A light lab creating spectroscopic, thermal, and materials solutions.
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Shuhang’s work focused on understanding stress in through silicon vias (TSVs) was just recognized as the featured "Cover Article" of the Journal of Applied Physics. TSVs are vertical wires that act as "charge elevators" that are being increasingly employed in 3D system architectures. Shuhang imaged the stress that develops in the silicon surrounding these wires and provided a new "back of envelope" model allowing for its prediction.
Thomas was named an associate editor for the Journal of Applied Physics where he will be focusing on manuscripts associated with thermal physics, optical characterization, and low-dimensional materials.
Specere spent the week[end] working with Jon Ihlefeld’s group from the U. of Virginia at the National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II) hunting O-vacancies in HZO. Great time at “science camp” with (L to R) Jon, Thomas, Liron, Gabby, YK, and Fernando.