Skin Cancer
About skin cancer

About skin cancer
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer among both men and women. It’s diagnosed more often in the United States than all other cancers combined, and the diagnosis rate is increasing. Fortunately, when found early, skin cancer treatment can be very successful.
Scripps Cancer Center treats more skin cancer patients than any other San Diego health care provider, including treating rare and aggressive cancers. Scripps dermatologists and cancer physicians are national leaders in Mohs micrographic surgery, the most common treatment for aggressive skin cancer, and have performed more Mohs procedures than any other center in southern California. In addition, we train physicians nationwide through the Scripps Mohs fellowship program.
Scripps also was the first San Diego health care provider to use interferon to treat basal cell carcinomas. Our specialists are experts in all types of skin cancer, including difficult cases involving intricate areas and cosmetic reconstruction. Our multidisciplinary, collaborative board of cancer specialists reviews complex care plans to ensure patients receive the best possible care from diagnosis to recovery.
Types of skin cancer
There are several types of skin cancer. Each type is determined by the cells in which it begins.