oferecer alternativas aos clientes que não se interessam pelo imóvel inicial. Embora exista a possibilidade de o recurso estar presente no painel administrativo, não consegui localizá-lo. A falta de um suporte dinâmico por parte do desenvolvedor da extensão impediu a resolução dessa questão.
Apesar desse ponto, o tema é de alta qualidade e considero a compra um excelente investimento.
Thank You Sir
Love the SP Page Builder Pro program from Joomshaper that is imbedded in this template. Very easy to learn and heaps of online tutorials form the makers. Well laid out template with heaps of features. Contact form creation is another big plus for this site for me. I modified it to use with a shade and sail company and it suited this perfectly, so not for real-estate.
Disliked the off-line landing page. Had to email creator to see how to change this as not in documents. Documentation is light on but workable.
Thanks a lot :)
This template is pretty easy to use for me as a first time Joomla user. I did have to connect with the developer to help with the install, but they were quick to respond and helped me get installed quickly!
thanks a lot :)
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