Agricultural Biosciences (M.Sc.)
Das Studium "Agricultural Biosciences" an der staatlichen "TUM - TU München" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Der Standort des Studiums ist Freising. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 12 Mal bewertet. Dabei hat es im Durchschnitt 4.0 Sterne erhalten und liegt somit im Bewertungsdurchschnitt der Universität (4.0 Sterne, 2932 Bewertungen im Rating). Besonders gut wurden die Kategorien Studieninhalte, Dozenten und Ausstattung bewertet.
A universe of novel encounters
The curriculum is the most important item. There are many different course selections available, which is really grateful. The course concentrates on agricultural topics, which are important nowadays. The instructors are really helpful, and their style of instruction is quite clear. Additionally, they offer seminar possibilities, and registering for a course is simple and includes a brief synopsis of the specific course that was selected. They also give it their...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen
Diversity in opportunities
The course provides such a vast variety of subjects that it allows you to choose the path for ones own future. The course gives one enough inspiration to choose their future aspiration. It has enough courses to change their field of choice even after masters.
Nurturing Innovation: My Journey in Agri Bio
Throughout my studies in Agricultural Biosciences, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationships between agriculture, biology, and technology. I have been actively involved in research projects focusing on sustainable farming practices, crop improvement through genetic modification, and the use of biotechnology to enhance food security.
One of the most rewarding experiences was working on a project that not only honed my laboratory skills but also deepened...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen
Important documents such as course syllabi, academic calendars, and policies are readily available through the university's online portal. This ensures transparency and accessibility for students, enabling them to stay informed and organized throughout their academic journey.
Absolutely, the university has implemented an efficient online registration system for seminars, lectures, and other academic events. This streamlines the registration process, allowing students to sign up for desired sessions with ease and convenience, thus optimizing their participation in extracurricular and academic activities.
Professors and lecturers are highly accessible online, fostering a culture of open communication and support. Whether through email, virtual office hours, or dedicated communication platforms, such as learning management systems or messaging apps, instructors actively engage with students to address queries, provide feedback, and offer guidance. This accessibility strengthens the student-teacher relationship and enhances the overall learning experience.
Exploration of differs possibilities in the area
Being part of this journey is a full of exposure to the unexpected parts of science in agriculture and animal science . This course motivate to be part of research and development field of life science and Develop the technology related to it .
It is a nice environment to enhance your ability in the molecular level of life science.
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