Free Sun Safety Education Programs

The Skin Cancer Foundation has developed the free Sun Smart U education program to help teachers expose students to the importance of sun protection and give them the tools they need to prevent skin cancer.
Sun Smart U is consistent with the CDC’s National Health Education Standards for middle school and high school students. The interactive lesson plan features true stories from young skin cancer survivors, medically reviewed Prevention Guidelines, handouts and activities, and can be taught in one or two class periods. Sun Smart U is available in a variety of formats.
We also have a number of educational posters available in our online store. These posters are great to hang in your classroom, community center or workplace.
Register Now to Download the Course Materials

A program for member dermatologists. The Skin Cancer Foundation is encouraging dermatologists and beauty professionals to work together through an education program called Heads Up! The skin cancer awareness program provides beauty professionals, including hair stylists and aestheticians, with tips on what to look for, and how to speak to their clients if they spot a suspicious lesion.
Heads Up! enlists dermatologists to host beauty professionals for an educational event where they will learn about skin cancer and its warning signs. Since early detection is critical, the Heads Up! program ensures that this group of first responders will be prepared to give a “heads up” to their clients if they see something suspicious and encourage them to visit a dermatologist in a timely manner.
Program Materials for Dermatologists
- Heads Up! PowerPoint Presentation: A brief and easy-to-understand guide to discovering suspicious lesions and how to communicate to beauty clients about this.
- Heads Up! Script: A suggested script that coincides with the PowerPoint presentation.
- How to Guide: Includes tips on how to host a successful event.
- Event Invitation Template
- Program Participation Certificate
Heads Up! was developed by Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD, President of The Skin Cancer Foundation. In 2012, Dr. Sarnoff was alerted by a beauty professional at her salon to a suspicious lesion on her head. Though a biopsy showed the lesion to be benign, the experience made her realize the important role beauty professionals play in spotting potential skin cancers.