MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

使用我们的 WooCommerce 音乐商店主题构建包含免版税曲目的在线目录
有很多人每天为我们制作精彩的视频。他们需要独特且优质的音乐来完成他们的项目。如果您有东西可以提供给他们,那么就来认识一下这个全新的 WooCommerce 音乐商店主题,该主题旨在与用户分享数千首曲目。
基于 Elementor 并包含一组高级附加组件,它的广泛功能会给您留下深刻的印象。您将在那里找到产品页面和单个产品页面。您可以在那里描述您的物品并让访客熟悉它们。客户可以将所需的曲目添加到购物车并创建自己的帐户来检查订单。
3 Reviews for this product
Had some problems, support seem to solve some of the things, but had to fix some minor bugs myself. Overall not bad.
This professional-looking design is perfect for what we were looking for! Easy to set-up, and integrated well with the plug-ins I needed to use.
This template, works very good, and acomplished all my requirements. Good work.
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