Teamfight Tactics Patch TFT13.7 Notes - Worlds Meta Locked In

The TFT Set 13 championship is upon us and with it, a very light patch for players playing in the TFT Into the Arcane Tacticians Crown.
Riot Games

We are officially on the home stretch of the 13th Teamfight Tactics expansion, TFT: Into the Arcane as Patch TFT13.7 is the update in which the TFT Into the Arcane World Championship, also known as the TFT Into the Arcane Tactcian’s Crown is being played on. 

Because of this, all the changes to the game are very minor as the goal is to keep the current metagame in as stable a spot as possible. However, important changes in the patch may create new strategies for both pro players and ranked grinders to take advantage of.

With that said, a massive “for fun” patch will be coming out with Patch TFT13.8, which will also likely include a sneak-peek of what is to come in the TFT Set 14, which is scheduled to come out at the beginning of April.

Here are all the updates coming to Patch TFT13.7 which hits live servers on Wednesday, March 5. 


There is only a single trait being touched in Patch TFT13.7 and that is a buff to Conqueror which is seeing its scaling power increased per cash out to incentivize players wanting to get into the trait in the early game as it will now scale better in the late. 

  • Conqueror Stat Increase per cash out: 5% to 8%


While the metagame has been stable for a while now, some of the more underutalizies champions are seeing some last minute touch-ups in order to give players something new to adapt to instead of keeping the meta stale. 

As for the champions to keep an eye on, Vex is getting double buffs which might make her a more enticing option in Visionary and Rebel compositions. Gangplank is getting a mana buff in his Melee form which along with an Elise damage buff could create new possibilities for the Form Swapper comp. 

  • Vex Ability Damage: 220/330/550/770 to 240/360/580/800
  • Vex Ability Secondary Damage: 110/165/275/385 to 120/180/290/400
  • Camille AD: 52 to 55
  • Ziggs Primary Ability Damage: 180/270/450 to 180/270/480
  • Gangplank (Melee) Mana buff: 0/60 to 0/50
  • Nunu & Willump Mana buff: 60/125 to 50/100
  • Swain (Melee) Heal Per Second: 70/90/125 to 70/95/145
  • Elise (Ranged) Ability Damage: 220/330/1000 to 250/375/1200
  • Jinx Death Rocket AP Damage: 60/90/300 to 100/100/300
  • Malzahar Mana buff: 30/95 to 30/90


No nerfs in the Augment department in Patch TFT13.7 as there have not been any outliers that have needed to be addressed. With that said, there are a decent number of Augment buffs coming in order to shake up the amount of viable strategies players can pursue.

Some of the notable buffs to augments includes Warwick's "What You Really Are" augment which is getting its player damage to activate threshold lowered pretty significiantly which could lead to an increased pick rate.

Warwick's augment is getting buffed in Patch TFT13.7
Riot Games
  •  Backup Attack Speed: 10% to 12%
  •  Glass Cannon I Damage Amp: 12% to 15%
  •  Mad Chemist (Singed) Ability Damage: 140/210/315/420 to 155/235/350/470
  •  Forbidden Magic AD Per Stack: 2% to 3%, HP Per Stack: 10 to 15
  •  Trait: Sisters Jinx Attack Speed Buff: 75% to 80%
  •  Trait: Sisters Both Buff Duration: 7 to 10 sec
  •  Glorious Evolution (Viktor) Upgrades Required: 6 to 4
  •  Golden Egg: some of the loot tables have increased in value
  •  Wand Overflow Attack Speed Per Rod: 4% to 5%
  •  What You Really Are (Warwick) Player Damage required: 35 to 20
  •  What You Really Are (Warwick) Double-Up Player Damage required: 20 to 12

Bug Fixes

Only three bug fixes are reported in Patch TFT13.7. All of them are essentially edge cases but had some extreme outcomes. So to prevent these being abused in the TFT Into the Arcane Tacticians Crown, they are being cleaned up. 

  • Scrapped treasure: Scrap units holding a Radiant Thief’s Gloves count as holding 2 items,not 6.
  • Mana gained from post-mitigation damage can no longer overflow.
  • Lucky bench-warmers: Lucky Gloves now works on benched units.

Esports Impact

TFT Set 13 has been the most balanced set in the game's history, so the patches have been on the smaller side throughout the set. That, combined with the fact that Worlds is being played on this patch, makes this patch particularly small in an attempt to not disrupt that balance. 

With that said, even the smallest changes could have a big impact on the metagame as the perception of something that is good or bad has proven to dictate meta swings so while the patch itself is small and the changes are even smaller, don't be surprised to see some strategies that have not been seen before rise to prominence at the TFT Into the Arcane Tacticians Crown.   

