Cultural baby chicks, park suits and packed lunches

How can we ensure national dissemination of performing arts to kindergarten children?

All children, including those under school age, have the right to experience art and culture. However, it depends on where the children live whether they receive cultural services in kindergarten. There are many different local delivery models for this target group, but no national scheme that ensures equal access to art and culture for all. 

Unge Viken Theatre , Tigerstad Theatre , Kulturtanken and Scenekunstbruket invites artists, institutions, kindergarten employees and decision-makers to a roundtable discussion to discuss how a national dissemination model for 3-6 year olds can be organized and financed.

Time : 08:45 – 11:30
Place : Bikuben, Det norske teatret

Magic in the middle of the day?

During school time, all children and young people in the country encounter art experiences. Art experiences are influenced by how they are received and talked about. How can we ensure that children and young people's encounters with performing arts during school time are characterized by competence and curiosity?

There are many people who influence the experience of performing arts; student organizers, teachers who host the performances and talk to the students afterwards, parents who hear the children talk about what they have experienced. All of these voices help shape the experience itself. Media portrayals and the general attitude towards art also play a role.

Art and culture are under increasing pressure, and we need more than ever to increase the general competence in reflection and conversation about the performing arts.

In the panel you will meet Johannes Hafnor, a research fellow at UiA, who researches film communication and The Cultural School Bag, in conversation with a student teacher, a performing artist and a representative of Unge stemmer . The conversation is led by Nora Evensen, theatre director at Brageteatret .

Time : 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Place : Bikuben, Det Norske teatret

Kitchen table conversation with young voices

Youth in an informal kitchen table conversation about the performing arts. Here, the youth set the terms!

Young Voices was established in 2012 and, in addition to an annual editorial team at the Showbox festival, has collaborated with festivals and schools in several places in the country. Now the project has received support from the Sparebankstiftelsen and will become a year-round project, with two pilot editorial teams in Greater Oslo and Østfold. Scenekunstbruket is collaborating with Østfold International Theatre , Brageteatret and Kloden Teater on recruiting young people, as well as on subject content. The editorial teams, which will consist of young people between the ages of 15 and 19, will publish art criticism in various forms – from text and podcasts to videos – on the relaunched website .

Time: 15:15 – 16:00
Place : Bikuben, Det Norske teatret