Photography & Recording Policy
SfN is committed to honoring the rights of copyright owners and to respectful sharing of scientific research and data. Attendees at SfN-sponsored scientific meetings or events are expected to adhere to this policy. In response to a changing culture, SfN will now permit photography and recording during scientific meetings and events within the boundaries discussed in the following policy.
- Presenters and exhibitors at SfN-sponsored scientific meetings and events will have the option to license their presentation material to attendees, and to SfN, to copy, distribute, display, build upon, and perform the work and make derivative works and remixes based on it only if they give the author or licensor (presenter) the credits (attribution) in the manner specified under a Creative Commons Attribution + Noncommercial + ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (
- Presenters and exhibitors will be invited to display a set of icons to indicate to the audience whether or not photography/recording of the poster, presentation, or exhibit booth and sharing/remixing of the material is permitted. To aid in this process, SfN has provided presenters with a digital graphic to incorporate into their slides/poster or to print and display. If you are presenting, use the links below to access the appropriate icon. The image will open in a new window. Right click on the image and select "save image as" to download. Hard copies will also be available on the poster floor.
- Camera with an X: Photography/recording/sharing/remixing/derivative works of the material are prohibited. All rights are reserved.
- CCBY-NC-SA icon/Camera with a Checkmark: Photography/recording of the material is permitted. Sharing and remixing are permitted with appropriate attribution as stated in CCBY-NC-SA 4.0 International, subject to commercial patents and trademarks, when applicable.
- In the absence of a visible image/sign, photography, video and audio recording, and all other forms of recording of a presentation, poster, or exhibit booth are prohibited.
- Presenters are expected to obtain permissions from all co-authors before choosing the level of capturing and sharing allowed of the work described in the presentation. If all co-authors do not agree, the presentation must be marked as the Camera with an X. Displaying the CCBY icon will indicate that permissions have been obtained from all authors.
- Attendee photography and recording of presentations and exhibits should not be disruptive. Flash photography is not permitted. Devices should be handheld. Large cameras and other equipment such as tripods, monopods, etc. are prohibited in session rooms and the exhibit hall.
- SfN expects that all attendees will honor the request of the presenter or exhibitor as a matter of scientific and professional courtesy. In the event of an allegation of noncompliance with this policy at an SfN-organized scientific event, SfN will receive a complaint and will refer reports of violations by an attendee to the attendee’s organization for its review and handling. SfN staff or security personnel will not police or actively enforce noncompliance.