Tamara Lazic Strugar, MD, at right, reviewing her graphic novel about sun protection with the family, who inspired the characters of Mia, “Dad” and Luka. Photos by Natalija Miladinovic
When New York City dermatologist Tamara Lazic Strugar, MD, was diagnosed with stage IV cancer in 2022, it spurred her to pursue a dream: to take time off and collaborate on a creative project with her two children to promote the importance of sun protection.
Tamara Lazic Strugar, MD, had spoken the word “cancer” countless times. As an associate clinical professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, she had taught the ins and outs of skin cancer to dermatology residents and medical students for more than a decade. As a medical dermatologist in Midtown Manhattan, she had told many patients that they were diagnosed with skin cancer. She had never imagined, though, that she would hear the “c” word applied to herself. In the spring of 2022, when she learned that she had stage IV colon cancer, it changed everything.
Dr. Lazic had always been sensitive with patients, she says, about how she delivered the news of a skin cancer diagnosis, whether it was an early basal cell carcinoma or a potentially life-threatening melanoma. She knew that hearing it could be shocking and scary. When her own cancer struck, she says, “I started paying more attention to what patients go through with skin cancer.” It shifted her perspective and motivated her.
“I had been wanting to write children’s books regarding skin health, but I had no free time while seeing 40 patients a day. It was just impossible. So when my diagnosis happened, I said, ‘You know what? Now is the time.’” She talked with her husband (a neurosurgeon affiliated with Yale) and their two kids, Mia, now 10, and Luka, 12, who agreed to help. She took a leave of absence from her practice to focus first on her treatment, including multiple surgeries and 24 rounds of four types of chemotherapy over the next 12 months. In between, when she felt well enough, she began to create a series of illustrated graphic novels called Skinventurez. She designated the first, The Sunscreaming Summer, to focus (among the escapades) on sun protection.
“My big idea was to leave a legacy for my profession — and for my family,” she says. “So I decided to make my family members the characters. The kids loved it and let me use their names.” Dr. Lazic at times felt like having cancer was a full-time job, with research, appointments and treatments, but she did have some free time while the kids were in school. She dove in and decided she wanted to keep control over the project and get it done as quickly as possible by self-publishing.
Mia and Luka helped Dr. Lazic come up with the storyline. They helped her make sure the plot and language would resonate with kids their age, or “at least those who might consider reading it,” said Luka. The story takes place in and around New York City, and the characters and their friends have fun while they learn a few things the hard way (including how brutal a sunburn can be.)
Dr. Lazic grew up in war-torn Serbia, so she researched and found a Serbian illustrator for the book, who captured just the style she wanted. The book was published in July 2023 after about a year of work, plus a website she named Skinventurez to go with it. “I wanted to start with skin cancer prevention as the focus of the first book, by educating young individuals from early on, which is really the time to intervene, she says. “It has brought me so much joy while fighting this very tough battle.”
Her next goal was to translate the book into Serbian and Croatian. “One of my main driving forces in life has been the love for my homeland of Serbia and working toward making my country proud,” she says. “It was a difficult process navigating the bureaucracy of it all from thousands of miles away and while not feeling well, but it all came together, and it was published in both countries in 2024.”
Since this article was written, Dr. Lazic has struggled with new metastasis in her liver: “I first cried it out. I couldn’t even speak, I was in so much shock. Then I composed myself and told the family. They know I will not keep information from them, and knowing the truth makes it much less scary for them.”

Learning to cope with advanced cancer, Dr. Lazic says, “I just take it one step at a time, day by day.”
Her treatment options are limited and have a poorer prognosis because of the genetic type of her cancer. She has undergone chemotherapy and also researches clinical trials and experimental therapies. She is currently hoping to find a live donor match for a liver transplant. No matter what, she stays hopeful: “I need to stay alive until my cure comes along.”
In the meantime, she is focusing on her projects, her family and their time together. She has continued to write, and her second children’s graphic novel, about warts, witches and Halloween, called Wart-o-ween, was published in October 2024. She says, “My hope is to help kids feel comfortable in their own skin.”
“I’m still learning how to become comfortable with my own uncertainty. I can’t really plan anything ahead of time. While it’s easier said than done, I am learning to live with less fear and to just live life to the fullest.”