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shoppingBag 减价出售: 60


Created: 2017年1月19日

Updated: 2017年1月19日

ID: 62081

MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

500k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 1Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 2Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 3Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 4Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 5Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 6Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 7Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 8Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 9Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 10Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 11Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 12Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 13Delveti-水暖用品Magento主题 - Features Image 14
如果浴室设备以及与之相关的任何东西是您的职业,我们为您提供了一些特别的东西! Plumbing Supply Magento 主题是每个管道装置、卫生设备和水管工用品店主的梦想。该设计采用最舒缓的颜色,没有任何俗气的元素会分散参观者的购买注意力。 MegaMenu可以根据您的需要变得复杂。您可以添加不同类型的内容以有效推广您的产品。滑块和旋转木马将像其他任何东西一样展示您的热门商品。由于该工具的响应特性,用户只需轻触一下即可浏览项目。 Ajax 愿望清单Ajax 比较将对您的访问者有用。他们可以保存所需的产品以供以后参考,并在做出决定之前进行比较。智能产品标签可以轻松推送购买,用它们来突出热门优惠。该主题配备了方便的TM 模块。您不必单独购买它们来增强您的网站。使用 Plumbing Supply Magento 主题节省您的时间和金钱,瞬间建立一个用户友好的在线商店。


TemplateMonster 是一个市场,您作为设计师或开发人员可以在这里出售您的网页设计软件、网站模板、设计元素、插件和扩展。成为数字产品供应商,每笔销售可赚取高达 70% 的佣金。

这个 Plumbing Magento 设计模板是搜索引擎友好的




SEO 可以使其成为搜索引擎结果的顶部,并匹配最流行的搜索引擎所需的排名因素。因此,您的网站在网络上可见。

在这里查找最新的搜索引擎友好的 Magento 设计模板

该商业公司 Magento 设计支持 Retina




Retina Ready 设计使所有照片和内容显得更清晰、更明亮、更生动。

在这里找到更多Retina Ready Magento 设计主题

这是 Bootstrap Plumbing Magento 模板


Bootstrap 是一个用于生成在线页面的开源框架。


通过使用 Bootstrap,您可以通过基于 HTML 和 CSS 的版式、字体、表单、按钮、表格等设计模板来开发完全响应式网页设计。

这里有新鲜的Bootstrap Magento 模板

此维护设施服务 Magento 设计主题是响应式


响应式设计是一种网站设计方法,允许网页适应任何设备的屏幕分辨率 - 无论是个人电脑、笔记本电脑还是移动设备。



这里有新鲜的响应式 Magento 设计主题

7 Reviews for this product

Great template, very easy to use and not complicated. There was so many good choices and we finally chose this one after having 5 open that we liked. It is perfect for online retailers and user friendly. So customers should not find it difficult to navigate through the pages. The template loads fast and easy to install. Template monster also offer fantastic customer service, spoke to someone through online chat and they very extremely helpful. Will be getting another template from you guys! Thank you very much
Great eCommerce platform ideal for my protect and on the latest engine, lads a great help also
I have been using the themes from templatemonster for several years now. These are always qualitative themes! and I have not mentioned here the customer support I get! With the smallest question I can immediately turn to support and here I also get a top answer with which I can immediately get started! The last purchase I made was this theme! again a super quality purchase done via templatemontser. the whole team deserves a 10+ of me !! keep up the good work!!
Delveti turned out to be a great theme so far. The design is very well made and the layout is perfect. Instalation was simple as always with templatemonster themes. So far I havent encountered any major bugs but I am certain that even if I did I know that templatemonster customer support would be fast at responding with a fix. The theme is very customizable. I recomend it to anyone lookig for a eye catching design. Thanks for everything !
Greate template !! I had some problems at the beginning, but the professional help desk solved that in no time.

0 Comments for this product


Guru Author

Customer Support

4.1 /5
Support rating (277 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 52
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.



水暖, 服务, 商业与服务

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MySQL 5.6
PHP extensions: bc-math, curl, gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both, intl, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, openssl, PDO/MySQL, SimpleXML, soap, xml, xsl, zip
Extensions for PHP 7: json, iconv
PHP OPcache
Adobe Photoshop CC+ Adobe Photoshop CC+
Sublime Text2或其他版本, Notepad++或任何PHP编辑器
为了解压缩模板的ZIP压缩包: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.6
MySQL 5.7 MySQL 5.7
PHP 7.2.x PHP 7.2.x
PHP 7.1.3+ PHP 7.1.3+