MonsterONE - 无限制下载 $12.40/月

Lintense是由 Zemez 设计的一款功能丰富的一体化登陆页面模板。它在初始版本中包含 33 个独特且设计精美的登陆页面,Lintense 保证一流的性能和 SEO 优化。通过这种一体化的登陆页面设计,您可以获得各种基于 HTML5 和 Bootstrap 5 的完全响应式利基页面。现在它最适合:
- 公司的
- 搜索引擎优化代理
- 一项产品展示
- 移动应用程序
- 晋升
- 数字代理
- 课程
- 电子书
- 医生
- 医疗的
- 托管
- 房地产
- 圣诞节
- 圣诞节
- 运输
- 个人页面
- 广告代理
- 弹出窗口
- 招聘机构
- 保险代理机构
- 理财顾问
- 慈善与捐赠
- 维修服务
- 瑜伽活动
- 法律咨询
- 摄影师作品集
- 篮球
- 算命先生
- 宗教
- 手机维修服务
- 健康
- 商业咨询
- 建筑服务
一体化登陆页面还包括Novi Builder - 一种现代化的解决方案,允许任何人在没有任何 Web 开发知识的情况下启动其网站。我们将定期更新 Lintense,提供新的登陆页面和有用的功能。更重要的是,我们将添加新的插件,使您的网站对客户更具吸引力。
我们的专业支持服务24/5 全天候提供服务,帮助您解决所有问题或回答您对 Lintense 一体化登陆页面模板的任何疑问。立即了解 Lintense,以增加您网站的销售线索,并通过卓越的设计和卓越的功能和优化给您的客户留下深刻的印象。
请注意,该模板包中不包含 .psd 文件。
Lintense Version 3.0 (April 28, 2023):
- ADD: new theme Business Consulting;
- ADD: new theme Construction Services;
UPD Lintense childs:
- ADD: Pooper.js 2.9.2 to 2.11.5;
- UPD: Bootstrap 5.0.1 to 5.2.0;
- UPD: PHPMailer 5.2.9 to 6.5.5;
- UPD: Swiper Slider 5.1.3 to 8.4.6;
- FIX: CSS styles;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Lintense Version 2.18 (November 28, 2022):
- ADD: new theme Fitness;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.17 (November 30, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Mobile Repair Service;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.16 (September 30, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Religious;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.15 (August 31, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Fortune Teller;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.14 (July 30, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Basketball;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.13 (June 30, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Photographer portfolio;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.12 (May 31, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Law Consulting;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.11 (April 30, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Yoga Event;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.10 (March 31, 2021):
- ADD: new theme Repair Services;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.9 (November 30, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Charity and donation;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.8 (October 30, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Financial adviser;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.7 (September 25, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Insurance Agency;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.6 (September 11, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Recruitment Agency;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.5 (August 21, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Advertising Agency;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.4 (July 22, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Personal portfolio;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.3 (June 11, 2020):
- ADD: Course, Clinic, Delivery and Real Estate popup set;
- UPD: Transferred to component methodology of web development;
- UPD: Global code cleaning and optimization;
- UPD: Preloader;
- UPD: RD Mailform initialization;
- UPD: RD Navbar initialization;
- UPD: Owl carousel initialization;
- UPD: Swiper initialization;
- UPD: Count To initialization;
- UPD: Countdown initialization;
- UPD: Animate initialization;
- UPD: Lightgallery initialization;
- UPD: Vide initialization;
- UPD: Material Parallax initialization;
- UPD: Google map initialization;
- UPD: Modal initialization;
- FIX: Pug bug fixes;
- FIX: SCSS bug fixes;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Lintense Version 2.2 (May 15, 2020):
- ADDitions (child course, e-book, product popup set):
- UPD: Transferred to component methodology of web development;
- UPD: Global code cleaning and optimization;
- UPD: Preloader;
- UPD: RD Mailform initialization;
- UPD: RD Navbar initialization;
- UPD: Owl carousel initialization;
- UPD: Count To initialization;
- UPD: Animate initialization;
- UPD: Modal initialization;
- FIX: Pug bug fixes;
- FIX: SCSS bug fixes;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Lintense Version 2.1 (March 30, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Travel;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 2.0 (February 28, 2020)::
- ADDitions (lintense-corporate.html, lintense-seo.html, lintense-digital-agency.html, lintense-promotion.html, lintense-seo.html, lintense-one-product.html):
- UPD: Transferred to component methodology of web development;
- UPD: Global code cleaning and optimization;
- UPD: Swiper to v5.2.0;
- UPD: Lightgallery to v1.6.12;
- UPD: Preloader;
- UPD: RD Mailform initialization;
- UPD: RD Navbar initialization;
- UPD: Owl carousel initialization;
- UPD: Material Parallax initialization;
- UPD: Count To initialization;
- UPD: Animate initialization;
- UPD: Modal initialization;
- FIX: Pug bug fixes;
- FIX: SCSS bug fixes;
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Lintense Version 1.11 (January 29, 2020):
- ADD: new theme Popups;
- ADD: new presets for Novi;
- UPD: Novi Builder v 0.9.8.
Lintense Version 1.10 (December 10, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Transportation;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.9 (November 27, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Christmas Day;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.8 (November 18, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Christmas;
- ADD: new presets for Novi;
- UPD: Novi Builder v 0.9.7.
Lintense Version 1.7 (November 06, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Real Estate;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.6 (October 23, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Hosting;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.5.1 (October 18, 2019):
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
Lintense Version 1.5 (October 08, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Medical;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.4 (September 23, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Doctor;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.3 (September 12, 2019):
- ADD: new theme E-book;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.2 (September 03, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Course;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.1 (August 19, 2019):
- ADD: new theme Digital Agency;
- ADD: new presets for Novi.
Lintense Version 1.0 (August 8, 2019):
- Initial release.
11 Reviews for this product
This is my first time buying a template on templatemonster, before download this template, i think i will take some days to build the site, but after i read the documentation and try to build my site, i found it is quickly and easy to use, this save my days, and really updated my knowledge.
Do not buy this junk! All of the templates presets are separate and if you want any assistance from Template Monster/ Zamez / Novi they don't assist at all. Rather spend your money towards something useful. So glad I didn't buy the $75 option, due to lack of support I won't recommend or buy any Novi or even TemplateMonster theme's ever. Rather go to another site that has decent support and that actually helps you.
Dear Rehan, please accept our sincere apologies that the template editing caused you difficulties. We found your ticket in our system TICKET ID LXY-654-92145 and replied to you on the 8th of September. Kindly reply to us back with access details so we will be able to help you. Also, we have the chat where you can get assistance from our specialists online:
Please I need to know how to activate popups and contdowns, I can't find tutorials, I need your help
You are limited to the options that they give you.
When I tried adjusting some divs, or putting an image where they didn't have one, the page didn't cooperate.
I asked for help and they said it would be a paid request.
So just be prepared to use exactly what you see.
Hi there, Devorah! Please accept our sincere apologies that the template caused you difficulties. Unfortunately, we have not managed to find any support requests from you regarding the issues with this template. We would appreciate it if you contact us and share more information about the difficulties you faced, we will do our best to assist you with any questions. Kindly submit a request to your TM account. We would be glad to help with the issues! Look forward to your reply!
awesome template, good job definitely on all of these designs
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